Planning Board Minutes 01.09.18

Planning Board Minutes 01.09.18

Town of Bradford

Planning Board

Meeting called to order by Claire James at 7:06 P.M.

Members Present: Claire James, Vice Chair; Pam Bruss, Carol Troy, Bob Close, Garrett Bauer

Alternates Present: Doug Troy

Members Absent: Sonny Harris, Selectmen Rep

Alternates Absent: Steve Chase, Michael James

Members of the Public Present: Nate Kimball, Tim Bernier

Review & Consideration of Minutes – December 19, 2017

Minutes of 12.19.17 were approved: 4 yes, 1 abstain

Public Hearing – Subdivision, Map 3, Lots 55 & 56 (Nate Kimball)

Tim Bernier presented the subdivision proposal. Nate Kimball will be purchasing Lot 56 after the back land is added, which will create a “rear lot”.  His plans are for building a house in the future but not in the short term. Claire explained to the board members that originally this proposal was brought forth as a lot line adjustment. Mr. Bernier explained that being as there was no lot line adjustment form, he instead completed a subdivision application.  Per subdivision regulations there is a provision under Section XI A. for the applicant to request a “written modification of  requirements” for a street plat.  (A street plat is required whenever a rear lot is created, per this regulation).  Claire pointed out that the board had voted incorrectly to grant the applicant a waiver for the street plat altogether (i.e.-the board voted that it did not have to be submitted at all), as opposed to simply granting a waiver for “modification” of some of the street plat requirements.  She went on to state that as the matter had been voted on already, and also that since the applicant will have to provide a plat anyway as soon as building begins on the land, that the decision should be left as is.  However the board members should note the error for future cases so that this does not become a matter of setting incorrect precedent.  Applicant requested and was also granted waivers to the following subdivision regulations: 1) Sec VI B, 5. and 2) Section VI B, 21., which were granted at earlier planning board meeting.  Proposed maps with existing lots to proposed lots was presented.  All abutters were notified but no abutters made an appearance at the public hearing.

Garrett Bauer made a motion to approve and Pam Bruss seconded. All members were in favor. Mylar to be recorded by owner. 6-0. Passed.

Other items discussed:

  1. Should the board create a lot line adjustment form?
  2. Need to purchase a mylar pen
  3. Claire will research who should receive copies of new maps.

Antiques Shop update (Map 17, Lot 61)

Shop tenant reached out to Claire via email, inquiring what the shop’s front porch cleanup request had to do with site plan regulations.  Claire explained via email that per Site Plan Regulations Section II, the purpose of these regulations, in part, are to provide for “safe and attractive development of the site” as well as to “provide for harmonious and aesthetically pleasing developments of the municipality and its environs.” Also, per Section VI, C1., storage areas need to be fenced in and/or screened from adjacent properties and parking areas. The tenant had formerly stated that he was pressed for room/storage space in the shop to house some of the overflow items on the porch.  The porch therefore, has essentially become a de-facto storage area and as such must comply with the storage and screening requirements under Section VI C1. Claire will get back in touch with the tenant to explain that there will be a deadline of two months to meet these requirements.

NFI update (Map 3, Lots 35 & 75)

Carol has had some emails between Karen Hambleton and Brooks McCandlish regarding communications with NFI. At this point, Carol will call NFI and have an update for the next meeting.

Autocraft Update (Map 3, Lot 1)

Dealer plates were suspended as of April 18, 2016, according to the NH DMV Dealer and Inspection office. The vacancy rule is that if the property is a junkyard, a site plan update should have been done last April. If not, a new site plan needs to be submitted as of this April.

Bob C. mentioned that it has become clear that the Board got the run-around from the owner, who is avoiding compliance issues.

Other questions which arose during discussion:

  1.  How long has the property been classified as a junkyard?
  2.  Who made that change, when and why?

The site plan is for a business, not a junkyard but the property is not in compliance regardless.

Claire will ask Karen for additional copies of letters sent to the Planning Board which may not have been placed in the to-do folder.

CIP Review

This Thursday (Jan 11, 2018) is Budget Committee review of the CIP.  It will also be a joint meeting with the Select Board and will take place at 5:30pm at the Community Center.

Claire will send out a new copy with Town Hall numbers to review before the public hearing on Jan 23rd. Claire also informed the board members that at the Budget Committee meeting the committee voted to decrease the proposed Planning Board budget for 2018 by $500. It was the circuit rider that was questioned.  This has not been used in recent years – including last year – and a compromise was made to reduce this line item by $500.

Garrett asked if there other circuit riders (associated with other departments) that are carried and never used and if so, could all departments share one account/line item in order to reduce costs? Claire will follow up with Karen Hambleton on this matter.

To Do Folder

The board did not have access to the Town Offices to check the Planning Board to-do folder for this particular meeting. Pam and Claire will continue to check this folder during weekly office hours for updates.

Nomination and vote to fill Interim Planning Board Chair position

Claire James made a motion to nominate Pam Bruss as Interim Chair to the Planning Board. Carol Troy seconded. 6-0. Passed.

Other Business

  1. Carol asked about new ordinances that were being drafted by Erich Caron, relating to hunting preserves and shooting ranges.  The update is that Erich never submitted a draft for these, and at this point the board agreed that there was not enough time to draft an ordinance and have a public meeting prior to the state requirements for new ordinances.
  2. We will have 5 known board members at the Public Hearing on Jan 23rd.  Pam will reach out to make sure that is ok with the applicant after checking with all members about attendance.
  3. Sweet Beet is to be added to next meeting’s agenda. There has been a formal complaint to the Selectman regarding signage and the possibility of someone living in an upstairs apartment.


Meeting adjourned at 8:01 pm.

The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2018, at 7:00 pm at the BACC.

Minutes submitted by Pamela Bruss