Select Board Minutes 02.19.08

FEBRUARY 19, 2008

Call to Order & Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the February 19, 2008 Selectmen’s meeting to order at 6:17PM with Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present. Andrew Pinard arrived at 7:05pm.

Review and acceptance of the February 5, 2008 Selectmen’s minutes:

Motion was made by Charles Meany, seconded by Peter Fenton to approve the minutes as presented, with no edits.


Mark Goldberg regarding sprinkler ordinance:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised he had spoken with Everett Kittredge, and after reading the February 5, 2008 Selectmen’s minutes he feels the figures quoted were on the high side. He also advised the Highway Garage does not need to be sprinkled. Discussion ensued and Peter Fenton questioned Mark Goldberg of what a cistern might cost, to which he replied around fifty thousand dollars.

Sprinkler Ordinance was discussed and a note was returned to Cheryl Behr, Administrator from Tim Bates, Mitchell & Bates PA who advised the sprinkler ordinance could be established either by the Fire Chief under RSA 154:18, or by the Selectmen under RSA 154:19. Charles Meany advised he would be more than happy to speak at any upcoming meetings there may be regarding the ordinance.


Accounts Payable:

Accounts Payable and payroll manifests were presented for signatures.

Contingencies for bonds were reviewed:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator raised the issue of contingency and discussion followed. Cheryl Behr, also asked Tom Riley, Chair of the Needs Assessment Committee for more accurate numbers after their Thursday Feb. 21, 2008 Steering Committee meeting.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator discussed letters to go out to CMGC advising Horne was chosen as the winning proposal and it was decided that no dollar amount will be included in the letter to Horne advising them they did win the proposal if it passes at Town Meeting.

Mark Goldberg advised that a cistern will be required if just the highway garage passes, but the garage will not require to be sprinkled. Mark Goldberg advised the fire department would like a selectman or Cheryl Behr to act as a liaison through the whole learning process with the rescue department.

Annie Whipple:

A letter was received from Annie Whipple advising a snowplow smashed her fence, and she expects it to be repaired in the spring. Steve Lucier, Road Agent will be contacted to check into this matter.


There will be a meeting on February 27, 2008 at 9:00am regarding single stream recycling with Ms. Bedard, Concord Regional Solid Waste Association and Ken Anderson. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will also attend.

Abatement and Supplemental Warrant from Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk were discussed, and signed.

It was mentioned there are 40 Articles for the Warrant this year.


Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief discussed the fireworks around Lake Massasecum. He suggested the Lake Association be contacted and perhaps set some time limits.

Motion to Adjourn at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
