January Minutes BACC

BACC meeting Jan. 13th 2010.

Dawn Rich opened meeting at 5:10, those present Dawn, Jim, Karen, Bruce, and Ona.

Minutes from Dec. 16th meeting accepted.

Kate, director

Kate met with budget commitee and decided to do warrant article for day camp.

Ski archery program scheduled for Feb. 19th from 12 to 2pm. Marcia Wyman will hold ski/snowshoe archery program at Brown Shattuck park.

Ellen’s health report: Will hold h1n1 clinic on Jan.14th from 10 to 2 pm.

James Thompson from iamnow.net will hold computer classes at BACC youth class on Feb. 16th at 10 am. Senior class on Feb 22nd at 10:15 am.

Ona’s senior news.

Dec 15th bought and wrapped presents for 30 patrons of the M.O.W. and had 8 drivers. KRHS girls choir sang popular Christmas songs. Ernie Mills said to call anytime

Karen, KAP

50.00 dollar increase in rent.

Meeting adjourned at 5:47. Next meeting Feb. 10th 5.00 pm .

Thank you, Bruce

January 13, 2010
I met with the budget committee on 1/12/10. With much discussion the committee voted to adopt the Selectmen’s changes. Peter Fenton along with the rest of the committee suggested we compose a warrant article for The Day Camp program to be voted on at Town meeting.
The KAP lease was handled by the selectmen, Cheryl Behr and members of BACC committee

Nature’s Circle Summer Day Camp
Looking for transportation for summer camp. I spoke with Gary from Goffstown Trucking today
Grant applications forthcoming.

December payment was made.

Ski Archery for all ages
On Feb 19 from 12-2 , Marcia Wyman will hold a fun ski/snowshoe archery program at Brown Shattuck Park
Health and Human Services
H1N1 Clinic is tomorrow from 10 to 2pm

Computer Class
James Thompson of IAMNET has scheduled computer classes for February at the BACC . A youth class will be held on the 2/16 at 10 am and a Senior class will be held on 2/22 at 10:15
BACC as Emergency Shelter – Updates from Bruce E ?
Generator Maintenance
Selectmen have signed off on the maintenance contract for the generator

Old Business
Speed Bumps
Tabled until spring

Alarm inspection
The alarm system was inspected. The cost of an elevator lift button is $195
An estimate on the ansul tie-in is expected from ESP soon.

Artist Program
Sandy Wadlington has agreed to move forward with a woodblock demo and show. Homosote panel will need to be purchased, hung, and painted before anything else can happen. Is there someone who can commit to this project ?
Will Friends of the BACC be able to purchase the materials for this ?

Directors Report – Parks and rec
French’s Park -Selectmen, budget committee, map, highway dept

Bike parade with KAP and dance depot?

Snowshoe/ ski group

Planning for 2010 Programs and Events
Spring Bike Parade?
French’s Park Clean -up in co-ordination with highway
Beef Roast
Cow Flop Bingo
Swim Lessons
Other new program or events – spring vacation