Planning Board Minutes 09.14.10

SEPTEMBER 14, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Phil LaMoreaux, Bill Glennie, Sonny Harris, arrived at 7:05, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, John Greenwood, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Absent were Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata and Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Barry Wheeler and John Greenwood for Barbara Vannata.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve the August 10, 2010 minutes as presented. Seconded by Bill Glennie. John Greenwood abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

Conversation will be held at a later date regarding the keeping of the Planning Board tapes, for certain conversations only, for five years.

To Do Folder:

A letter was received from the Budget Committee regarding meeting with the Department Heads personally to discuss their needs for their budget for 2011. The Budget Committee is considering asking for an overall 5% decrease in town department spending. These meetings will be scheduled for the first two weeks in October. Some of the work session time will be used to work on the budget on September 28, 2010.

Public Hearing Corsair Realty, Gravel Pit, Pleasant Valley Road, Map 7, Lot 29:

Ed Hauck, Representative and Harriet Hobbs, Manager attended this meeting. Mr. Hauck brought in new Blue Prints which were viewed by the board members. This consisted of a new reclamation plan of the existing gravel pit, with a current topo area as well as a Site Plan of vegetation reclamation, and using the potential of a disturbed area that we will use in current use of the gravel pit. The wetlands were covered in the last meeting, which was surveyed and signed by Steve Riker. Also done is a surface drainage pattern and rehab of the driveway which has been a concern of many. This has not been done in the field, but this is the best case scenario from what has been presented from the grade of the land.

All abutters were included and certified receipt cards have been returned.

Mr. Hauck advised the reclamation portion of this will be done at will, so after taking gravel out, they will reclaim the area that they take the gravel from and level it out. This is not a commercial business, but a personal project, and to improve the value of the property from the “eye sore” we were presented with from when the property was purchased and making it a better area.

All grades were shot by Pathway Consultants from Lebanon.

The grade of the driveway where it comes out onto Pleasant Valley Road is less then 8%.

The actual angle of the driveway will be changed. M. Hauck advised they are trying to keep things a lot like the way they are with the least amount of disturbance, just making it better.

Nicki Dubaere from the public questioned the water drainage and where it would go to which Mr. Hauck replied it would go towards the stop sign. Also which way will the trucks be coming and going out of Pleasant Valley Road. It was determined that the trucks could go both ways and the concern was if the trucks go the long way to get to Route 114 there are children, and the other end of the road is closer. Discussion ensued regarding the difficulty of entering Route 114 from the nearest end of Pleasant Valley Road, and would the truck drivers not like it, and decide to go the other way? Mr. Richardson expressed his concern.

Phil LaMoreaux suggested a note could be put on the plan showing the primary entrance should be on the south end of Pleasant Valley Road.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised the confusion regarding the abutters list is a mystery, as Map 7, Lot 26 property had changed hands in 2007, Map 7 Lot 27 changed hands in 2006, Map 7, Lot 33 changed hands in 2008 and our computers are never more than a month out of date.

Mr. Hauck advised the reclamation plan is a little more refined than what was on file.

Marcia Keller, Chair questioned the floor if there were any more questions, there being none, the floor was closed for the Public Hearing.

Sonny Harris questioned if the material from this pit will be used on this property to which Mr. Hauck advised they have several properties where it will be used.

The ZBA has not been contacted at this time for a Special Exception per Mr. Hauck.

Phil LaMoreaux advised there are no copies of State or Federal permits which will be required, but can be addressed as being requirement of conditions of approval.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to accept the Corsair Realty Gravel Pit Application for Map 7, Lot 29 on Pleasant Valley Road as being complete. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux. Motion carried 6-0.

A Public Hearing will be scheduled for the actual Application at which point the exceptions in the application will be gone over.

There will be a Site Walk on September 28, 2010, at 6:00pm at the Gravel Pit on Pleasant Valley Road, Map 7, Lot 29. The Secretary will notify ZBA and the Conservation Commission.

Phil LaMoreaux requested to table the waiver requests until after the Site Walk and Public Hearing.

Joe Torro, West Road – Conceptual Consultation, Boundary Line Adjustment, Map 4, Lot 30:

Joe Torro came before the Planning Board regarding a boundary Line Adjustment and was advised a survey needs to be done for recording. A stamped plan and Mylar as well as deed descriptions will be required for both lots. Also the abutters will need to be noticed. Mr. Torro was advised if everything is accepted when the Application comes in acceptance and approval could be done the same night.

Phil LaMoreaux, Breezy Hill Road, Map 7, Lot 10, Conceptual Consultation, Site Plan:

Phil LaMoreaux recused himself from the Planning Board to be heard for a Conceptual Consultation for a Site Plan to use his existing barn, across the street from the home, as a carpentry shop. He was advised he needs to apply to the ZBA for a variance.

Sonny Harris advised he has called some engineers and requested some of their biggest problems with town boards they would like to see changed, and some comments were:

1. Small Boards in towns could hire a professional engineer and pass the fee on to the developer for all major sub divisions. The feeling was things would run smoother.

2. Smaller Boards do not follow their own rules, and this was common through out the state.

3. Some Boards for example have 10 acre zoning, 5 acre zoning and 2 acre zoning, each one of the districts, the buildable acreage is the same.

John Greenwood brought in some printed Bradford Natural Resource Inventory Maps.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley,