Planning Board Minutes 10.22.13



OCTOBER 22, 2013


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, Don Jackson, John Greenwood, Erich Caron, Mark Keith, Carol Walker and Marge Cilley present. Steve Chase, Jim Bibbo, Alternates and Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Representative were absent.

Review and Consideration of Septeber 10, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Don Jackson to approve the September 10, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by John Greenwood. Phil LaMoreaux and Erich Caron abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

To Do:

Mention was made of the Notice of Decision Conditions for Douglas Jackson requesting pictures, which have not been received yet. This will be brought up at the next meeting.

Conceptual Consultation – Zack Messier:

Person did not come in, but is interested in putting in a Solar System for commercial use on 100 acres in town.

Planning Board 2014 Budget:

The Planning Board 2014 Budget was noted as being due by November 1, 2013, was worked on and completed after discussion and was turned into the Administrator this evening.

Motion was made to approve the combined Planning Board and Zoning Board 2014 Budget at ten thousand one hundred seventy five dollars. Seconded by Erich Caron. Motion and carried 6-0.


Erich Caron presented a spread sheet and walked the board through the information followed by discussion.

Discussion ensued regarding the Highway Department with what is essential, and Erich Caron will check with Barry. Also, need to check with Cheryl Behr as to what is in the Highway Capital Reserve and the length of the bond and how much it cost.

The Tri-fold is still to be completed per Erich Caron who is working on it.

Mention was made of someone observing three dumpsters at the Corsair gravel pit, and a letter will be addressed to the Selectmen to request the Code Enforcer be asked to check on non permitted activity on Map 7, Lot 29.


Carol Walker, Alternate gave her resignation at this meeting, due to her school commitment as well as moving out of town shortly. Carol was thanked for serving on the Planning Board, and her contributions will be missed.

Several names were suggested to invite to become Alternates to the Planning Board

Special Exceptions from ZBA:

The names of Ed MacLeod, John Gioldassis and Soaring Goose (Lumber Barn) were brought up as requesting Special Exceptions from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie r. Cilley,
