Conservation Commission Minutes 4.18.23

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
April 18, 2023, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Becca Herman, Scott MacLean and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 3/21/23 were reviewed. Meg made a motion to accept the report as read, Doug seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated the 2023 NH Association of Conservation Commissions membership dues have been paid.
Shoreland Protection Ordinance: A review was requested by the Planning Board. Rebecca and all members will review, and we will revisit the ordinance next month. The ordinance is scheduled to be adopted at the 2024 Town Meeting.
Election of BCC Officers: Due to lack of general enthusiasm from other members, Ann Eldridge was elected Chair, Meg Fearnley Treasurer, and Patty Furness Secretary.
Bradford Bog Cedar Regeneration Project: There will be a site walk and plot study by the UNH research team on Friday, April 21 at 1:30 pm. George and Patty will join to report back.
Erosion Concerns Chivers Property Breezy Hill Road: There is further earth moving activity along the Warner River, with the depositing of brush and debris along the shore. There are no erosion controls in place. DES has been notified once again, and Ken Millander of Warner River Land Advisory Committee has been contacted. This matter is of immediate concern.
Beavers Old Sutton Road: Landowner contacted Ann regarding beaver activity causing flooding on his property. Information was sent to him on available grants for beaver deceivers. Ann also informed him that BCC would be willing to write a letter of support in obtaining a grant if he desires.
Consolidation Pond Inquiry West Rd: Land owner would like to alleviate flooding of garden by trenching overflow and directing into a holding pond. Ann referred them to DES for guidance.
Twiggs Sawdust Piles: Concern from resident regarding sawdust piles on Twiggs site on Rte 103 along the oxbow of the Warner River, and potential risk involved of flooding of that area as has happened in the past. Ann will ask Brooks to speak to the owners of the operation.
Hoyt Brook Monitoring: Trout Unlimited is providing a grant of $5000 for equipment for this project to aid in data collection.
Center Road Wetland: Owner Rose of this property met with the Selectboard 3/27. Ann attended. Owner has brought in more fill around the house, and continues to deny it is a wetland area. Ann has written to DES, with no response. Ann referred the landowner to Ken Millander, for a hydrology input.
Memorandum of Understanding: The MOU has been approved by the Selectboard, with a minor change. Deadline for signing is 4/21/23, after which it will be given to Bill Gould.
Deer Valley Road Culvert: A grant is available for this project, and Harry Wright will help in writing it along with Ben Nugent of NH Fish and Game. BCC will provide a supportive letter.
Bradford Bog Native Bees: Alaina Bandanza will give a public presentation at the library this summer on the native bee species found at the Bog while performing research there last spring/summer, as well as the ecology of bees in our region. Time and date TBA.
Ausbon Sargent Outreach Committee: Scott gave a brief report on a recent meeting.
Bradford Pines Natural Area Signage: Seth will create new signs for the trails, including one to read ‘please leave all plants and animals in place where found’.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. The next meeting will be held May 16, 2023, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary