Library Trustee Minutes 12.07.09

Brown Memorial Library
Draft Minutes from December 7, 2009 Trustee Meeting

Attendance:  Joan Perry, Bob Manchester, Bea Howe, Rod Jones, Brooks McCandlish & Meg Fearnley

1.  The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.
2.  A motion was made to accept gifts and donations made to Brown Memorial Library in November in the amount of $260.25 ($241.25 from the book sale).   The treasurer’s report was accepted.
3.  The librarian’s report was read.  Overall circulation is up a bit for the month.
4.  The door downstairs has not been fixed yet, but Todd has said he will fix it.
5.  Bob will not be running for re-election to the Board next year.  Joan will have other commitments on Monday night, which will be a conflict with the trustee meetings, but possibly only for a few months.  Discussion ensued regarding a change in the day and time of the meetings.  Meetings will remain on Monday nights at 7:30 for the time being.

The next meeting will be January 4, 2010 at 7:30 PM.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Rod Jones, acting secretary