Select Board Minutes 06.02.14



JUNE 2, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

John Pfeifle, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Harry Wright, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Pubic Hearing:

John Pfeifle, Chair opened the Pubic Hearing regarding the proposed Sale of Town Property to be voted on at the Special Town Meeting on June 16, 2014. It was stated that Municipalities can vote to accept money, and this Special Town Meeting will be asking the town for approval to sell the Jones Road sand pit area. John Pfeifle explained that it is anticipated to be another three years of sand there, which will remain the town’s who will retain mining rights. The purchaser will put up a building there, situated away from the gravel access. The estimated building and land would increase the tax basis of said property to around one half a million dollars.. The proposed business would hire several employees.

A Site Plan would have to go before the Planning Board.

It was also stated that this will be a sealed bid process for the project if approved by the town at the June 16 Special Town Meeting.

Much discussion ensued with questions and comments with pros and con’s regarding this property.

Harry Wright stated he is in total favor of selling the property for tax revenue but strongly against the process that is being gone through right now. Anticipated three more years of sand there, and in the interim, should be letting it be known within the State Economic Development people that this property will be available within three years and try to attract business, and not rush into this business deal right now.

The cost of the Special Town Meeting would be put into the sale pricing according to John Pfeifle. If the town does not vote to approve this sale, then the town would have to come up with the funds to cover the meeting.

Another comment from the floor was if a report would be forthcoming from the CIP committee as well as the Budget Committee. John Pfeifle suggested this is to accept money, not raise and appropriate money, therefore not sure same regulations apply.

Question was asked of how the Article reads that has been posted? At this time, Cheryl made copies of the Article and handed them out to everyone.

The Article which has been posted for the upcoming Town Meeting reads as follows:

To the inhabitants of the Town of Bradford in the County of Merrimack in said State qualified to vote in town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Bradford Elementary School on Old Warner Road in said Bradford, NH on Monday evening, the sixteenth of June next at 7:00o:clock in the evening to act on the following article::

“Article One: To see if the town will authorize the sale of town-owned property, Tax Map 6, Lot 102 upon such terms as may be negotiated by the Selectmen.”

Posted for the Board of Selectmen

John Pfeifle, Chairman

Delbert Harris III, Selectman

Harold Wright, Selectman

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to hold the Special Town Meeting on June 16, 2014 for the express purpose to vote on: Article One: To see if the town will authorize the sale of town-owned property, Tax Map 6 and Lot 102, upon such terms as may be negotiated by the Selectmen.. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Harry Wright voted No. Motion carried 2-1.

It was stated that the Town Attorney approved the writing of Article One above.


Marlene Freyler:

Did not speak

Town Hall Restoration:

Susan Reynolds suggested Selectmen move forward regarding the town hall roof as was voted at the last town meeting, and send out requests for quotes to ascertain what is required. Other areas brought up were the Boundary Line, Foundation and Well. John Pfeifle suggested these all get broken out individually prior to further discussion. It was stated that there are no outstanding commitments to the Town Hall Restoration Project at this time.

Town Hall Restoration is looking for guidance regarding a Capital Campaign at this time.

John Pfeifle suggested giving it a little more time.

Harry Wright suggested he sees no reason to halt a Capital Campaign at this time.


Independence Day Celebration – July 5th progress report:

Cheryl Behr reported the committee has been working on availability of a variety of food venders as well as bands and entertainers. It was acknowledged that the Police Department is also helping by getting different groups in.

Abatements are being held until the Assessor has had time to review them.

Henry Thomas was appointed as part time Police Officer dated May 30, 201

Road Cleaning Issues:

Note was made that a picture was received of cleaning in front of a residents home.

Discussion regarding hiring Rabbit (for street cleaning) for less than $ 3000.00 to do the whole town was a good idea rather than purchasing equipment and was requested to be put in next years budget.

Motion was made to vacuum up sand as opposed to any other method by John Pfeifle, seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3- 0.

Cheryl Behr advised the budget should have 58% remaining, is now actually 53% remaining.

Receipt of Three Thousand dollars was received today for the sale of the Fire Department Generator which was sent off for auction.

DOT report shows the proposed Breezy Hill Bridge project to be scheduled for 2015 per Cheryl Behr. The detailed plan is complete.

The requested information from Town Attorney regarding the joint ambulance service between Bradford and Henniker has been received by the selectmen. Tom French, Henniker Rescue has requested information be made available for their next Selectmen’s meeting on June 9. Bradford will discuss this at their meeting on June 9th prior to forwarding information to Henniker.

Intent to Cut for Map 7, Lot 60 was reviewed and signed for Margaret Ainslie.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.

Question regarding Autocraft was asked, and the reply was to request Walter Royal, Building Inspector with the Chief of Police’s assistance to follow up on this code issue for a status repot, and to follow up.

Jim Valiquet, Police Chief advised he has not received the signed contract for Atlas Fireworks which needs to be submitted fifteen days prior to being used, with the permit issued by the State.

John Pfeifle reported that Claire James, Bradford Historical Society had set up a Kickstart program on the computer for The Historical Society work on the Tin Ship and not only reached goal, but went slightly over it.

Review and Consideration of May 19, 2014 minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the May 19, 2014 minutes as presented. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Harry Wright abstained. Motion carried 2-0

John Pfeife read a letter from the Planning Board (letter on file) regarding the directions in and out at Pizza Chef. Cheryl Behr advised she is working on this.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 6:55pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
