Select Board Minutes 02.14.12

FEBRUARY 14, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer was absent.


John Belanger, West Road came before the Selectmen with the on going driveway issue and advised his garage is flooded. He presented the members with estimates to correct the problem. Mr. Belanger indicated the garage could be raised, the drain could be lowered or change the driveway. This has come about as when the bridge was done, the road bed was raised four or five inches. Cheryl Behr stated the town does not have insurance to cover this problem. Mr. Belanger also questioned if the town paid for taking down three trees, as he did pay to have them taken down.

Mr. Belanger left the estimates with the Selectmen for a decision to be made.

Laura Woo-sam, Sunset Hill Road, came to the Selectmen’s meeting to see if Sunset Road will be paved sometime soon. Harry Wright, Chair advised not for a while, as they have just compiled a road surface management survey provided by Regional Planning and they did not mention Sunset Hill Road. Ms. Woo-sam stated she has been trying to sell her home for three years. The Road is deplorable and doesn’t help when people come to look at the house, which they take a lot of pride in, and have put a lot of money into. The Selectmen will check to see where Sunset Hill Road is on the list of paving and let Cheryl know and Ms. Woo-sam can call her.

Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission came to the Selectmen to request the appointment of George Beaton and Patty Furness to the Conservation Commission. They will be replacing Carol Meise and Andrea LaMoreaux, who will both remain as Alternates on the board.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to appoint George Beaton and Patty Furness to the Conservation Commission. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

With these appointments, the Conservation Commission membership is as follows:

Nathanial Bruss, Chair
J. Ann Eldridge, Secretary
Meg Fearnley, Treasurer
Brooks McCandlish
Seth Benowitz
Patty Furness
George Beaton
Amy Blitzer, Past Chair and Alternate
Andrea LaMoreaux, Alternate
Carol Meise, Alternate


Accounts payable were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of February 7, 2012 minutes:

Motion made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the minutes of February 7, 2012. Second by Jack Meaney.

Page one, bottom of page, should read Service Provider Agreement for Rescue Squad and Jack Meaney advised Merrill Body and Frame shop is not in Concord, but did not know where it is located. Motion carried with edits 3-0.

An Abatement was filed and entered into the computer incorrectly last year; the correction was signed by the Selectmen.

The Community Center new copier was received today. In a question asked by Jack Meaney, there will be account numbers assigned to Departments as users of the copier.

The Town Report status was discussed, and Cheryl advised she had called the Department of Revenue and LGC who advised her that if it is a problem for the printer, who wanted the material to print today, the Warrant could be printed later and hand it out as an addendum at Town Meeting. The deadline is seven days prior to election to have the Town Report available.

Final figures have to be posted next week per Cheryl Behr.

The contract for the Naughton Landfill monitoring came in today. The annual permit and regular testing is $7900.00, of which we have budgeted $5,000. This testing began in the year 2000 and is for a testing requirement for a period of thirty years.

Town Clerk, Sue Pherson has applied for a Conservation License to have more of the town books rebound. This Grant is for about $8600.00 and this is the third time Sue has done this. The six books looking to be bound are from 1835 through 1935.

The Labor Department will be inspecting the Police Station on Thursday.

Work began on Monday for the new roof on Bement Bridge.

On Thursday of this week, the asbestos remeditator will be inspecting the Sanborn House on East Main Street and Monday, February 20, 2012 demolition will commence.

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 6:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
