Planning Board Minutes 06.26.08

JUNE 24, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 with Marcia Keller, Barbara Vannata, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Bill Glennie arrived late, Jim Bibbo, Alternate. All three other Alternates and Charles Meany, Selectmen representative were absent. Andrew Pinard, Selectmen representative sat in at 8:40PM.

Barry Wheeler questioned how often an Alternate can be absent before being replaced. Discussion took place regarding unexcused absences as being up to the discretion of the board. It was also suggested the Alternates who attend most frequently should be the ones seated for absent members. Marcia Keller read the following from the Rules of Procedure: As far as Alternates are concerned, prolonged unexcused absences by an Alternate shall be grounds to request resignation as an Alternate from the Board.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Bill Glennie.

Consideration and approval of May 27, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to accept the May 27, 2008 minutes from the Naughton Site Walk as well as the regular work session minutes. Barbara Vannata seconded. Motion carried Sonny Harris abstained. Motion carried 5-0.

Updated Zoning Ordinances:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair handed out copies of the updated Zoning Ordinances to all board members for them to read and bring any concerns to the next Planning Board meeting.

To Do Folder:

It was stated that the 5 paper copies have still not been signed by the Pfeifle’s, and it was advised that the Mylar cannot be signed and recorded at MCRD until they have been. Marge Cilley, Secretary advised she had a telephone call from Jenna at Eckman Engineering, who advised she will follow through on this, consequently another letter has not been sent.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he had spoken with Dave Pickman regarding the comments that were lacking on the Site Plan, and he will be in and make the amendment. As soon as that is accomplished, the refund check will be forthcoming.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read Jane Johnsen’s resignation as Alternate as well as representative of the Safe Route to School Committee.

Marcia Keller suggested deferring her request for a while. Seconded by Barry Wheeler.

The consensus of the Planning Board was to talk with her further.

Marcia Keller advised she had talked with Ian Thomas, CNHRPC regarding Safe Routes to School. CNHRPC does administer the program. Also as Mr. Corrigan advised they do pull all areas of the town together for support. The Task Force is still in place and Jim Bibbo suggested perhaps they could contact Jane Johnsen to come to a meeting with all the work and knowledge she has acquired, and help the Task Force to elect their own Chair to work on it. This would be supported by the Selectmen as well as the Planning Board. It is a long term project. Ian Thomas, CNHRPC advised the first step is to prepare a travel plan with the one or two mile loop around the area. Another point was made, that at present, there is no crosswalk on Route 114 from Main Street to Old Warner Road. Beth Rodd suggested Mary Keegan Dayton as well as Carol Adams be invited to come to a Task Force meeting. Additional names were also mentioned.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo for the Planning Board to write a letter to Jane Johnsen requesting her to stay on the Planning Board as an Alternate. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

A letter from Chris Northrop, OEP, advising there is an RSA advising a copy of each Planning document on file with the town should be kept by OEP, and they should be forwarded to them electronically. Marcia Keller advised the Town Clerk should also have copies. Phil will ask Ian to forward the records tomorrow.

Marcia advised she had given the Selectmen comments for the FEMA Flood Plan Maps in writing, and they acknowledged them. There will be an article in the July Bridge, stating the July 28, 2008 deadline.

Site Plan Review:

The board members made comments as they went through the review, working from the existing Site Plan. Marcia Keller agreed that she would put in new sections and changes as members forward them to her, then e-mail the edited copy out to all the board members. Someone else will do the formatting, and then a Public Hearing would have to be held. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he would like to propose changes amongst the board members, and then discuss it for consensus of the board.

Tall Pines Realty outside lighting was discussed. They will be talked with regarding the light blinding drivers on Route #103, to see how it can be corrected.

Andrew Pinard was seated for Selectmen representative at 8:40 pm

The question of whether Dunkin Donuts final plans have been received at this time was brought up.

Enforcement of different issues were discussed.

Much discussion ensued regarding many topics of concern. It was stated that until any violation is documented, it is not a violation.

Another concern brought up by Jim Bibbo was putting up a walk your bike sign for bicyclists by the covered bridge because of the wide spaces in the floor. Andrew Pinard, Selectmen representative advised a sign for each approach to the bridge has already been ordered.

Rules and Requests for all applicants to follow:

There was conversation regarding making all applicants very aware that they do need to follow the time frame for getting their complete applications in to the Planning Board 21 days prior to the next meeting, as well as all checks made payable to the correct departments. If this is not followed, by not allowing enough time to get the Public/Legal Notice in the paper and certified mailings to abutters out in time, the applicant may not be heard until the following month.

Gravel Pits were discussed and it was pointed out that the next step is at the Selectmen’s discretion, a second letter from the Planning Board has been forwarded to them.

Discussion ensued concerning the Planning Board meeting with the Selectmen at their session on July 15, 2008. A letter will be written to Cheryl Behr, Administrator requesting to be put on the Selectmen’s Agenda.

Mention was made of the Shoreline Protection Act power point presentation by Jason Auve to be held in the Warner Town Hall on Thursday June 26, 2008 at 6:30pm.

Meeting adjourned 9:25pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley

Secretary                                                          unapproved