Select Board Minutes 10.06.09

OCTOBER 6, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Ken Anderson, appeared before the Selectmen regarding the purchasing of a new, long stroke cardboard baler for a price of $11,701.00. Ken had applied for and was approved for a $4,000.00 Grant from N.H. the Beautiful for the purchase of a baler. The new baler must be purchased then the $4,000.00 will be reimbursed. There is available the remaining $7,701.00 in the Special Revenue Fund. The present cardboard baler, which is a 1999, is in need of a new seal and piston. Charles Meany requested Ken Anderson acquire another quote, comparing “apples to apples”. March is the time limit for using the Grant. Mark Ashton will be in charge of the land fill while Ken is away.

Andrew Pinard was not present to discuss the School Budget.

Ann Lucier came before the Selectmen regarding the letter she had written in the Bradford Bridge, being concerned about the Town Clerk and Tax Collector hours, and why the office is open only two days a week. It was stated that the office hours should be more available to the public. Ann suggested perhaps the office could be closed on Monday and open on Friday when more people come to register their vehicles etc. The town clerk now works seventeen hours a week, however, there has not been a cut in pay. It was also pointed out that work is being taken out of the office to be done at home. Charles Meany advised the Select Board has been aware of this for quite a while. Ann Lucier advised the Town Clerk’s Association should be contacted who will in turn help the situation. Town Clerk’s are elected by their people and they should be there to serve their people. Charles Meany advised they are working on doing registrations on line. People spoke from the floor advising Monday is a holiday, which means the office will be closed, leaving the office open just one day that week, and should not be allowed. Someone advised that the last time they went to register a vehicle, they had to wait forty five minutes. Charles Meany, Chair advised the public will be informed as to what action is taken. Police Chief Jim Valiquet advised in an emergency situation, an emergency registration, a 20 day cardboard plate can be procured by calling the Commissioners Office.

Dick Keller complimented the work done on the front of the town hall parking lot. Charles Meany advised the material that has been put down is hard pack, and as it dries out, will set up like concrete. Eventually there is a plan to go before the citizens as a Warrant Article to pave the parking lot. It was also pointed out that the steps and benches are a big improvement. Complete plans will be drawn up for the rest of the renovations.

One improvement needed is a new energy efficient door in the front, and an accessible door in the back with an automatic opener. Marcia Keller suggested the historic preservation be taken into consideration with updates. Also the light over the front door will be replaced.

Police Chief, Jim Valiquet came before the Selectmen regarding his budget, and advised he would at this time like to hire Craig Norton, presently a Norwich student. The Bradford Police Dept. is down one full time and three part time employees at this time. Charles Meany, Chair requested the Chief make his wishes known and present it to the Selectmen for the Budget Committee. Charles Meany, chair advised he would like to see the 24/7 with a contingency plan to at least get one more part timer in the force to improve it up to three quarters coverage.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to have 24/7 coverage by the Bradford Police Dept., seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that most of the Capital Reserve and projections for CIP have gone by the wayside. A cruiser was not voted on last year, and now one cruiser has 122,000 miles and the other 98,000 miles. By town meeting, they will both be over 100,000 and at least one will need to be replaced. The Police Chief advised a 4 wheel drive vehicle is still needed. Charles Meany, Chair requested Chief Valiquet put it in writing to the Selectmen as to what is necessary for the budget committee. It was suggested that more press prior to town meeting should be out this year.

Jack Meaney questioned the Police Chief as to when he was hoping to hire Mr. Norton, to which the reply was immediately.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton for the Selectmen accept the hiring of Craig Norton as a part time police officer in the town of Bradford. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Health Officer will be attending a seminar in Meredith.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter from the First Baptist Church advising of the holes and broken tar in the Church parking lot which people have tripped on. Could the town put it on their agenda to patch these spots as the town’s citizens use this lot, and we would like to keep them safe. It was the consensus of the Selectmen to do the patching.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator asked George Cilley if he knew what was happening with the Town Clock in the Church steeple. George advised Brian Wilcox and he had been working on having it checked out by the same person who repaired it back in the 1970’s. No price or figures have been received at this time.

Budget forms are out to all Department Heads in preparation of the scheduled October 20, 2009 Budget meeting to look over the first three quarters of the year per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Question was asked who was doing the clearing at the Chris Way property prior to installing the new fence around the fire pond. The Fire Dept. will be checked to see if they can do it. The money is available for the fencing as it was voted in at last town meeting in a Warrant Article.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to approve the fence to be installed on the Way Property. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried. 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator reported on the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Organizational meetings that are tentatively set for October 27, 2009 at 6:00pm and November 12, 2009. Copies of the plan will be available at those times. This is anticipated to be a quarterly meeting during the first few years until money is built up in the fund. The first year will require the most attention in getting it set up, following that it should be automatic.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were signed.

NFI has requested from the town that they be a Charitable Exempt Tax payer.

A letter was read from Town Atty., Laura Spectra regarding NFI whether being or not being a charitable exemption. It was discussed that the Bradford School is different from NFI as it is made up of day students. At this time, the information received does not support a finding that NFI North, Inc provides a charitable service to a segment of the general public at the Bradford property.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator thanked Bindy Glennie and her gardening services who donated $2468.00 to the work that was done at French’s Park.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator has been asked to bring before the board of selectmen the use of the second floor of the town hall for archery by Kate Dobrowski, Community Center. These are younger children, and feels there is no danger of damage to the building. Since the upstairs of the town hall is not being used at all at this time, Kate thought the second choice may be the highway garage. Consensus of the Selectmen was no to both requests at this time.

Dick Keller voiced his concern with what happened recently with the firing of the Road Agent. Charles Meany, Chair advised the Selectmen are not allowed by statue to make any comment on that matter, it being a personnel issue. Dick Keller questioned how the town knows that something has taken place, and was advised the public would know when the job is posted. George Cilley questioned who is in charge of the Highway Dept. now and was advised James Gove, who was second in command, and will be until the position is filled. Ann Lucier suggested someone had been discussing the situation, as when Steve Lucier, Road Agent was out on sick leave, people had called her and advised her they had been told he was fired. Anne also advised she had called the Dept. of Labor, and there is no privacy law keeping anyone from saying that, so if they choose to tell people, they can legally. Charles Meany, Chair advised they chose not to.

Charles Meany, Chair will be getting prices on better flags and brackets for decorating Main Street.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator has tickets for a drawing from Fun Day and the winner of the $25.00 Gift Certificate was Haley which was donated by Goodales Bike Shop, procured by Nik Coates, CNHRPC. Outspoken, Wil Hurley tuned up 15 bicycles, Local Government Center and State Police, NH Highway Safety also donated items.

Jack Meaney questioned Marlene Freyler regarding the repair of the Brown Shattuck Field where deep ruts were made on July 4th, and have not been repaired as yet. Marlene advised she had spoken to the person who is repairing the ruts today. George Cilley expressed that someone should be responsible to see the job gets done in a timely manner so the mowing can be kept up.

Meeting adjourned 6:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley