Conservation Commission Minutes 12.18.12

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J. Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish
Secretary’s Report: amendments made to 11/20/12 meeting:
-Member’s Present: G. Beaton, S. Benowitz, N. Bruss, M. Fearnley, P. Furness, B. McCandlish
-Bradford Pines wooden trail signs have been made, but not yet erected.
-Battles Farm full moon snowshoe hike will take place January 25, 26, or 27, 2013.
The amended report was accepted.
Treasurer’s Report:  the BCC budget was accepted by the Selectmen, and will be presented to the Budget Committee for review. Meg reported $1.31 interest earned.  Report accepted.
Blitzer Easement Hike: Amy has granted permission for a public hike on the property sometime in the coming year.  Beth McGuinn has contacted Seth to determine when best to schedule the hike.
Jerry Gold (SKR Greenway) has expressed an interest in leading a hike in Bradford in the future.
Battles Farm full moon snowshoe hike will be publicized in the January Bridge.  Seth will make posters to help advertise the event.
Battles outer loop trail: Seth, George, and Ed have completed the laborious process of the initial clearing the previously flagged trail.  Appreciation was expressed for a great job.
Conservation Focus subcommittee: will be meeting sometime in the next few months to continue the work on prioritizing / identifying focus areas.
2012 Town Report: will be written by Ann, and the draft will be e-mailed to BCC members for review and response.
C. Carlson Lake property, Map 22, Lot 20, 0.37 acres:  in regards to the right of way Latvian pathway, Ann will investigate if this is wetlands ordinance issue.
Butman Road: An individual wants to purchase a town-owned lot on this unmaintained, right of way road.  Discussion ensued regarding the legality of building on a lot with no road frontage, and also about the potential problem of providing fire/police service on an impassable road.  Ann will research the assessor’s recommendations to use in composing our response to the Selectmen.
Build out analysis:  The BCC strongly recommends this analysis be done by the town, and is prepared to offer assistance with the process.
Natural Resource Inventory is complete!  Ann suggested submitting excerpts to the Bridge over the next few months to publicize, inform, and generate interest.  The NRI has been a long and laborious project accomplished by members of the Conservation Commission.  It was stated that the outsource cost of an NRI in some NH communities is upwards of $35,000.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at BML.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Patty Furness, Secretary