Planning Board Minutes 11.13.12

NOVEMBER 13, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with Don Jackson, Caryl Walker, Alternate, Mark Keith, John Greenwood, Jim Bibbo, Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair. and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.  Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Representative was absent.

Review and Consideration of October 9, 2012 Minutes:

Motion was made by John Greenwood to approve the October 9, 2012 minutes as presented.  Seconded by Don Jackson.  Motion carried 6-0.

CNHRPC Meeting:

Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen forwarded an E-Mail advising that CNHRPC will be holding a meeting at the Bow Municipal Building with Guest Speaker, Chris Clemons, Commissioner from NHDOT discussing on going plans for highways on December 7, 2012 at 9:00AM.  It is encouraged for as many as possible to attend.  Since Bill Glennie’s resignation, the Planning Commission is short one person from Bradford.

Public Hearing – Jennifer Critch – Old Sutton Road – Site Plan – Hair Salon Map 2, Lot 112:

Jennifer Critch came before the Planning Board for the Public Hearing for a Site Plan for a Hair Salon.  The Plans and Application were gone over by the Board.  One question was if there were going to be any signs and Jennifer advised one on the house, 18”  X  6’

At this time, she drew a plan on the map of the house of where the sign would be.  There will also be a small 2’  x  3’  hanging sign within the size limits allowed.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair to accept the Application as complete for a Site Plan for a Hair Salon on Map 2, Lot 112. Seconded by Jim Bibbo.  Motion carried 6-0.

Marcia Keller, Chair opened the Public Hearing.  Town Departments were notified and receipts were acknowledged.  Betty Lalla, neighbor across the street from the proposed hair salon advised she is interested in traffic and parking.  Jennifer Critch advised there would be no more than three cars in the parking area at any one time, including her vehicle.  Hours of operation will probably be 9:00 am to 3:00pm. with one late night at 7:00pm being the latest.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair to approve the Application for a Site Plan for a Hair Salon at 17 Sutton Road, Map 2, Lot 112.  Seconded by Jim Bibbo.  Motion carried 6-0.

The Site Plan was signed by the Chair with a copy provided to Jennifer Critch.

Mrs. Lalla thanked the Planning Board for all they do.

Report from Don Jackson on Meeting with the Selectmen:

Don Jackson met with the Selectmen at their regular scheduled meeting on November 5, 2012.  Don handed out the minutes from the Selectmen’s meeting from November 5, 2012 for the members to read.  This was in regard to two Planning Board concerns that had been brought to the Selectmen’s attention via two letters, one dated September 28, 2012 regarding construction on East Washington Road, Map 8, Lot 29 which appears to not be conforming to the setback requirements.  Also a Notice of Site Plan Review Requirements had been forwarded to Mr. Douglas Jackson, Center Road, Map 6, Lot 96.  The Planning Board has received no response from him.  A follow-up letter was sent to the Selectmen regarding the above on October 25, 2012.  The Selectmen advised they had not seen the original letter which was put in their box in the Selectmen’s room.  Don Jackson stated that the October 25th letter was apparently the first the Selectmen had received. When the second letter was put in the Administrator’s IN Box by the Secretary, she was advised she must physically hand the letter to the Administrator.

These concerns were not brought up at the November 12, 2012 Selectmen’s meeting by the Selectmen, Chair, Vice Chair or himself per Don Jackson.

This does need to be followed up on.  The Selectmen should be reviewing with the Building Inspector to make sure the checks and balance are in place.

Decision by the Planning Board is to forward another Site Plan Review request form to Doug Jackson via Certified Mail with a December 1st deadline to get in touch with the Planning Board.

The Planning Board will pursue this issue with the Selectmen at their November 19, 2012 meeting.

Selectmen’s Hearing RE: Junk Yard Permit:

The Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing regarding a Junk Yard Permit on Monday, November 19, 2012.

Lois Knapton Boundary Line Survey:

Lois Knapton’s Boundary Line Adjustment will need to go through the process with the Planning Board, Application-Notification-Public Hearing, which was not originally done when she had purchased a piece of land from the town on East Main Street that was never recorded.

Subdivision Info for Tri-Folds:

The wording for the Subdivision section of the Tri-Folds that Sue McKevitt is working on was updated by Marcia Keller, Chair for the Planning Board members to discuss.  After a few minor changes, the wording will be forwarded to Sue McKevitt.

CNHRPC – Mike Tardiff and Matt Monahan – Economic Development :

The Economic Development meets quarterly with the next meeting coming up in December.  Matt Monahan had outlined the comprehensive Economic Development strategy and stated a member from Bradford is needed, and to please contact the Town Administrator.  A discussion with the Selectmen was thought to be in order to see if this could be followed through with.  Jim Bibbo will check with Cheryl Behr to see if the town is interested in pursuing this and Caryl Walker will contact Laura Hallahan as she had shown some interest.  The place and date of the CNHRPC meeting in December will be followed up on and Caryl Walker and Jim Bibbo are interested in attending.  There will be a report back on this at the November 27, 2012 Planning Board meeting.


The 20913 budget was discussed and the Secretaries hours were increased, the Circuit Rider amount was reduced to a thousand dollars as they have not been used much this year.

Question arose as to charge for supplies and the Secretary will check this out with Maureen.  Postage was reduced to fifty dollars.

This will be followed through for completeness on the November 27, 2012 meeting.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


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