Planning Board Minutes 01.08.08





JANUARY 8, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the January 8, 2008 Planning Board Meeting to order with Barbara Vannata, Jim Bibbo, Marcia Keller, Carol Meise, Alternate present. Bill Glennie, Edythe Craig, Jeff Aarons, Alternate and Charles Meany, Selectman were absent. Ian Thomas, CNHRPC was also present.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Carol Meise for Edythe Craig.

Consideration and Approval of December 11, 2007 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to accept the December 11, 2007 minutes. Seconded by Barbara Vannata. Jim Bibbo advised Barbara Vannata’s name was incorrectly spelled. Motion carried with edit, 4-0. Carol Meise abstained.


Dave Pickman, Route 114, Site Plan, Map 3, Lot 103.

Dave Pickman presented the board with upgraded maps for his Site Plan dated January 4, 2008. Statement made that this is an existing site, new set of plans.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the site plan as provided with the notations stating the next pile of dirt will not be placed within 100’ of wetlands buffer.

Also to show on the plan is: 1. The date of June 1, 2008 for the removal of the pile of dirt near the wetlands. 2. Note on the plan depicting the dimension of signs on the plans, on the site as well as the ones on the buildings. Dave Pickman advised he will make the two above notes on his plans. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor for public comments. Public Comments were closed. Marcia Keller seconded motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Dunkin Donuts, Main Street, Site Plan Modification, Map 17, Lot 61 :

Bob Stewart, Jr., RCS Design represented Dunkin Donuts. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised at the last hearing there were a few remaining items outstanding that the board asked for more information on. 1. Lighting, to be depicted for the signs. Also, it has come to the attention of the board that DES had inquired if the septic system is adequate for the design. Bob Stewart, Jr. RCS Design advised there had been a meeting, resulting in the decision that there is plenty of storage and volume there. The concern was the pre-treatment of organics (mainly coffee), resulting in an amended plan that needs to be submitted to DES. Marcia Keller questioned if what was originally put in for a septic system was more than twice the size of the original design? Bob Stewart, Jr., RCS Design advised, that what was originally designed was designed more than twice the required size, for the very reason for extension, and/or as a huge safety factor, knowing it was going to be put under a parking lot. It is a very good product, being enviro-septic. Extra tanks and extra filtering system were installed as well. This result will be, when the foundation is done, there will be a tank outside and there would be a dedicated sink for those spoils. Bob Stewart, Jr, RCS Design also advised the well is an EPA registered well.

Lighting and Signage another issue.

Bob Stewart,Jr advised the operator of Dunkin Donuts has decided to not put an internally illuminated sign in. The same size sign will be put in, but will be externally lit. All lighting will be going downward. PSNH has been contacted, and they will put in a light on an existing pole, which was on initial plan, but never completed.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to public comment. Andrew Pinard, Selectman advised the applicant has been very good about trying to fit lighting, traffic pattern etc. into the community and he would approve the application. There being no further comments, the public comments were closed.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the Dunkin Donuts application with the following revisions to be met as conditions of approval.

1. Revised no number 9 on original application.

2. Internally illuminated sign on building to show it to be Externally illuminated.

3. Septic being approved.

4. Number 15, prior to occupancy permit revised.

5. Revisiting parking if becoming a problem.

Marcia Keller seconded the motion. Barbara Vannata abstained. Motion carried. 4-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair thanked Dunkin Donuts representatives for being compromising.

Maple view (Ledgewood Pines) Old Warner Road, Map 3, Lot 94 & 96:

Mark Brunnel did not appear before the Planning Board.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to forward a certified letter to Mr. Brunnel reminding him that the six month extension has passed on the Ledgewood Pines subdivision and include the conditions of approval. The board must receive a response from him appraising them of the status of the project before February 10, 2008, including the Boundary Line Adjustment with Kenneth Anderson. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 5-0.

Kevin Allen, Route 103, Map 3, Lot 52-2C. (Represented by Robert Stewart, Jr.

Review was done on May 31, 2007. Fire protection comments included a clear fire lane behind the building to access for fire protection and a 45,000 gallon cistern. At this time an extension is being requested. At this time, the Planning Board has not made a decision. At this time, the Planning Board needs to consider whether or not the Fire Chief’s recommendations on cisterns are recommendations or requirements.

Decision is to re-notice this application. The application fee will be needed for the legal notice as well as abutters notices needed. A new application will be forth coming with revised plans that can be sent to abutters per Robert Stewart, Jr. RCS Design.

NFI, 2552 Route 103, Site Plan Modification, Map 3, Lot 35B:

No one in attendance, but the board advised they are waiting for State Approvals and it needs to be revisited for conditions to have been met.


Robert Roy, (Bob Foor) Route 114, Map 23, Lot 3. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read into the minutes a letter from Robert Roy advising they are canceling their application. New owners do not wish to continue this subdivision. Remaining escrow funds will be refunded.

Escrow Payments:

Robert Stewart, Jr advised he has some of the escrow funds requested, and the remainder will be forthcoming.

Conceptual Consultation:

Laurendeau Enterprises, Major Subdivision, Rowe Mt. Rd., Map 10, Lot 12:

Robert Stewart, Jr. RCS Design presented to the board a proposal for a five lot subdivision. The proposal is to bring part of Forest Street up to Class V standards to town specs. Discussion ensued.

Conditional approvals:

Dimond – Need copies of the State Septic approval for files.

Lucas – Roger Rodewald, questioned if the planning board would sign the plan and accept a letter from a licensed surveyor stating the boundary pins will be set in the spring. Consensus was a surety bond would be required. Deed descriptions are here. Waivers are in the selectmen’s office but are not signed as yet per Andrew Pinard, Selectman.

Whitten – A deed description is required as well as well radius release and bounds set needed.


CNHRPC – the circuit rider will now be at the Planning Board office from 10:00am til 1:00pm every Wednesday commencing immediately. Review fees were discussed, and more itemization suggested by the board. Ian Thomas, CNHRPC requested being on the e-mail list for all planning board agendas.


Marcia Keller brought up the Flood Plain Ordinance and what needs to be changed resulting from a letter from Jennifer Gilbert., OEP dated in October. A public hearing notice will be put in the paper for a hearing date of January 22, 2008. ZBA Variances period will continue to be for one year as it has been.


Several pieces of correspondence were looked at including gavel pit updates.

Flat Screen for computer has been ordered, received and Andrew Pinard set it up and it works wonderfully………

Adjourned 9:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


unapproved minutes