Conservation Commission Special Meeting 02.08.22

Bradford Conversation Commission
Draft Minutes of Special Meeting
February 8, 2022 — 7 pm
Brown Memorial Library

Present: Ann Eldridge – Chair, Doug Southard, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish.

Conservation Opportunity:

The opportunity to protect an important conservation property, working with Ausbon Sargent Land Protection Trust, was discussed. Permanent protection of this property, which recently came on the market, would help provide connectivity between large unfragmented habitat blocks, and protect a key watershed and wetland system.

Moved by Doug: To pledge $15,000 from the Land Protection Fund to the permanent protection of this property. Seconded by Scott. The motion was unanimously approved by all present.

Further discussion of this project will be held at future Conservation Commission meetings as more information becomes available.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

Submitted by Brooks McCandlish