Conservation Commission Minutes 05.16.23

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
May 16, 2023, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Becca Herman, Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 4/18/2023 were reviewed. Meg made a motion to accept the report as read, Brooks seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Account activity included a contribution to the Ausbon Sargent/Bog Headlands Easement, as well as reimbursement to George for Bog boardwalk repair. Meg stated she will inquire with Marilyn, the town treasurer, about the possibility of a better CD interest rate.
Shoreline Protection Ordinance: Becca reviewed the proposed ordinance and voiced several concerns including agencies referenced, setback requirements, and septic system approval procedure . Becca suggested asking for assistance in interpretation and suggestions from the NH Shoreland Bureau, a hydrologist and/or the NH Association of Commissions, and she will contact these sources.
58 Davis Road Shoreland Permit Pursuit: Owner has plans for a house rebuild and off-site septic update on this 0.3 acre property. Concerns include the stream along the east edge of the property, as well as proximity to the lake. Shoreland approval is needed. Brooks will contact Bradford building inspector Walter regarding the need to go before the ZBA for a variance.
Bradford Bog Cedar Regeneration Study: Brooks reported on the 4/21 site walk. This UNH study is focused on not only regeneration, but also historical aspects of the bog. Young cedar are growing throughout the bog in certain areas.
Bradford Bog Native Bees Program: Alaina Bandanza will give a public presentation on native bee species found at the bog while performing research there this past spring and summer. It will take place at Brown Memorial Library on Saturday, June 10 from 10-11am.
Chivers Property Breezy Hill Road: There are continued erosion concerns due to the leveling of property to increase landing sites for the piles of logs stored there. Brooks and Ann will compose a letter to DES regarding a need for an Alteration of Terrain permit.
Twigs: A concerned citizen notified the DES 4/26/23 regarding the site of this business along Rte 103 being underwater due to flooding from rain. Twigs has 20 days to respond to the complaint.
NH Volunteer River Assessment Program Monitoring: There will be a training session Thursday, 4pm, at Sweet Beet.
Center Road Wetland Concerns: No new information from DES. The owner has added fill around the house, and erosion controls are in place. There are still piles of stuff present on the property.
Deer Valley Road Culvert Replacement: Harry Wright and Ben Nugent have offered to write the grant for this needed culvert replacement. Ann will write a supportive letter.
Adopt-a-Road: Doug reported there is continued degradation of Class VI roads, as evidenced by the annual reports, and that this should be mentioned to the PB with the next report, with questions if there are any plans of action that may be taken to relieve this.
Map Updates: Doug stressed the importance of indicating parking sites for any trailheads on the map. The new cost of the map update will be $100, to be voted on at the next meeting.
Bradford Pines Natural Area Signage: Many thanks to Seth and George for creation and installation of the signs along the trails which read ‘Please leave all plants and animals where you find them’. Sadly, George reported the demise of the NH State Champion White Pine at this site.
Turtle Program: Ann will contact the Exeter Conservation Commission regarding a turtle program that was recently offered there.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. The next meeting will be held Tuesday June 20, 2023, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary