Planning Board Minutes Site Walk 10.28.08

OCTOBER 28, 2008


Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the Site Walk at 8:00am with the following in attendance. Barbara Vannata, Bill Glennie, Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Planning Board members, Jane Johnsen, Alternate Planning Board, Marge Cilley, Secretary. Atty. Susan Hankin-Birk, McSwiney, Semple, Hankin-Birke & Wood, PC, Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering, Dick Keller, Everett and Millie Kittredge also present.

The Site Walk began at the Truck Shop entrance off Breezy Hill Road for Map 3, Lot 74B and progressed towards the back of the lot, observing pins, with many questions and answers being discussed. Dave Eckman advised every corner had to be monumented that has not been. Atty. Susan Hankin-Birk answered questions and took notes as to what the Planning Board was looking at as well as looking for clarification.

Sonny Harris advised he has lived in town for many years, and to his knowledge, there has never been an accident from exiting from the lower driveway by large trucks.

Marcia Keller pointed out her concern for the 14 proposed school busses exiting onto Breezy Hill Road from the lower driveway as there has been an increase in traffic on Breezy Hill Road over the years as people use it as a cross cut between Route 114 and Route 103.

It was pointed out that the storage area needs to be shown and clearly marked on the Site Plan where currently the trailers, parking and storage area is now. The privacy Fence between house and bus area was pointed out.

Dave Eckman advised the lines on the plan will not be painted.

The walk continued up to the existing home and the proposed Chiropractic Office was pointed out down stairs in the back of the building. Proposed signage will be shown on the plans and the Right of Way to the back lot will be depicted.

Also signs were discussed, both on the road frontage as well as on the building.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair asked if there were any further questions or comments, there being none, the Site Walk was closed at 9:00am with the continuation of the public meeting to be held at the Planning Board’s scheduled meeting on November 11, 2008.

Respectively submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
