Select Board Minutes 03.11.13



MARCH 11, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with John Pfeifle, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Harry Wright, Chair reminded everyone in attendance of voting tomorrow and Town Meeting Wednesday evening.

Marlene Freyler re: Letter to the Editor in the Concord Monitor:

Marlene Freyler handed out copies of a letter to the Editor from the Concord Monitor published on Monday, March 11, 2013. Marlene proceeded to read the article into the minutes and discussed the contents. At this time, John Peifle stated that this is the Board of Selectmen, not the Concord Monitor where a person has a right to state their opinions in a letter to the editor, and where a counter letter could be written.

Martyn Chivers re: Vehicle Recycling Location:

Martyn Chivers came before the Selectmen to see if he could get their support on the Article he is promoting for the Zoning Ordinance change by altering the minimum setbacks of junk yards from state highways.

Martyn Chivers brought in some pictures to show the Selectmen of his proposed vehicle recycling area. He advised the area will be fenced and with new vegetation buffer in the form of trees. Mr. Chivers will bring enlarged pictures showing his proposal to show at voting.

The consensus of the board was to support/endorse the Ordinance, by making a statement of opinion by each individual, which was typed up and signed tonight.

Marcia Keller suggested this should stay as is and go back to the Planning Board which could then open possibility of a Zoning Board Variance.

Cheryl Behr will forward a letter dated February 18, 2013 from Atty. Waugh with his opinion to Marcia Keller concerning the authority of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Harry Wright, Chair suggested the board read the letter more thoroughly.

Marcia Keller – Planning Board Chair:

Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board questioned if the Selectmen has had any response regarding a letter they had forwarded to Doug Jackson for noncompliance of a Site Plan.

The Selectmen advised no, however, John Pfeifle did see Mr. Jackson recently, and he is planning on taking care of this soon.

Marcia Keller, suggested that perhaps a letter would have more clout if it were signed by the three Selectmen.

Town Meeting preparations:

Harry Wright, Chair advised anyone running for a office cannot handle ballots, consequently, Sonny Harris, Selectmen is the only Selectmen who can handle ballots at voting. Harry also advised there will be a plaque for Barry Wheeler for his two years served as a Selectman, before resigning to become Road Agent.

Article Fifteen:

John Pfeifle brought up Article Fifteen regarding Bridge Design and Replacement. The Selectmen were handed out NHDOT Bridge Inspection Reports for four bridges needing repair/replacement. Much discussion ensued regarding priorities, as well as how they should be replaced or repaired, internally or with state/federal assistance.

Stephen Heavener:

Stephen Heavener, Revolving Loan Fund will be invited to attend the next Selectmen’s meeting, March 18, 2013. Beth Rodd advised Chris Way is also very interested with economic revitalization. Jim Bibbo is also involved with meetings with CNHRP regarding revitalization in town.

Tax Issues:

Mention was made that there will be a non public session regarding tax issues at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Rescue Squad Wages:

A sheet was handed out for the Selectmen to review and sign regarding increasing wages for the Rescue Squad. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief also advised there will soon be a Para-medic joining the Rescue Squad.

Community Center:

Discussion ensued concerning increasing the amount of money for repairs to the Community Center from $30,745.00 by twenty thousand dollars under General Municipal Operations. This could be done from the floor.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

The Town Clerk advised there were more than 20 foreclosures in 2012 in town and three so far this year.

Environmental Testing:

Testing is still being done twice annually at the Naughton testing sites. The person from Provan and Lorber who did the testing is no longer there, however Provan and Lorber, as well as the individual who left who has been doing the testing have both forwarded interest in doing the testing. Eastern Analytical takes the test, and engineer writes up the report which goes to the State. Continuity was thought to be important. Consensus is to have the individual come in for discussion.

Split Benefits by Department:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to not group all benefits to one amount, but list under each individual department. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Building Inspector Application:

The date for applications to be in is Friday, March 15th. Cheryl Behr advised two applications went out but neither have been returned as of today.

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair questioned since there is no Building Inspector, who is being responsible for these concerns. The Planning Board secretary received a call from a future resident referred by the Selectmen’s office to handle a Building Permit. Cheryl Behr advised she should receive the information from the Secretary, (which was forwarded on March 11, 3013) and she will take care of it

PSNH Bill:

Mention was made by Cheryl Behr regarding a bill from PSNH for an accident with a pole for $4100.00. She will check further with insurance regarding a late file.

The Secretary representing herself as secretary from several department boards as well as the Voter Registration personal, questioned if there could be a computer hook up in the conference room enabling printing from where we work. This will be taken care of by IAMNET

Review and Consideration of March 4, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the March 4, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

No other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 7:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
