Select Board Minutes 04.14.14



APRIL 14, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

John Pfeifle, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Harry Wright, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

CEDS Forms Discussed:

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) forms were handed out to the Selectmen and were signed as the deadline for submission is April 15th. These included Jones Road, Naughton Property, Business Incubator.

Harry Wright also suggested an access road both ends of the Naught on property.

Breezy Hill Road Pavement Complaints:

Communication from a resident on Breezy Hill Road concerning the pavement being damaged by the town bucket loader. John Pfeifle reiterated the Highway Department has done a great job, and these things do happen. John Pfeifle has gone up to look at the problem.

CIP First Meeting:

Cheryl Behr advised the first CIP meeting was well attended, and she anticipates paperwork to be received soon from Stephanie Alexander, which will be distributed to members.

Highway Department:

Cheryl Behr stated she has talked with Barry Wheeler, Road Agent and stone for muddy roads is needed and will come out of salt money. Barry has requested money from the highway truck sale be made available to the Highway Department Discussion ensued as to distribution of the funds. Out of the $9100.00 received, suggestion was for $2,000 be returned to the Election Budget. The remaining $7100.00 be for tree work at $1,000.00 , $1,000 into tires and the remaining $5100.00 for salt. Selectmen concurred.

Public Hearing will be scheduled at the Selectmen’s regular meeting on April 28, 2014 for Unanticipated Revenue..

Decision was made by the Selectmen to request NFI to attend their May 5, 2014 meeting.

Cheryl Behr discussed having talked with the Municipal Association Property Liability Trust regarding the problem that was had with one of the trucks, and is trying to speak with the adjuster, and possibly receive a payment.


Cheryl Behr read an e-mail from Barry Wheeler, Road Agent questioning the Warrantee regarding the sidewalks as there is a separation between the concrete and the granite curb, and is concerned that overtime water will get in there and make the situation worse. A picture had been taken and was forwarded to Mike Croteau, P.E.


Phil Byfield came before the Selectmen with an on-going complaint of a dog barking problem. Mr. Byfield advised he had been to the Police with his concern. This has been going on all winter long, and summer is coming with open windows. Mr. Byfied also added that a Real Estate Broker refused to list his property with the constant barking. He also stated that his taxes are based on marketable value. He stated he needs some help.

Consensus of the Selectmen is to write a letter stating continued complaints have been received and they expect a resolution of the problem to be solved by May 15th. or they will have to take action

Warrant passed at Town Meeting:

Several examples that fall into the conformance list were reviewed. Walter Royal, Code Enforcement Officer will be requested to come up with a list, which will be followed up by an opinion of the Selectmen for each one. It was discussed to have a time limit to each individual infraction. Cheryl Behr advised Certified Letters had been forwarded to some that were returned, undelivered. One suggestion was to offer storage area at the Land Fill area, with a disclosure form signed dismissing any liability to the town.

Harry Wright suggested that the space be used for storage only.

Trees have been cut down at French’s Park discussed. Lumber could be saved and used for something.

The Selectmen will come up with a Mission Statement for the Revitalization Committee.

Question was asked if John Mock had been contacted regarding the Fourth of July Celebration Band. John Pfeifle will contact him.

Expense report to date was handed out to the Selectmen for their perusal.

Contact from the Henniker Selectmen acknowledged they will be meeting May 6th regarding the Rescue Squad and will be contacting the Selectmen soon after.

Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer questioned why the Highway Department is getting overtime?

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of the April 7, 2014:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the April 7th minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting Adjourned 6:10pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary….