Economic Development Committee Minutes 03.07.24

The meeting started at 6:00 PM. Present were Scott McCaskill (Chair), Jim Bibbo (Vice Chair), Mel Pfeifle (Select Board representative), and Matt Monahan (CNHRPC) via Zoom.

A good part of the meeting was discussion of town budgets, both ours and those of other nearby towns, and how they differed, and how the levels of services differed. Bradford provides a higher level of services and, unsurprisingly, it costs more. We discussed how services could be cut, and whether they should be.

Later discussion turned to the signage project for the intersections on Route 103. Scott had circulated a design sketch that he had asked Clark Roberge to draw up. We discussed roughly how we might fund it. Scott will need to get a ballpark cost estimate from Clark. Matt mentioned some of the concerns that the state highway department might have, with us placing signs in the right of way.

Scott and Matt discussed a funding seminar that both had recently attended, on Congressionally Directed Spending. Senator Shaheen’s office has put up an application form, with an associated procedure. Mel said that if there is an opportunity for funding, then we should take advantage of it. Scott and Matt determined that they would go ahead with applying. The application must be submitted within the next two weeks.

The meeting closed at 6:55.

Submitted by Scott McCaskill