Select Board Minutes 02.10.14



FEBRUARY 10, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:33pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Dick Keller, Chair Budget Committee:

Dick Keller, Chair Budget Committee presented the Selectmen with a different proposal for Article Fifteen in the Warrant regarding the purchasing of a tanker truck for the fire department, as follows: This would replace Articles 15 & 16.

To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred and Thirty Two Thousand Dollars ($232,000) to purchase one new tanker style fire truck, replacing existing unit 82 M-4, 1980 International tanker style truck, and to authorize the withdrawal of One Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand Dollars ($152,000) from the Fire Dept. heavy equipment Capital Reserve fund and to raise and appropriate the balance of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000) by taxation.

After much discussion between Mark Goldberg, Dick Keller and the Selectmen, regarding the requested Article change, all three Selectmen concurred to stay with their original Article 15 as written:

To see if the town will to vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a lease purchase agreement for the purpose of purchasing a tanker truck for the fire department. (This agreement contains a fiscal funding non appropriation clause) and to raise One hundred and fifty two thousand dollars ($152,000) for the down payment and first years payment under the lease/purchase agreement. The total cost of the tanker truck over four years will be Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($238,100). The estimated annual payment for the remaining three years will be Twenty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($28,700) per year.

Dick Keller, Chair, Budget Committee advised the Budget Committee does not recommend Article Fifteen as written.

Erica Gross, Town Clerk-Town Meeting Location:

Erica Gross came before the Selectmen with Assistant Moderator, Fred Hubley to discuss where Town Meeting could/should be held. They pointed out the problems of a possible over crowed condition if it is held at the Bradford Elementary where it is usually held. Suggestion was again made to consider the Middle School in Sutton as a possible site.

Another suggestion was to provide a tent. Another suggestion was the Town Shed.

The three Selectmen were adamant that voting would take place in Bradford somewhere and it will be worked out soon.

Cheryl Behr advised the Town Report is waiting for the finalized warrant, and most Department Reports are in.

Article Ten of the Warrant has been checked out by the Town Attorney, per Cheryl Behr.

Highway Budget concerns:

It was discussed that Barry Wheeler, Road Agent is concerned about his Budget regarding Overtime due to the storms. Suggestion was for him to check his numbers and perhaps the budget could be amended on the floor of town meeting.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to increase the Highway Budget by Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

A note to the Budget Committee will be forwarded stating this motion.

Cheryl Behr stated that a bill has been received for the dumpster for January that was procured for the Fire Dept. /Highway Dept. then it was decided to not continue to use it. The Selectmen advised this does need to be paid.

Warrant Article Seven, the secretary reminded Cheryl Behr that the word septic needs to be removed under the highlighted Note: under the Article.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised that a Generator is required when the town hall is renovated to run the sprinkler if needed. John Pfeifle reiterated that a wood pellet furnace is being worked on and will be explained at town meeting. Statement was made that a maintenance person would be needed, especially for the boiler. It was explained that there is very little ash to be removed every two weeks or so.

PSNH and TDS tax appeal:

Cheryl Behr advised $80,000 is paid in taxes between PSNH and TDS for the poles in Bradford at this time.

Marcia Keller suggested that perhaps a letter from the Selectmen to TDS would help as around LakeMassasecum, there are many problems. The Selectmen requested Cheryl Behr write a letter to TDS regarding the many customers having problems around LakeMassasecum.

KAP renewal of Contract:

The Selectmen concurred that a renewal letter be drafted as was done last year.


John Pfeifle advised Rand Hinman needs to talk to Perry Teele and John Mock regarding the fireworks for the 4th of July Celebration on July 5th..

John Pfeifle read the notice of the upcoming dinner to be held at the Appleseed Restaurant on March 5, 2014th for the benefit of the Town Hall Restoration project.

Question was asked about the heating of the town hall since it is not being used. John Pfeifle advised there are records there and people do go in. It was estimated that between the heating, electricity and monitoring about fifteen thousand dollars annually is being spent.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of February 3, 2014 Minutes

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the February 3, 2014 minutes as presented.

Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned 6:50 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
