Public Hearing Minutes SB2 02.19.24

Official Ballot Referendum (SB2)

The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the petitioned warrant article: “Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13, known as SB2 to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Bradford on the second Tuesday of March.” This article will be voted on by ballot at the Kearsarge Elementary School – Bradford on March 13, 2024

Select Board Members Present: Beth Downs (Chair), Mel Pfeifle

Open Hearing: Beth Downs opened the hearing at 5:00 pm.

Members of the public appeared and spoke:

Harriet Douglass: Opposed to SB2.

Judy Marshall: Opposed to SB2. Deliberative session of KRSD is not well attended and the process for changing budget and warrant and unclear.

Tom Marshall: What can be done at the deliberative session? What can be changed?  

Judy Marshall: What is the purpose of SB2?

Chris Frey: SB2 will foster participation and interest in town governance. Chris thinks a lot more people will vote than will attend Town Meeting.

Mary Derry: Democracy is precious. Wants to keep Town Meeting.

Kathleen Bigford: Voting will take longer per voter as each warrant article, sometimes more than 30, will need a yes/no vote. Will SB2 foster better informed voters?

Beth Downs: Is opposed to the change to SB2. Wants to hear more at regular meetings. Wants a better explanation of the details of SB2.

Mel Pfeifle: Voters in the town need to direct the Select Board. Voter participation is necessary. Loves town meeting. SB2 will not foster the conversations that will sustain the town. Chris doesn’t have the statute information.

John Mock: Bradford property owner, not a Bradford resident. SB2 will make voting more accessible, therefore, more voices can be heard.  

Sue McKevitt: In SB2 towns fewer people show up at the deliberative session where the budget and warrant are discussed.

Discussion of changing the voting/meeting calendar from March to May schedule:

Linc Heffner: Likes the May schedule.

Sue McKevitt: Shifting to later in the year could be accomplished. Something to look into.

Jen Richardson: Budget Committee Hearing was well attended. Budget Committee is working to make information transparent and available.

Bliss Dayton: Timing of the collection of taxes is confusing. In favor of keeping Town Meeting. Voters at a Town Meeting are making a more informed decision than a ballot.

Mary Keegan-Dayton: In favor of keeping Town Meeting. Wants to hear what people are thinking.  Important to continue and losing it will be hard to restore it.

Mel Pfeifle:  Is proud of the work that has been done by the department heads, boards, and committees. Wants to hear more about making it better.

Hearing closed: Beth Downs closed the meeting at 5:54 pm.