Planning Board Minutes 09.22.09

SEPTEMBER 22, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Barbara Vannata, Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, and Marge Cilley, Secretary. Sonny Harris and Jane Johnsen, Alternate were absent. Jack Meaney, Selectman Representative arrived at 7:30pm.

To Do Folder:

Acknowledgement was read of a letter from the Conservation Commission thanking the board for the larger plans for Peter Isham’s Gravel Pit, however they advised there was not enough information on the plan and someone from the Commission will attend the Site Walk. (No one did attend the Site Walk from the Conservation Commission.)

Review and Consideration of August 25, 2009 minutes:

Under Workforce Housing it should read: Multi-Family not Multi Housing.

Motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes with the above noted edit. Motion carried 5-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Sonny Harris.

Review and Consideration of the new Sign Regulations Draft:

Brooks McCandlish and Harry Wright comments from the ZBA were considered. Bill Glennie entered the changes on his computer as they were discussed and will forward the finished draft via e-mail to be perused by all the members prior to completion.

A Public Hearing will be held on October 27, 2009 for the New Sign Regulations.

A considerable amount of time, thought and discussion was put into the Sign Regulations.

Jack Meaney, Selectman Representative advised Workforce Housing should be addressed in the immediate future. Discussion included holding a Workforce Housing Hearing in November. Discussion included the need to revise the Subdivision Regulations to include a density bonus.

Marcia Keller advised there is not enough sharing of the work load of the Planning Board among the members.

Several Site Plans were discussed and questioned whether all their conditions have been met since their Notice of Decision was approved. In the future, Marcia Keller suggested all State Permits should be listed individually, and the applicants should notify the Planning Board when completed. Those that were in question and not completed will receive letters so they can be completed and filed. Noted were: George Naughton, Selectmen re: DPX2, Valley Excavation, NFI and check on Gravel Pit owners: Corsair Realty and Bruce Edwards.

Zoning Ordinance – Need to come up with a work force.

Building Lot Size was discussed and needs to be addressed.

There being no other business to come before the board, motion to adjourn was made at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley