Planning Board Minutes 11.15.16





November 15, 2016


Meeting called to order by Erich Caron, Chair, at 7:00PM.

Members Present

Erich Caron, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Garret Bauer; Carol Troy; Mark Keith; Pam Bruss

Members Absent

Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Rep; Doug Troy, Alternate; Miriam D’Angona; Steve Chase, Alternate; Michael James, Alternate ; Suzzanne Simano, Alternate


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of October 25, 2016 were accepted with no corrections.

Appearance: Amy from G&A Automotive and Martin Chivers. They both received a letter from the State indicating that their signs needed to be removed off Rt.103 because they are in the States right of way and they need to be set back 100’. Amy informed the Board that if they go back 100’ they will be in the Warner River. Any has talked with Sheri King at the State and Sheri informed her that they can apply for signs through the State and that it will cost them $300.00 per side of the sign. Both Amy and Martin informed the Board that they feel much targeted with this process and they are frustrated because there was never an issue with the signs until they changed over in ownership. Martin said he was so frustrated with this process that he is about to log all that area and put in a pig farm and that way signs would be able to be seen from the road. Claire James did offer to personally pay for the State Signage but both Amy and Martin said it is not about the money but more about the principle of the entire situation. The Board is going to contact the State and see if they have any process for a variance or a special exception that maybe would allow the signs to remain where they are. Pam read from the RSA for the State set back and the Board voted 6-0 to have Carol contact the state to see about having an extension as to when the signs need to be removed to see if they can get the full 30 days.

Budget: The Board reviewed each line item of the current Planning Board Budget and would like to keep everything the same but would like to add an additional $5,000.00 towards the Master plan. The Board is not sure if this will have to be a warrant article, but will follow up with Karen as to how this needs to be written up. They will also be requesting another $5,000.00 next year as the entire project for the Master Plan will be $10,000.00. Motion to accept proposed budget of $15,000.00, vote 6-0.

Master Plan: Dean Williams will be attending the next planning board meeting to start working with the Board over what to expect in the transportation chapter of the Master Plan.

Sign ordinance: Pam presented the revised ordinance to the Selectmen last night and they are in favor in having the Planning Board make the final decision on if signs are granted permits. Pam asked each Select Board member to take the draft home and further review and bring additional comments to the next selectmen’s meeting. After Pam reviews the Selectmen’s comments they will plan on holding a Public Hearing with the town to go over any questions or concerns.

Sweet Beet Farm Stand: There will be a Public Hearing on November 29th. Planning Board secretary will send out notices to all the abutters as well as a notice in the paper.

The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 29, 2016 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.