Selectmen’s Minutes 03.27.23

Select Board Meeting called to order at 4:01 pm

Roll Call: Marlene Freyler, Beth Downs, Mel Pfeifle (arrived at 4:06)

Also in attendance Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes

Minutes of March 13, 2023 will be reviewed at April 10th Meeting


Thomas Rose and Lauren Harrington — Co-owners 493 Center Road: Appeared to discuss the runoff from culverts on adjacent roadways. Their assessment of the excess water on the property is that it is a result of four deficient culverts. Ann Eldridge of the Conservation Commission who was in the audience was brought into the conversation. She said that the land had been mucky peat for decades.

Ms. Harrison had a complaint about threatening behavior when a Town employee trespassed on the property to take photographs. She wanted to know the rules and consequences in place for such behavior. The Board responded that there hasn’t been a problem and there are no specific rules. The Town will back its employees. She also had some comments about a situation unrelated to either of these topics.

The Select Board informed the couple that they should have their property assessed by a geohydrologist. If that plan indicates that there is something that could be solved by the Town, the Town will work with them.

Ann Eldridge – Conservation Commission: Ann appeared to have the Board sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Bradford and the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation. The memorandum gives permission for the Abenaki to harvest certain plants from the Bradford Bog. There will be a list of plants kept by the Abenaki and the harvest will be monitored by the Conservation Commission.

Ann also had a question for the Board on behalf of the Warner River Local Advisory Committee. The question had to do with the tree cutting the Town did at the Transfer Station in the proximity of the river. The response was that trees were cleared as part of a plan to investigate the property as a site from which the Town could make gravel.

Steve Hall – Road Agent: Steve appeared to discuss how to deal with complaints about muddy roads and enforcement of the weight limit on roads. Department heads will be discussing this topic in their monthly meeting.

Steve also had a question about the availability of grants and grant writers. The discussion centered around the need for a list of projects as grants often are awarded for specific purposes.

There was discussion of fixing the problem of multiple sink holes at the bridge on West Main near the Fire Station pond. The process is to get an engineering plan and a quote. A decision can then be made.

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature. Signed.

Town Hall Update: The project has been underway now for about 6 weeks. The project team meets weekly to discuss and resolve issues. The final part of the demolition phase was completed in early February. It included removing the tin ceiling on the first floor and removing asbestos on the east wall of the second-floor stage. To achieve fire code on the first floor, a layer of sheetrock will be installed between the tin ceiling and the lathe behind the original ceiling. The stewardship agreement we have with LCHIP requires we follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Thus, the tin ceiling will be rehung.

With demo complete, the interior framing has begun and the drawn plans have come to life. We were able to refine the location and height of the Town Clerk’s service windows making them more functional, shift an interior wall and expand a closet for greater storage. The plan for exterior windows has been under discussion. A sample of the proposed storm window was sent for our reference. The location of operable and in-operable windows is under review as well.

In preparation for the electricians’ arrival on site, the location of electric outlets and data cable connections were finalized. The plans for the doors and door hardware were reviewed with an eye to security and functionality. There will be a combination of doors with keyed locks and doors with swipe access. The lighting plan has also been reviewed and the number of fixtures reduced in some spaces. Lighting will be ample and warm, but not-overpowering.  

Lastly, the site plan is inching closer to finalization. There are many factors influencing the final plan – the location of the septic, the depth and placement of the sprinkler cisterns, a decision optimizing the underground electric feed to the building and lastly, the accessibility ramp.

Town Meeting Agenda: Discussion of who will answer questions when they arise.

New Business:

Electric Rates: Rates are dropping. They are currently at .10669 for 12 months. Watching for another couple of weeks.

Equalization Ratio: Now at 69.6%.  2022 ratio was 79.6%. The Board decided not to move forward with the revaluation this year. Go ahead with warrant article to raise money for 2025.

Rental of BACC: NFI North for May 20 to use for a Mental Health awareness event. Select Board approved. Deposit – $25 to be held and returned.

Health Officer/Emergency Management Director: Bruce Edwards has resigned as both Health Officer and Emergency Management Director effective April 1, 2023. The Board discussed appointing Bryan Nowell as Emergency Management Director. Further investigation is needed as to who might fill the Health Officer position. Pay has been less than $1000/year. Need to look at responsibilities and update.

Donate Life: The Board decided to support this initiative again.

Raffle Permit: Fish and Game Ham raffle. Selectmen signed permit.

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) at 5:48 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 6:09 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:09 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Upcoming meeting:  April 10, 2023

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Bigford