Select Board Minutes 06.17.08

JUNE 17, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the June 17th meeting to order at 6:06pm with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.

Review and Approval of June 3, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Charles Meany to approve the June 3, 2008 minutes with the following edits. Seconded by Andrew Pinard.

1. Page 2, 7 lines up from the bottom of the page should read: she is paying.

2. Page 5, 5th line down should read: Selectmen advised Cheryl Behr should apply for: used oil burner.

Motion carried 3-0.

Expanded survey of Town property on Cilley Lane – Site salt shed-review of warrant to send to the Bradford Bridge.

Discussion ensued concerning surveying the whole property where the existing town sheds are located on Cilley Lane for a cost of $1690.00. One line needs to be established in particular where there is a discrepancy, and the existing culvert is on landowner’s driveway now. If a land swap transpired, the town would be swapping a little less than 400 square feet for 1400 square feet, and the 1400 square feet is closer to where the shed is. Andrew Pinard advised he is not of the opinion they should try to swap the land at this time. Perhaps it would be better for the town to retain the 1400 square feet and seek to purchase the 400 square feet from the property owner or through reverse possession.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator pointed out, in order to do a Boundary Line Adjustment, the Planning Board would require a survey. Peter Fenton, Chair called Mr. McNab tonight who was non committal at this time regarding the land swap. It was stated that the town will pay for the survey and not pay for the culvert. More conversation ensued, and it will be brought up again at a later time.

Accounts Payable manifest and payroll manifest were reviewed:


Geoffrey Hirsch :

Geoffrey Hirsch, Old Sutton Road, came before the Selectmen to discuss the hazardous gaps in the floor of the Bement Bridge which bicycles have caught their tires in, throwing the rider off and they have been severely injured. Mr. Hirsch advised a bright and clear sign on both approaches to the bridge stating “Caution, walk bikes across bridge” could be helpful. The Selectmen advised they would definitely get signs put up so stating.

Salt Shed:

Andrew Pinard advised he had done some research and went over findings to the Selectmen regarding various construction of Salt Sheds. Prices varied between $81,000 to $110,000. In response to a question by Charles Meany, Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised to continue to program volunteers for the first of August. Steve Lucier, Road Agent is concerned about losing space if moved too soon. It was agreed that surveys need to be done first.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised price quote on a Waste Oil Heater was thirteen thousand nine hundred fifty five dollars ($13,955.00) and would burn any kind of fluid including Spec Oil (recycled oil) for about one half the cost. The quoted price would also include 500 gal. tanks. The town could also apply for a twenty five hundred dollar ($2,500.00) Grant from the State of NH, which would be available each year, which would go towards the cleaning of the heater. This price is for a waste oil boiler, which could be used if the town received the go ahead from the town to put radiant heat system in a new building. If it were to be used in the existing building, about three thousand ($3,000.00) would be necessary for Modine Heaters, which hang from the ceiling. The capacity is for a 10,000 square foot building. The deadline for the Workbench Mark is June 30, 2008.

Andrew Pinard inquired if the review of the Warrant should go to the Bradford Bridge and also if the Superior Court has given a date for a special Town Meeting. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Superior Court could be applied to on June 16, 2008, and it has been done, but no date back has been received at this time. The three Warrants to go to Superior Court are: 1. Financing the Buildings 2. One for Salt Shed, Highway Garage 3. Assigning the sum of $15,000.00 to testing of the lower Site. Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if additional Warrant Articles should be considered at this special town meeting to which the Selectmen advised, just the Highway Garage. Consensus was to send the information to the Bradford Bridge.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent was thanked as well as the road crew for cleaning out the second floor of the town hall.

Steve Lucier advised the spring and rear end housing problems with one truck costing $983.00 and the 1998 truck costing $15,084.00.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had e-mailed each of the Selectmen a letter regarding the Transfer Station. Single stream recycling was discussed. It is estimated that the tipping fees will increase from $45.00 to $65.00 per ton, which would make a difference of about $18,000.00 a year for Bradford.

Consensus of the Selectmen was that Cheryl Behr, Administrator would write a letter advising it is under consideration at this time.


Cheryl Behr, Administrator handed out a spreadsheet of anticipated increases in expenses for 2009 and the reasons for them. Cheryl explained that to do just what is being done now, not including payroll, the anticipated increase for 2009 is $145,000.00. Also an Expense Summary through June 30, 2008 was handed out showing Percent Remaining for the year for each department.

Other discussion included:

Painting contract. Licensed person needs to be on site for lead.

Leighton intent to cut on Deer Valley Road, Map 12, Lot 8 was not done last year.

Veteran’s exemption for signature

Andrew Pinard questioned the Selectmen to see if they feel it is reasonable to ask the Budget Committee to maybe help out by looking a little greater in depth into the budget. They have not yet met together regarding this. One suggestion was to start looking at the budget a little earlier in the year, say September and the other recommendation Andrew Pinard had asked them to consider was to meet monthly rather than quarterly. Also maybe they would consider each department doing a single line item. Peter Fenton, Chair advised as far as doing the budget earlier, that would be the Selectmen’s issue, or going back a little more, would be the department heads. Marlene Freyler, Budget Committee member advised the reason they wanted to come to the Selectmen was to see if this was all the Selectmen’s ideas or just Andrew’s. Conversation ensued. Peter Fenton, Chair advised he feels the Budget Committee is doing a good job, every other town has different procedures, this seems to work for Bradford.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that the Selectmen request the Budget Committee consider meeting more frequently and to take a more active role in the preparation of the budget for the coming year, being aware of the specific proposed shortfall of what is going to happen and also include the Department Heads. Charles Meany advised he would not second that motion. Peter Fenton, Chair advised he did not understand the purpose of the motion. Cheryl Behr advised that if they wish to curtail the budget they have now, then calling the Department Heads and saying we know this is coming up, we need to build up some surplus, you are going to have to cut something out of your budget and see if that is a reasonable possibility. Charles Meany advised he would like to bring a department head in to each successive meeting until they have all been heard, discussed their budgets, talked about their thoughts about where they are going and seeing what we need to do. We can start the budget process earlier, but do not need to involve the Budget Committee to do it.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to request each Department Head to meet with the Selectmen, beginning with the BACC Governance Board and Kate Dobrowski, Community Center and Parks and Rec., followed by the Executive Budget, Financial Administration, Police, Fire and Rescue. No actual vote taken. Board agreed. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will prepare detail sheets for each department and make them available.

Cemetery lot layout:

The Cemetery Commission minutes contained the following read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator,” We measured the irregular lots in Sunny Plain between 3C9 and 3C14. It was a unanimous decision to change the 3D portion in front of them to the same size, making single and double lots and price them accordingly. We will check with the town to find out if any further action is needed to do this.” They want to start selling these lots. Consensus of the Selectmen was there is no problem with this.

Police Grant for spots system:

A letter from the State of New Hampshire to Chief Valiquet was handed out to the Selectmen regarding participation in offering a connection to the SPOTS system, a source to facilitate the distribution of criminal justice data to authorized users. The Selectmen advised not to sign up for this service.

Assessing reviews:

Due to personnel changes over the years, Bradford is on the 5th Assessor. There is a very noticeable decline in the quality of the system and tasks are not finished. There are several parcels of land now with issues. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Chris Frey is checking on the maps parcel by parcel to see that they have all the subdivisions recorded in the system. Cheryl Behr, Administrator has spoken to Gary Roberge from Avitar.

Meeting closed to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91A 3II-Personnel Issues at 8:05pm.

The Selectmen came out of the Non Public Session at 8:35pm.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked Marcia Keller for the comments regarding the flood maps.

A letter will be written to FEMA requesting that they update the maps because they are substantially out of date.

Meeting adjourned 8:35pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley

Secretary                                                          UNAPPROVED