Planning Board Minutes 05.13.14



MAY 13, 2014


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller opened the meeting at 7:00pm with Erich Caron, Claire James, Jim Bibbo, Steve Chase, Alternate, Sonny Harris, Selectmen Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Don Jackson and Mark Keith were absent.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated Steve Chase for Don Jackson.

Review and Consideration of April 8, 2014 minutes:

Motion was made by Steve Chase to approve the April 8, 2014 minutes. It was acknowledged that two edits were made, one, bottom of page one, Site Pan was changed to Plan and Page one, under Conceptual Consultation Clayton Platt is the Surveyor with Michael Malecha being the owner. Motion seconded by Jim Bibbo. Sonny Harris abstained. Motion carried with edits 5-0.

Steve Chase questioned why the minutes were approved one meeting behind. After discussion, it was determined to approve them from the last meeting each time beginning at the May 27th meeting.

To Do Folder:

Nothing to take care of at this time.

New Brochures:

Erich Caron brought in several copies of the new brochures that were handed out to the members. Copies will be made to be put out for the public as well as in the Town Office.

Gravel Pit –Extension to Four Years:

Discussion ensued regarding changing the Gravel Pit renewal to four years as was done for Bruce Edwards. Mark Keith and Steve Chase will draft recommendations for amending the Gravel Pit, after which a Public Hearing would have to be held. An Annual Report is requested to be forwarded to the Planning Board after it has been inspected by the State.

A Note will be drafted to Brooks McCandlish questioning if he has had time to do the Annual Inspection for all pits for the Conservation Commission.


Discussion transpired regarding the Board’s making a decision if they need to request money for the Master Plan. with the CIP. Marcia Keller advised she has been in contact with Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC who indicated for a better Municipal Community Survey, the cost would be around $2,000.00, and with a 50/50 match, the Planning Board cost would be $1,000.00. Printing would be $1,000.00 with an additional $1,000.00 for incidentals involved with the Master Plan completion, for a total of $3,000.00. This is under the $10,000 required for the CIP listing, consequently, decision is the request should be included in the Planning Board Budget for 2015.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised Stephanie Alexander had recommended forms be filled out from any Department advising they do not intend to submit anything at this time. The Form was not made available.

Any Other Business to Come Before the Board.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
