Planning Board Minutes 05.10.11

MAY 10, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with Phil LaMoreaux, Sonny Harris, Jim Bibbo, Bill Glennie and John Greenwood present. Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary arrived at 7:30PM after the Selectmen’s meeting.

Review and Consideration of March 8, 2011 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the March 8, 2011 minutes as presented with the following edit. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux. Edit stating Mr. Chivers, in the last paragraph on page one could go to the Conservation Commission for Special Exception, it should read go to the “ZBA.” Motion carried 5-0.

CIP Meeting:

Don Jackson, Chair CIP Committee, came before the Planning Board and presented a Timeline for the 2012 Budget Preparation.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised the Planning Board needs to delegate to the Capital Improvement Program sub -committee the task of up-dating and carrying through the CIP for 2012 as they did in 2011. Phil LaMoreaux agreed.

Don Jackson, Chair, Jon Marden, Bill Glennie, Marlene Freyler, Dick Keller and Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, make up the CIP Committee. Marcia Keller, Chair advised she will request to be on the Selectmen’s Agenda for next Tuesday to present it to the Selectmen. The Budget Committee has agreed to the Timeline as well. The CIP’s plan is to forward the budget request to the department heads by the first of June, with a request all the departments requests are returned by the end of July. The CIP will then punch the numbers and forward the recommendations to the Planning Board early in October. October 13th, the Budget Committee commences the 2012 Budget preparation, with the Public Hearing scheduled by the Planning Board and CIP on October 25th. This will effectively end the Planning Board and CIP’s role in the process. The Selectmen and Budget Committee will move on in preparation of Town Meeting.

It was reiterated that the Statutes require six years which is the goal, with an update done annually.

Don Jackson, Chair advised they have revised the handouts which could be reviewed prior to the CIP meeting next Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 7:00pm.

The Planning Board is unanimously in agreement to move forward as presented by Don Jackson’s Time Line presented.

Denise Renk – 2871, Rt 114:

Denise Renk and her husband, Josh came before the Planning Board stating they live at the former Mountain Lake Inn and own a cabin on the right. They are planning on opening up an Ice Cream Stand if the State approves it. The cabin is not going to be moved. A Farm Stand is also being planned as they had last summer. Parking is adequate and the building sets back. This would be a commercial activity in a residential zone and a special exception could be required as well as a Site Plan, which would establish the site. Discussion ensued regarding being operated as a Home Business.

Phil LaMoreaux went over the criteria of a Home Business. It was stated that a copy of whatever the State gives Ms. Renk would be good to have in her Planning Board file.

Jim Wall – 10 High Street – Consultation – Map 16, Lot 8:

Mr. Wall advised he had been given different directions by different people, and he’s not sure where he should be. He does have a 32 foot setback and wants to add on a 30 foot addition to his house. He came with maps and great pictures of the before and anticipated after the addition. Phil LaMoreaux advised he should go to the Building Inspector to be denied, then he could apply for a Variance with the ZBA.

To do folder:

A communication was received and read from Harriet J. Hobbs, Corsair Realty, Map 7, Lot 29, Gravel Pit Excavation Permit, requesting an extension for the Conditions of Approval to be met by August 1, 2011. Comment was made that there is a blank intent to cut posted on a tree. There is neither Map or Lot numbers nor signatures on this form.

It was stated that a licensed land surveyor has the information already and the Board could request he verify the road is built as proposed design intent. This will be considered by the Planning Board. It is necessary for Ms. Hobbs to contact the ZBA in June in order to be on their July Agenda.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to grant the requested extension to August 1, 2011 to meet the Conditions of Approval and that a letter be sent in response notifying Ms. Hobbs that the extension has been granted to August 1st, but that all the Conditions have to be met by that date. If they wish to request an extension it has to be done at our meeting prior to that date in person. The Zoning Board of Adjustment has changed their meeting date from the first Tuesday to the first Wednesday of each month. Jim Bibbo seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

An Irrevocable Letter of Credit was received from Sugar River Bank and read regarding Good Night Sand and Gravel Ltd. for Peter Isham, in the amount of Eight Thousand dollars.

A memo was received from NH Land Surveyor Association reminding the Planning Board that Engineers and Land Surveyors are not interchangeable.

Suggestion was made for a letter to be written to the Selectmen requesting they enforce the Zoning Ordinance for a variance on the Lumber Barn property of the Power Barn sign.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris for a letter to be written to the Selectmen requesting they enforce the sign Ordinance at Carol Demers on Route 103 which was removed from the front of the building to the side. Motion seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 7-0.

Phil LaMoreaux will make a clean copy of the 2011 Zoning Ordinance and forward to the secretary to forward to the members

Should check with ZBA, Chair to see if they feel an Application form should be posted in the informational rack.

The first page of the Subdivision Application will be replaced.

Motion to Adjourn at 8:17pm. Seconded and Carried.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley