Conservation Commission Minutes 12.15.15

Bradford Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2015, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish

Secretary’s Draft Report: The meeting minutes of 11/17/15 were reviewed, and accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported that our portion of the 2015 Current Use Penalty Tax has been received and applied to the Land Protection Fund account.

Warner River Protective Designation Program: The 11/18/15 meeting was attended by our representative Scott.   The next meeting is Wednesday 12/16/2015, and will focus on historical activities along the Warner River.

2015 NH Wildlife Action Plan Workshop: An informative session on using the new updated Wildlife Action Plan will be held on Thursday January 14, 2016 from 6pm-7:30pm at the NH Fish and Game  conference room in Concord.

Planning Board Meeting December 2015: Ann, George and Seth attended the recent public hearing for Map 3/Lot 89 (the ‘oxbow’ lot).  Revised plans were presented for the firewood/hardscape business on Rte. 103.  Our representatives expressed concerns regarding the impact on the floodplain, buffers to the wetlands, and possible increase in flooding in the area, and stressed the importance of a survey by a licensed wetlands scientist. The Board voted to deny approval of the application as presented; the applicants may now go to the ZBA for a variance to the buffer provisions.

Conservation Project: A potential conservation area encompassing a section of Bradford and Hillsborough is being discussed; Ann has contacted the Hillsborough Conservation Commission.

Natural Resources Inventory Synopsis: The next chapter to be submitted to the Bridge will be Trails and Recreation.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary