Planning Board Minutes 11.11.14


NOVEMBER 11, 2014


Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Marcia Keller, Chair.

Members Present

Marcia Keller, Chair, Jim Bibbo, Don Jackson, Claire James, Mark Keith, Steve Chase, Alternate, Sonny Harris, Select Board (arrived 7:10pm)

Members Absent

Erich Caron


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion was made to approve the minutes for October 28, 2014 with no edits. Mark Keith abstained. Motion carried 5-0.

Response to Letters Sent Re: Electronic Filing

The board is still awaiting electronic copies of respective site plans/boundary adjustments from Messer, Eckman Engineering (Heselton/Wichermann) and Horizon Engineering (Chivers). Another letter will be sent this week with a deadline of 12.09.14, letters will be copied to Board of Selectmen and Code Enforcement Officer.

Voluntary Merger- Map 6 Lots 21&41

Paperwork was received, signed and accepted for a voluntary merger of Map 6 Lots 21 & 41.

Wayne McCutcheon- Survey Issues- Map 6 Lot 82 Subdivision

In attendance were Wayne McCutcheon, Licensed Surveyor; Doug Sweet, Licensed Surveyor; and several abutting residents of the Map 6 Lot 82 subdivision

Wayne McCutcheon, NH Licensed Land Surveyor #166, reviewed the property boundaries of Map 6 Lot 82 subdivision at owner’s request. Provided detailed maps with key from the original surveyor and documentation of his updated maps with corresponding photos of where the boundary markers should have been. His initial concern is that the deeds for these properties reference the boundary markers that are not in existence or are inadequately marked. Secondary concern is how to prevent poor surveying from going unnoticed in the future.

It was suggested that the surveyor in question be reported to the Board of Licensure. Mr. McCutcheon advised that this surveyor has been reported before and is concerned with surveyors like him continuing to do poor work in Bradford and not being held accountable.  Doug Sweet suggested that to help prevent situations like this in the future the Mylar should not be signed until the monuments have been set and that a board member could walk the property to verify this after the surveyor has set the bounds.

It was agreed that the Planning Board will ask the Bradford Code Enforcement Officer and Board of Selectmen to reach out to the surveyor in question and request he return immediately to set the bounds to code. He will be given two weeks to fulfill his obligation.

Gravel Pit Education Session- Review

Notes and feedback were reviewed from the Gravel Pit Education Session 11.03.14. It was brought to the Planning Board’s attention that several property owners in town have been excavating land for commercial purpose without an Intent to Excavate. Steve Chase, Alternate, reminded the board that the definition of Commercial Excavation is an excavation of earth intended for commerce- if it is being sold, that constitutes commerce. It was agreed that Mary Pinkham-Langer would be contacted regarding unlawful commercial excavation.

Additionally, several pit owners in Bradford have expressed concern over the qualifications of town board members who are proposed to conduct yearly gravel pit inspections per the revised Excavation Regulations. The suggested alternative was that a surveyor could conduct the inspection at owner’s expense; the board agreed that would be too costly for pit owners. Decided to ask Mary Pinkham-Langer to participate in the yearly inspections as she is the most qualified person to conduct them. Regarding permit re-application the board discussed waiving the engineering survey, at the discretion of the Planning Board, in order to lessen the cost burden for pit owners who would like to “renew” their permit.

In an effort to continue to receive feedback from Bradford pit owners, board members will reach out to each pit owner individually. The board would like to receive all pit owner feedback by the first week of December.

Appointment of Alternate Member of the Board

The proposed alternate Planning Board member was unable to attend the meeting so her appointment was postponed.


The next Planning Board meeting will be held Tuesday, November 25, 2014.

As there was no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 10:00pm

Minutes submitted by Camila Devlin.