Planning Board Minutes 02.10.09

FEBRUARY 10, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the February 10th meeting to order at 7:06pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Jane Johnsen, Alternate present. Marge Cilley arrived at 7:30pm Marcia Keller and Barbara Vannata were absent.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Marcia Keller and Jane Johnsen for Barbara Vannata.

Review and consideration of January 13, 2009 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to accept the minutes of January 13, 2009. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Under Motion by Barry Wheeler, bottom of page one, should read to approve the Petition Warrant Article, not support it. Sonny Harris abstained, Motion carried 5-0.

Bond Estimate for Ledgewood Pines:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair handed out copies of the Bond Estimate for Ledgewood Pines subdivision. Originally, Mark Brunnel had his engineers submit a bond estimate for their estimate of the road construction costs. In 2006, that estimate was reviewed by Provan and Lorber who at that time agreed the amounts and costs were appropriate and adequate at that time. The current Bond Estimate shows the results for 2009. Quantities and units costs have been updated with additional items for site work costs included. There is about a three hundred twenty thousand dollar ($320,000) additional dollar amount which is mostly for additional items added.

Should the Planning Board question Provan and Lorber regarding the bottom section of the Preliminary Estimate for clarification? Phil LaMoreaux, Chair will request a letter from Provan and Lorber stating as to why they have added all the quantities so it can be on file in the Planning Board office. Mark Brunnel is scheduled to come before the Planning Board in March for further discussion.

Formatting of Amended Subdivision Regulations and Site Plan Review Regulations:

Andrew Pinard advised he will do the formatting as soon as he can after Town Meeting is over, in case there will be changes at that time.

Any other business to come before the Planning Board.

Mention was made by Jane Johnsen of the e-mail received by Ian Thomas, CNHRPC that he is leaving and returning to his home in Ohio.

It was brought up that Landscape Architects are going to be licensed in the future and the Planning Board could require an Architect’s stamp on Site Plans with proposed landscaping. Discussion followed.

Charles Meany recused himself from the following issue.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read a letter from DPX2 Enterprises dated January 29, 2009 to the Board of Selectmen. (Letter on file) Letter is signed by Dan Pettiglio and Dawn Pettiglio.

The three selectmen, Peter Fenton, Chair, Andrew Pinard and Charles Meany attended the planning board meeting.

Peter Fenton, Selectmen Chair requested the planning board members advise of their stand on each topic, whether they agree or disagree.

Topic 1. Signage that is not permanently affixed to the land or buildings does not need to be depicted on a Site Plan. The planning board disagreed.

Topic 2. A sign shall not be installed that is permanently affixed to the land or buildings unless it is on approved site plan or otherwise permitted. The planning board agrees.

Topic 3. No one is under any obligation or time constraints regarding approved signage.

The Planning Board advised they would need to look into this further, as with the rest of the topics included in the letter.

Charles Meany advised that if the system is not going to be supported, then it should be changed.

The Planning Board discussed the letter at length, and the decision is for Phil LaMoreaux, Chair to write a letter to DPX2 Enterprises, (Dan Pettiglio and Dawn Pettiglio) informing them they are still in non compliance with their Site Plan. The signage is not as depicted, either construct the sign as depicted or revise the plan to show the current sign. Landscaping is not as depicted, there are shrubs around the building that are not shown and the tree buffer that was proposed are not planted. Copies of the letter will go to the Selectmen and RCS Design.

Bill Glennie reiterated that the special exception for the commercial use next door (the Veterinarian Clinic) might turn back and become residential once again.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo for an additional section to the Site Plan Regulations dealing with time limits for enforcement, adding a new section that all conditions of Site Plan shall be complied within one year from the date of approval unless a waiver is granted by the planning board. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion to adjourn made, seconded and carried at 8:40pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
