Library Trustees 06.04.14

Minutes from June 4, 2014

The Board Meeting for the Trustees of Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance:    Mary-Chris Duncan, Nola Jordan, Robert Toppi,     Patty Furness, Garry Kalajian, Meg Fearnley, Bea Howe, Connie Scheffy
1. Bob was seated as a voting member.

2. The Secretary’s report was accepted as presented.

3. A motion was made and passed to accept donations to Brown Memorial Library in May in the amount of $1,122.00. $1,022.00 of that amount came from the Memorial Day weekend plant and book sale.  Bea reported that we have received the second installment of $15,000.00 from the town appropriation.   She pre-bought 1000 gallons of oil for next winter.  The price, while slightly lower than last year’s figure, will put us a bit over budget.   The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

4. Meg shared two months’ worth of circulation statistics as she was on vacation at the time of last month’s meeting.  Numbers are down, though we had good program attendance both months.  At least 35 people attended Saturday evening’s Skywatch with members of the NH Astronomical Society.  In addition to the moon, constellations and galaxies, attendees were treated to a great view of Saturn’s rings and the flare from an Iridium satellite.

5. Under New Business, Meg mentioned that she has been advertising for a new library page.  She hopes to make a decision in a few weeks.

6. The Trustees agreed to hire the Bradford Bog People to play at the fund-raising dinner St. Peter’s Lodge is hosting for us on August 16.  Patty offered to donate fresh corn if the Masons are agreeable.  The library will solicit desserts and provide wait staff.

7. The Trustees approved Nola’s request to funnel some of our duplicate and overflow book sale books to Concord Hospital for the book cart that gets taken around to patient rooms.

8. Under Old Business, Patty reported that she attended the recent meeting of the Capital Improvement Program to discuss our roof. She asked if we could have the work done in 2014 and was told they have no funds at present.  The best solution seems to be to present the roof replacement as a warrant article at the 2015 town meeting.  To do that we will need two more estimates.  Patty will take care of getting them.

9. It was agreed that we should just forget the issue of a new sign.  Having it done the way we want would be expensive, and library hours could change. They are clearly listed on the wooden sign by the road.

10. There will indeed be a parade this year – at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 5.  Bea reported that Erica has a design in mind and will need help painting.  Parts were assigned, and plans and costumes discussed.

11. Bea reported that the Friends of the BACC is donating $200.00 to the theater workshop program.  We already had a $100.00 donation.  That leaves $300.00 that the library will contribute from our Special Projects Fund.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nola Jordan, Secretary