Economic Development Committee Minutes 05.02.23

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.

Members present: Scott McCaskill, Chair, Kris Foss, Jim Bibbo, Mel Pfeifle, Matt Monahan

Absent: Joe Torro, Libby Webb

Guest: Kathleen Bigford, Energy Committee

Minutes & Members/Officers: The committee voted to approve the previous minutes. Motioned by Kris Foss, seconded by Mel Pfeifle

CEDS Project and Application Review:

The committee reviewed the projects previously discussed for submission for the upcoming CEDS process. The project application deadline was extended to May 15th. Matt confirmed that the application for the assessment and planning (Feasibility Study) for the Naughton property use and sidewalk project that Scott McCaskill submitted was received. Jim Bibbo confirmed that he dropped his off in person, and had submitted for the 2nd floor of the Town Hall for $50K. The committee requested that the amount be increased. The committee reviewed the process again for those absent at previous meetings and a discussion of submitting for current town projects followed. (Follow up: Mel Pfeifle, Karen Hambleton, Scott McCaskill, and Kris Foss will meet 5/9 to assure that applications are submitted for items already approved and part of the Capitol Improvement Project (CIP) so that submissions are not done in a vacuum and are a part of the town’s planning process)

Update: Kathleen Bigford – Energy Committee

Kathleen Bigford attended to give the EDC an update on the solar project the Energy Committee was exploring. At this time, due to a variety of cost and grid capacity issues, the Energy committee has decided against pursuing solar at this time. Instead, they are exploring Community Power. There are 10 municipalities in NH participating already and seeing a return in electricity rate savings for their residents. 

Further Discussion on Naughton Property: 

Kris Foss presented further about the potential use of the Naughton Property and presented a map of the downtown areas. She stressed that this needs to be an overall vision from the EDC and other town committees and boards that includes a wider look at the downtown area as a place where townspeople gather for shopping, recreation, community engagement and business. This is not a standalone project proposal from a foundation, but instead, a vision aligned with the town’s Master Plan and based on the evolving needs of the town.  Mel Pfeifle asked the group review the aquifers map so that we ensure to add this component to the map of the vision that was presented. The Woodward and Ellie James Foundation could be a partner and funder of parts of the plan, along with federal grants and other donations. The committee agreed to continue shaping the vision, in collaboration with other committees and Boards such as Parks and Recreation, Select and Planning Boards, Conservation Committee, Historic Society, and others, and with public input throughout the planning process. 

The meeting adjourned 7:30 pm

Next Meeting: June 6, 2023, 6-7 pm

Respectfully submitted by Kris Foss