Planning Board Minutes 04.10.18

Meeting Minutes Adopted 04.24.18
Town of Bradford
Planning Board
April 10, 2018 7:00 PM

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:03PM

• Roll Call

Pam Bruss, Chair Claire James, Vice Chair (arrived at 7:51 PM)
Carol Troy Tom Dunne
Steve Chase, Alternate Jim Bibbo, Selectmen’s Rep
Marlene Freyler, Alternate

o Carol Meise absent, Steve Chase seated in her place
o Doug Troy absent
o Garrett Bauer in attendance, participating in a public appearance

• To Do:

1. Board did not have enough voting members present at the March 27th meeting to elect a Chair & Vice Chair positions so positions needed to be elected:

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to elect Pam Bruss Chair
Second: Carol Troy
Decision: vote 4-0 in favor

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to elect Claire James Vice Chair
Second: Steve Chase
Decision: vote 4-0 in favor

2. Board had a request to consider Marlene Freyler as an alternate:

Motion: Steve Chase motioned to appoint Marlene as an Alternate
Second: Carol Troy
Decision: vote 5-0 in favor

Marlene was seated at 7:06 PM, in place of Claire James who arrived at 7:51 PM.

3. Review & Consideration of March 27th Minutes

Motion: Steve Chase motioned to approve minutes
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: vote 6-0 in favor

• Appearances:

1. Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Review Map 6/ Lot 103,104 & 105:

A Site Plan Review was submitted for a Parking Lot Expansion at 2345 Route 114 & 2387 Route 114 (Ayer & Goss), Map 6/ Lot 103,104 & 105. Dan Higginson, Higginson Land Services, appeared with Carolyn and Skip McKean, property owners. The Board reviewed the application and established a Public Hearing date of May 8th for public comment and approval consideration. The scope of activity encompasses a 17,000 square feet, no major excavation required, grating and graveling with crushed stone.

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to accept the application as complete
Second: Steve Chase
Decision: vote 6-0 in favor

2. Sweet Beet/Bradford Inn Map 16/Lot 105:

An update was presented by Garrett Bauer and Mike Bauer (Mike Bauer and Michael James are owners of Unless, LLC; Claire James arrived at 7:51 and recused herself from the discussion). A revised plan was presented, removing any exterior modifications, which may be presented as a future project, with a separate Site Plan Review, if, and when, project phases are prepared to move forward. The only addition that will be submitted with the pending Site Plan Review request, currently in motion, will be the addition of an ADA accessible ramp for building access.

Jim Bibbo asked whether the driveway improvements, previously outlined, would need to be done and Garrett outlined that they improvements were not needed at this time and the Site Plan would be focused on a Change of Use to encompass the Café and Community Kitchen in addition to the current Market space. A future plan for office space on the upper floors was discussed along with an update that there is one space on the 2nd floor occupied that is currently being renovated in lieu of rent.

Pam Bruss reviewed the list of concerns raised at the March 27th meeting and all have been resolved with the revised scope of work presented.

Garret Bauer outlined submitting the Site Plan by April 17th in hopes that it would be reviewed at the next Planning Board meeting April 24th with a Public Hearing on May 8th. Pam Bruss outlined the timeframe would not be sufficient to accommodate Public Notification and a Special Hearing was tentatively scheduled for May 15th, based upon the applicants ability to articulate the sense of urgency required to hold a Special Hearing.

Additional discussion was had related to the septic tank being replaced in the same location as the existing drywell. A note is to be added to the Planning file regarding this upgrade. There is also a temporary walk-in cold storage unit that will be installed. Plans on exactly how/where this installation will take place were still under review but will need to be on the site plan and Garrett Bauer is to work with Building Inspector to obtain a document with signoff from Walter Royal.

A site walk of the property was tentatively scheduled for May 12th with follow up to occur at the next Planning Board meeting.

3. Motor Vehicle Junkyard, Map 9/Lot 45:

A Final Site Plan was presented by Jennifer McCourt for the Motor Vehicle Junkyard, Map 9/Lot 45 which included the conditions set forth by the Boards Notice of Decision issued March 2nd, 2018. Site Plan was accepted as final.

4. NFI North, Map 3/Lot 35B (locally known as the Bradford School):

NFI submitted a Site Plan Revision, as discussed at the March 27th meeting, for review. Pam Bruss had requested a Legal Opinion from the Planning Commission regarding the change in the clientele and age group serviced based upon the previous meeting discussion. The Commissions response was to focus on the land and the service it is being used for and, if the change is minimal, they felt a Change of Use would not be called for. The Board debated back and forth whether the clientele change is such that a Change has happened and Pam also received email communication from the Fire Chief stating he felt that there had been a Change in Use. Pam Bruss will contact the Town Attorney for an additional Legal Opinion.

Pam Bruss asked that a follow up with the Police Chief be conducted on August 14th to determine if there had been any change in the demand for Town Services as a result of the change in clientele. Claire James will also follow up with the management at NFI for a statement regarding their operations, requesting they publish an article in The Bridge, to provide further community focused communication regarding NFI.

• Planning Board Communications:

1. Autocraft, Map 3/Lot 1:

Pam Bruss requested a follow up with the Select Board on a letter the Planning Board had previously received from the Select Board related to the clean up activity underway at Autocraft, Map 3/Lot 1, to verify whether any actions were needed by the Planning Board. Claire will also draft a communication requesting a site walk.

2. Antique Store, Map 17/Lot 62

The Antique Store still needs additional clean up. Claire James will draft a letter to the Select Board requesting their assistance in bringing the property into compliance with Zoning Regulations.

3. Master Plan Update:

Claire James provided an update on refreshing the Master Plan. She had spoken with the State and established a Phase I/Phase II plan. Target completion for Phase I is the end of May and Phase II is next fall. Mike Tardiff will attend the next Planning Board meeting, April 24th, to discuss the process with the Board.

Phase I:
a. Vision (Visioning Session tentatively scheduled for May 17th at 6:30 PM, Claire to follow up on space availability at the BCC)
b. Population & Economics (Predominantly provided by the State)
c. Natural Resources (Conservation Committee is reviewing now, targeting May 21st Planning Board meeting to review)
d. Town Map(s) refresh

Phase II:
a. Future Land Use
b. History & Culture
c. Community Facilities
d. Housing
e. Future Land Use
f. Regional Concerns
g. Implementation

a. Transportation

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 PM
Second: Steve Chase

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn