Select Board Minutes 07.02.12

JULY 2, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:33pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


There were no appearances tonight.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Sidewalk Update:

Cheryl Behr advised she had received an e-mail with the approval to advertise the Sidewalk Bids. Bid specs were hopefully coming in tomorrow. It was stated that bidders have to be pre-qualified in order to bid. It will be posted when the bids will be opened.

Parade Float Request:

Perry Teele, from The Historical Society is requesting to use the old desk and chair from the Town Hall for the 4th of July Float as well as a couple of Flags from there. In case of rain, it will not be used. The Selectmen all concurred that this was permissible.

The police have been monitoring the traffic on Fairgrounds Road. It was discussed that they will also be visible at the stop sign at the west end of Main Street.

Intent to cut was signed for Patronagio, Map 9, Lot 35

Intent to Excavate for Goodnight Sand and Gravel was signed.

It was discussed that Sutton is holding a land auction with no date set as yet. Chris Frey and Perry Teele had come up with available land that could be for sale, owned by the Town of Bradford. Also, Cheryl Behr advised she had received a call from an individual who was interested in purchasing the little building left standing on the former Tonks property.

The work done by the Highway Crew for last week was reported as well as plans for the upcoming week. (List at end of minutes.)

Barry Wheeler advised the fuel analysis for this June in comparison with last June is 400 gallons less this year.

A Bridge Inspection report from Eckman Engineering was received for the private Bridge on Old Fairgrounds Road and there is no visible damage. And is passable for fire trucks.

Parks & Rec:

The Highway Department will move the tables stored at the Highway garage out on Thursday as well as the block off parking area signs, garbage containers and barricades for Parks and Rec to use during the Town’s 4th of July Celebration held the next weekend.

Highway Dept.

The Highway Department has requested taking Friday off for the 4th of July holiday instead of Wednesday. The Selectmen advised this is fine.

It was noted that Dave Camarie, Jr. volunteered and worked on repairing the foundation on a small outbuilding at the Highway yard. The Selectmen thanked Dave.

It was reported that the new police cruiser is here, but has not been outfitted as yet.

Review and Consideration of June 25, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Intersection Study:

Cheryl Behr advised she has found the Study that was done several years ago on the West end of Main Street intersection that was discussed at the June 25th meeting.

Motion was made to go into non-public at 6:02 per RSA 91-A:3IIa Personnel by Barry Wheeler. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Harry Wright, Yes – Barry Wheeler, Yes

Sonny Harris – Yes. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectively submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


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