Select Board Minutes 11.12.12

NOVEMBER 12, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of November 5, 2012 minutes:

Motion to approve the November 5, 2012 minutes as presented was made by Sonny Harris, seconded by Harry Wright, Chair.  Motion carried 3-0.

Harry Wright, Chair reiterated that the fall issue of the SooNipi Magazine has a feature article on the Ax Men shown this past year with pictures.  And, something that has come from the minutes, is the situation of dead trees on East Washington Road, has the road crew had a chance to look at them.  Barry Wheeler stated they would do that this next week.

Harry Wright, Chair advised at this week’s election there were over 80 new registered voters.  Town Clerk, Erica Gross advised the total was actually 96.  Everyone that worked was super busy and thanks to everyone, especially the Town Clerk and her assistant for doing a good job.  990 actual votes cast, making it 87%.

A School Board presentation was made to the Selectmen on Thursday evening and we asked Sonny to cover that.  Sonny replied he did not realize he was supposed to be there and Harry Wright, Chair advised he was notified by e-mail.  Andrew Pinard may be requested to come in next week to speak about the meeting.

Local Government Conference will be holding some interesting seminars at the New England Center in Manchester on Wednesday and Thursday, sort of a semi trade show.

Friday, December 7, 2012 –  9:00am the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Conference Transportation Advisory Committee will have a monthly meeting with a guest speaker, Chris Clement who is Commissioner of New Hampshire Department of Transportation.  This will cover short term, long term plans as he sees them.  This is open to the public and they are encouraged to attend.


Marlene Freyler stated she is here again to try to find some answers.  Last week you shut us down and said this is still an ongoing investigation.  Sonny Harris stated open case.  Marlene went on to say maybe with Jeff, but not with all these other things.    It is not on going with the County Attorney.  I would like to have a meeting with Mr.George Waldron, FEMA people and everything else so we can get this cleaned up.  Marlene Freyler advised Mr. Waldron stated to her that this is open to the public and everyone has a right to know, RSA 91-A and we have a right to all those records.  Sonny Harris stated that that is just the opposite from what he was told by Mr. Waldron.  In response to a question from Marlene Freyler, Sonny Harris advised the last time he had spoken with Mr. Waldron was on November 1, 2012, AT 11:53AM.  Sonny Harris advised he has also discussed this with Jon Marden, and Jon talked with Mr. Waldron as well, and perhaps he can shed some light on this.  Sonny re-stated that they are not allowed to be discussing it, and he is mortified that this is out to the public.

Marlene Freyler went on to say this is like a witch hunt for everyone that works in town.

In order for this town to get together, someone has to stop this.  The letter you wrote Sonny is the most deplorable letter.  I don’t know what you expect to do about all of us that are so bad in here, but I think you are not serving the Selectmen very well in what you did.  It’s sneaky, it’s nasty and the town is even more divided now.  Marlene Freyler stated:  Go ahead Mr. Marden.

Jon Marden stated he had talked with the Assistant County Attorney the day after the Selectmen’s Meeting and I told him I was upset the way it had been distributed, and he told me the Investigation phase was closed, and criminal portion was not.  He was absolutely mortified when I brought to his attention that the content of that information has things that should have been redacted that has personal information in there.  He also stated that it had been released to our Town Attorney with no advice beyond that.

Marlene Freyler went on to state he had told her personally she could get a copy of it and he would give her a copy. Marlene stated she would like a meeting with Mr. Waldron as well as Scott Hilliard from the Sheriff’s Department

Harry Wright, Chair stated calling Mr. Waldron would probably be a very good thing to have the same questions asked.  Marlene advised she had called Harry to see if she could have the information and Harry said yes. Harry Wright also advised the information should be available with in 60 days it should become public records, from the time the information was sent to the town.

Chris Frey suggested perhaps the Town Attorney should also be there as well for the meeting.  More discussion ensued.

Erica Gross: Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Budget:

Erica Gross, Town Clerk/Tax Collector presented her budget for 2013.

The Secretary asked for a copy, and was told the Administrator would get one for her.

There was no salary adjustment in the budget presented.

In response to the question regarding $400.00 for marriages and dogs, Erica advised dog’s usually come at the end of the year, and she has just ordered tags.

Cheryl Behr advised in the last few years they have been offsetting the marriage licenses, to revenue, so there are no numbers showing for the marriage licenses as an expense and the revenue is separate.

Motion to accept the financial administration budget to pass onto the budget committee including the Selectmen’s column numbers.  Seconded by Sonny Harris.  Motion carried 3-0.


Accounts Payable and Payroll were reviewed and signed.

The Hazard Mitigation Plan Report was received by the Selectmen to sign with the request to not change the date.  It was explained that the Emergency Management Report has been completed and accepted by FEMA and needs the Selectmen approval.

Sonny Harris questioned if they were not in any violation of any statutes by signing this now?   Marcia Keller stated that there was a Public Hearing for the Hazard Mitigation

Meeting with only three of them there, excluding any Selectmen.

Cheryl Behr stated there was some confusion regarding the budget from last week whether you had approved them or not.  Those include:

Cemetery, Selectmen’s Executive Budget

Revaluation reduced by $900.00

Timber Monitor is down by $900.00.

Motion was made to approve #4152 Revaluation of Property by Sonny Harris.  Barry Wheeler seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-0.

#4153  Legal – Is the same as last year.  On hold for now, will reconsider.

