Select Board Minutes 04.22.13



APRIL 22, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present:


Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Eileen Kelly advised she has some questions and comments this evening regarding the town hall committee and the newly formed Main Street Committee. John Pfeifle acknowledged they should be working together, two separate entities, both working towards the same goals trying to improve down town Bradford.

John Pfeifle questioned the two committees, the Town Hall Restoration Committee and the Rural Heritage Connection. Marcia Keller explained the Rural Heritage Connection is Tax Exempt with a 501C3 organization, which was started in 2003 to protect the Rural Heritage within the town. This is why it became involved with the THRC as a place to put proceeds from donations and pledges as a tax exempt donation. Harry Wright, Chair stated that the impression that the two groups are not working well together are true. It was also pointed out that these committees have overlapping members and all worked together.

Michele Halsted, President of the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford stated that the Rural Heritage Connection has been a full partner to the Town Hall Restoration Committee, and as Marcia Keller mentioned there are overlapping membership, with a lot of volunteers. The groups earned over ten thousand dollars in pledges, as well as another ten thousand dollars in cash, as well as money from a raffle. Michele went on to say that after the last failed election to renovate the town hall, they have looked very hard and critically at the results and have come up with some strategies for discussion to adopt the approach to change the circumstances. It is thought that we do need to adopt our approach to the change that is needed to overcome the antipathy of many members of the town. An analysis and recommendations paper written by David and Michele Halsted was presented to the Selectmen at this time for their perusal.

Michele Halsted also reiterated that the group deliberately did not initiate a Capital Campaign as the endorsement of the voter’s in town is necessary.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to delegate a group of people, including the Historical Society to catalogue papers and valuable pictures that are still in the town hall and make sure they are secure, particularly the Tappan painting, manuscripts, maps and photo’s etc. Also to clean the premises after everything has been recorded and secured. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0. Carried 3-0.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief questioned Eileen Kelly on an article that was put in the Concord Monitor regarding the actual number of people that would be able to fit in the town hall when renovated. Further discussion will be carried on at a later date.

The upcoming scheduled meeting of the members of the Town Hall Restoration Committee will be Friday April 26, 2013 at 7:00pm at the Community Center to brainstorm and discuss what can/should be done at the 4th of July celebration.

Harry Wright, Chair made it clear this is not a meeting of the Town Hall Restoration Committee, and the Town is not going to be pay for the minutes.

Continued conversation ensued.

Perry Teele Re: Tax Maps:

Perry Teele brought in two tax map corrections, one on the east side of Massasecum Lake and the east end of Lake Massasecum, where the Right of Way has been drawn in the wrong place. The Selectmen signed the corrections.

Printer for Voter Registration and Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment:

The secretary passed on to the Selectmen the suggestion made by Mr. W. Thompson, IAMNET,INC that there needs to be a printer in this room for the use of the Voter Registration people and the Planning/Zoning members use, because of security.

Cheryl Behr suggested the BACC printer could be used. This will be checked into by the Planning Board Chair and the secretary.

Walter Royal, Building Inspector:

Walter Royal, the new Building Inspector came to discuss the Building Permit form and made suggestions for constructive changes as well as some actual charges. This will be discussed and finalized with a definite answer next week by the selectmen.

Pike Construction:

The revised quote from Pike Construction, a better price by $14,000.00, which Barry Wheeler, Road Agent obtained was signed by the selectmen.

Review of Budget Committee notes:

As Selectmen Representative to the Budget Committee, John Pfeifle wrote up a synopsis of the last Budget Committee meeting for the Selectmen to review. This will be discussed at a latter Selectmen’s meeting.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to set the Road Bond which passed at town meeting at a ten year repayment schedule. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

Safe Routes to School:

Cheryl Behr advised there will be another Safe Routes to School meeting soon.

Two legal cases, NH Supreme Court cases, were presented to the Selectmen regarding town offices using the Community Center as town offices, and the obligation and need to move out of the building legally. It was restated that this is an argument to get the town hall restored and back in use.

John Pfeifle advised they have analyzed the road group and repaving of the bridge that goes over the bottom of Lake Massasecum and the budget to do that has increased, and he recommends to the board that they add that to the budget committee’s list of things to do next year. Also to include West Meadow Road Bridge.

Intent to Cut was signed for Wickermann at Map 9, Lot 58.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Letters for volunteers for the Main Street Committee were signed.

Economic Development Committee is scheduled to meet May 7, 2013

Main Street Revitalization Committee is scheduled to meet May 8, 2013

Permanent exemptions for one elderly and three veterans were signed by the Selectmen.

MS-2 signed.

Cheryl Behr read an RFP for the Community Building into the minutes for two doors and windows. Cheryl will post this.

Cheryl Stated that the town does not have a credit card and it would be convenient to have one.

Review and Consideration of April 15, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made and seconded to approve the April 16, 2013 minutes as presented with the exception the date should read: April 15th, not 16. Motion carried 3-0.

Assessor/ Solitude Ridge:

Discussion ensued regarding the letter signed by Jeff Earls, Cross Country Appraisals regarding Solitude Ridge. Consensus is Mr. Earls did a poor job in representing the town last week by stating he did not make any statement regarding reducing the assessment at Solitude Ridge, when in fact he signed the letter received by the town dated January 24, 2013. Cheryl Behr advised the Mitchell’s called to see if they were on the Agenda this evening.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to re-examine the decision made last week to: (reduce the Appraised Valuation on the Chet Mitchell property as well as all lots in Solitude Ridge by 10%). Since erroneous information was received last week we will grant the full amount of 20%. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Harry Wright No. Motion carried 2-0.

Meeting closed at 7:05pm to adjourn to Non Public meeting per RSA 91A3IIc lawsuits and RSA 91A3IIa personnel. Sonny Harris Yes John Pfeifle Yes

Harry Wright Yes.

Meeting Adjourned 7:05pm

Respectively submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
