Library Trustee Minutes 08.02.17

Brown Memorial Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Attendance: Patty Furness, Nola Jordan, Mary Chris Duncan, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington, Meg Fearnley, and Ellen Barselle. The board meeting was called to order at 6:05pm.

1. The secretary’s report was presented, and a motion was made and passed to accept the report.

2. The treasurer’s report was presented. The library received donations in the total amount of 1,081.65 dollars: $1,016.65 from the 4th of July Book Sale, $15.00 from the on-going book sale, and $50.00 from general donations. A motion was made and passed to accept the donations. Brown Memorial Library received the rest of their appropriation from the Town of Bradford. As of this date, there is no need to move bank accounts as there has been no additional charges for using account. A motion was made and passed to accept the treasurer’s report.

3. The librarian’s report was presented and there has been an increase of books loaned and library patronage this past month.

4. Trustees discussed adding a jury duty policy to the terms of employment. Library employees who are called for jury duty will be paid their regular salary minus any monies received from the court for any working days missed. Motion was made and passed to accept this policy as written. Meg will add jury duty policy to terms of employment.

5. A motion was made and passed to approve and accept the internet policy for library patrons. This policy will be made available to patrons who are interested in using the library’s computer and internet access.

6. A motion was made and passed to accept Mission Statement. Meg will post Mission Statement online.

7. Old Business

A. Trustees discussed the Town of Bradford/Warner oil consortium which was put out to bid, five companies provided bids and all bids came within a .03 cent difference of each other. The contract went to Huckleberry Propane & Oil at $1.92 per gallon. Nola will determine if Ayer & Goss will let Brown Memorial Library use the remaining $165.00 dollars left over from last year’s contract.

B. LED lighting update: lighting consultant, R&T Electric, returned their quote to replace 46 fixtures with similar fixtures, adding two new fixtures, rated to light for 16 years or 72,000 hours. Labor and material was quoted at $23, 972.00. Meg will ask LighTec for a second quote and will also consider the Energy Star program offered through Eversource and NHSaves program. Meg will determine if we are eligible for the Energy Star program.

8. New Business

A. Michelle Makowiecki is no longer working at the library. Meg would like to hire Leslie Grey for the Library Assistant position. A motion was made and passed to hire Leslie Grey for Library Assistant position.

B. Music Program with the Hardtacks: History of the White Mountains in Comics and Song, Thursday, 8/10/17, at 7:00pm. Book Group Discussion: Underground Airlines by Ben Winters on Wednesday, 8/16/17, at 7:00pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm. The next meeting will be held on September 6, 2017, at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ellen Barselle