#4196  Insurance – A credit from Local Government Center for property liability was $76,700.  Now the figure is $67,041.63 and the credit will be credited next spring if we are still using LGC.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to pass #4196 Insurance.  Seconded by Sonny Harris.

Motion carried 3-0.

#4199 – Other General Government –

Motion made by Harry Wright, Chair to pass #4199.  Seconded by Sonny Harris.  Motion carried 3-0.

#4240 – Building Dept. – Cheryl explained this should not have the expense of removing the Sanborn property so changes from $23,965.00 to $10,000 which includes $125.00 a week for the Building Inspector, and $2,900.00 for Secretarial.

Motion was made by Harry Writght, Chair, to approve #4240 Building Dept. Seconded by Sonny Harris.  Motion carried 3-0.

#4290 – Civil Defense – $250.00

Cheryl explained if there is any activity, we are reimbursed by the State.

Motion made by Sonny Harris to approve #4290 Civil Defense. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair.

#4313 – Bridges – $500.00

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve #4313 Bridges.  Seconded by Sonny Harris.  Motion carried 3-0.

Harry Wright reiterated that the Federal Government will pick up 80% of the bond, leaving a balance of $154,000 of which the State will pick up 80% leaving the Town of Bradford $30,800.00, which is 20% balance.

#4316 – Street Light  $100.00 increase in anticipation of a rate increase.  Question was again asked about putting additional lighting in the front walk of the Community Center.  On hold for now.

#4415 – Inoculations $100.00

Acts as a place holder – injections for Police – Rescue

Motion was made by Harry Wright to pass #4415 Inoculations at $100.00.  Seconded by Barry Wheeler.  Motion carried 3-0.

#4711 – Long Term Notes  – For Highway Garage at $31,880.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve #4711 Long Term Notes.  Seconded by Sonny Harris.  Carried 3-0.

#4723 – Interest on Tan Notes – $2,000

Mention was made by Cheryl Behr that the figure showing is incorrect at $3,000 and will be changed.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to approve #4723 at $2,000.00.  Seconded by Sonny Harris.  Motion carried.

Cheryl Behr requested the Selectmen go back to the first page #4130 where there are some line items which she has no control over:  Those being part time Special Projects and Part time Budget Committee Secretary.  Both are over budget at this point.  The Town Hall Restoration Committee which is Special Projects is over by $870.00.  The part time Budget Committee is not over at this time but there is only $141.00 left in their budget. (2013 Budget Worksheet dated 11/13/2012 states $224.31)

Harry Wright, Chair requested to discuss this.  THRC status at this time is unknown.

Budget Committee Part Time Secretary estimate should be set at $1500.00 per Cheryl Behr.  Cheryl Behr advised the part time wages for secretarial services for the Selectmen calculates at just under 4.9 hours per week at $3900.  It was stated that they are going over that now.  This is line item 4130-1400.

#4130-6700 Another question asked if they need hard copies of Law Books.  Marcia Keller stated the updated supplements are handy but they can be looked up on line.

They are $780.00.  This needs to be reviewed prior to decision to see if just supplements can be obtained.

Contract Copier $2500.00 is a one time a year fee.

Motion was made for the #4130-1400 Selectmen Secretarial amount be set at $4200.00

Special Projects #4130-1200 be set at $500.00 and #4300-1201 Budget Committee Secretary set at $1400 by Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler Seconded.  Motion carried 3-0.

#4155 Employee Benefits

A credit will come from LGC.  Decision to hold for now waiting for additional information.

4194 – General Government

Technology Committee will possibly combine all technology from each department and consolidating it into one for better management. No total available at this time.   The committee will be meeting the end of this month.

Contract Services – Hourly wage position or Contract?  Hold off on this for now.

#4195 Cemetery

Mr. Riley changed the headings on two lines:  Now:

#4195-1207 Wages Custodial and #4195-1208 Wages – Maintenance.

This is how money is identified by the State Cemetery Trust.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Seconded by Sonny Harris to approve #4195 Cemetery at $25,275.00  Motion Carried 3-0.

4312 – Highway Budget – Two full time, Part Time and Road Agent and one or two part time as needed.  A reduction of $2,870.00 from last years budget.  More discussion required per Harry Wright, Chair.  On Hold for now.

One comment was that the town warrants a fulltime Road Agent.

Question was asked if the Road Agent is still getting paid to which the reply was he’s on leave.  Is it possible that we will need to budget for this next year?

#4589 – Community Center

It was stated that there will be an “Ad” placed in town for a part time maintenance person on an on call basis monthly, for $9200.00. This dollar amount will also cover any materials needed.   It was suggested that two or three pre-qualified people be on call.

Other topics discussed for the Community Center was the pest Control, electricity and propane cost is down.  Cost of Landscaping is down $500.00.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve #4589 for the Community Center Budget of $30,745.00.

Budgets from VNA which went up $200.00 to $4700.00 and CAP is the same at $9,000.00 have been received

Sidewalk project – Paving will be done next week.

Cheryl Behr advised she has not heard back from CWS Fence regarding an estimate for the repair on the Bridge on Box Corner.

Motion was made and seconded to go into non-public per RSA 91A3:11(a) to sign personnel document.  Harry Wright, Chair  –  yes,      Barry Wheeler  –  Yes   Sonny Harris  –  Yes.                                                    Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


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