Planning Board Minutes 10.13.09

OCTOBER 13, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the October 13th meeting to order at 7:00pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative, Marcia Keller, Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Marge Cilley Secretary present. Absent were Barbara Vannata, Sonny Harris and Jane Johnsen, Alternate.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Sonny Harris.

Review and consideration of September 8, 2009 minutes.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 6-0.

To Do Folder:

Upcoming meetings were mentioned.

Notice from the Selectmen regarding the upcoming budget.

Letter from Maple View Development requesting extension until June 2010 for Ledgewood Pines.

Copies of letters written from Planning Board to Corsair Realty and Hirsch’s

Lucas subdivision escrow refund noted.

Mention of gravel pit renewal due from Bruce Edwards in April 2010.

Continuation of Public Hearing for Peter Isham Gravel Pit, Route 114, Map 6, Lot 106.

Peter Isham and Robert Stewart, Jr., RCS Design were present.

Robert Stewart, Jr. thanked everyone who made the effort and went on the Site Walk on September 22, as he felt it helped everyone to see what was being discussed. Mr. Stewart presented a revised plan and major concerns on number 8, 9, and 10 on the plans were read and discussed by the board.

The Check List for preparing the excavation application was gone over.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler that the board does not need to be notified in writing of who will be doing the excavating, crushing or blasting. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried.

The Planning Board voted to take each of the Excavation and Reclamation checklist items on an individual basis and vote accordingly. Vote carried 6-0.

4-e Motion to waive “has the seal and signature of a registered engineer or land surveyor” was made by Marcia Keller. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 6-0.

4-f Motion to waive “has existing topography at 2 foot intervals” was made by Jim Bibbo, Seconded by Bill Glennie. Motion carried 6-0.

4-l Motion to waive ” includes a log of borings or test pits to include groundwater levels” was made by Barry Wheeler. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 6-0.

4-m Motion to waive ” shows stone walls, ledge outcroppings, wells, existing buildings, septic systems, utilities and the like” was made by Barry Wheeler. Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 6-0.

4-n Motion to waive “includes a locus map at a scale of 1″:1000′ showing the proposed operation in relation to existing roads, water bodies, ponds, third order streams, and aquifers” was made by Jim Bibbo. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Bill Glennie voted Nay. Motion carried 5-1.

4-v Motion to waive “all surface drainage patterns including wetlands, and standing water, lakes, streams, etc. on site and within 200′ of the perimeter of the area to be excavated. Wetlands with a Certified Wetland Scientist stamp” was made by Barry Wheeler. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 6-0.

4-w Motion to consider as N/A “delineates soils and any areas greater than 50% slope” and vote to waive made by Barry Wheeler, Seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 6-0.

4-x Motion to waive “identifies Aquifer locations and limits as identified by the US Geological Survey and any zoning districts.” made by Barry Wheeler, seconded by Jim Bibbo. Robert Stewart, Jr., RCS Design advised ” they are not going below where we are at this point. We have not hit seasonal high water table to this point, and the grid on the plan shows that we are not excavating below that point.”

At this time, Phil LaMoreaux, Chair questioned the board members if they chose to receive the above in writing, or to approve from the minutes. The Board agreed to approve from the minutes. Motion carried 6-0.

4-y Motion to waive “includes copies of all state and federal permits required for the excavation” Robert Stewart, Jr. advised this area shown on the plan includes less than ¼ acre which is much less then what the State would require. Motion made by Bill Glennie, seconded by Marcia Keller. Motion carried 6-0.

4-z Checked off were: “blasting provisions and procedures” and

4-aa “photographs of the existing site”

4-bb Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to waive “Location of 3 groundwater wells” Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 6-0.

Peter Isham advised he had talked with J. D. Hanna who had given a verbal amount of eight thousand ($8,000) dollars for a reclamation amount. A condition of approval will be the Performance Bond and will be required prior to crushing etc.

6-d Motion to waive “includes the seal and signature of a registered engineer or land surveyor” was made by Barry Wheeler, seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 6-0

6-h Discussion took place regarding “includes the schedule of final reclamation activities including the seeding mixtures, cover vegetation, fertilizer types and rates” and was checked, not waived, and not voted on.

6-i “identifies the subsequent reuse of the site if known or anticipated” It was discussed that some type of future use of the site, whether residential/commercial, will be done, however, the first process is to get rid of the stone per Mr. Isham.

This concludes the checklist for the application.

RCS Design presented a letter requesting the application be accepted and approved in one hearing.

Motion to accept the Excavation Application for Peter Isham, Route 114, Map 6, Lot 106 as complete was made by Barry Wheeler, seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion was made to accept the request to accept and approve in one night made by Bill Glennie, seconded by Jim Bibbo. Motion carried 6-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to public comments. There being none, the public comment session was closed.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo and seconded by Barry Wheeler to approve the Peter Isham’s Excavation Application with the following Conditions of Approval.

1. To receive a Performance Bond in the amount of $8,000 or some amount of financial surety that is in line with the regulations, prior to the commencement of either removal of material from the site or crushing or blasting. Amended to: Surety must be received within 180 days from today, which will be April 13, 2010.

Motion carried 6-0.

A statement of discussion with J D Hanna was given to the board to put in the file, by Mr. Isham.

The time limit for the permit is three years from the time the conditions have been met, in reply to a question asked by Robert Stewart, Jr.

Peter Isham requested an extension of 6 months, amending the conditions of approval to make the surety received within 180 days from the conditional of approval, or by April 13, 2010.

Discussion of Completeness of Activity:

1. Jessica Selby: Phil LaMoreaux, Chair will check on this.

2. Daniel Kraft: Letter will be sent by Phil LaMoreaux, Chair

3. Kevin Allen: Complete

4. George Naughton: Complete

5. Bruce Edwards:

6. A letter re: Carolyn Demers will be forwarded to the Selectmen by Phil LaMoreaux Chair, for Non compliance of Site Plan Review. An add in the current Shopper for Stained Glass classes was read.

Scheduled for Work Meeting:

The 2010 budget will be worked on at the next work meeting, scheduled for October 27.

Public Hearing regarding the new Sign Ordinance scheduled also for October 27.

Work Force Housing is another topic for October 27.

In reply to the question of putting some of the Planning Board records on a PDF file, it was decided it could be done out of money allotted to Planning Board supplies. It was decided that the old minutes could be done if it will be accomplished here on site.

Hand outs included Land Use Legislation received from Stephanie Alexander, CNHRPC

Jim Bibbo will check further on these changes in the law and report back at the October 27, 2009. meeting.

A separate folder will be set up with just NOD’s in them and be filed alongside the Planning Board minutes, and made available to the public.

Meeting adjourned 8:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary