Select Board Minutes 07.08.13



JULY 8, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Lois Kilnapp, Manager Bradford Recycling, requests Selectmen’s approval to apply to DES for a food composting permit.

Lois Kilnapp has contacted Cheryl Behr to see if the Selectmen would consent to applying for a Food Composting Permit. After discussion the following was decided.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to ask Lois Kilnapp to apply for a Permit for food composting, but not to be mandatory, but review it if it should become mandatory in the future. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Intent to Cut:

An intent to Cut was signed for Betty Johnson, Off Sunset Hill Road. Map 6, Lot 7.

Discussion regarding results of Independence Day Celebration:

Marlene Freyler advised there were a lot of problems. There was no water which Barry knew ahead of time. I called him about it and asked about the barrels, and he never called me back, I’ve not heard from him. Bruce Edwards helped by running a hose from inside, and I had to put the hose back at 10:30pm. Marlene stated this water was for the vendors at the park. Cheryl Behr stated that Barry Wheeler did call her Wednesday afternoon that there was a leak.

Marlene stated that the horse and wagon were going to go in by the Smitty and come out where the fireworks were set up. John Pfeifle suggested better communication is needed.

Marlene stated that Larry Vannata procured a trailer himself for his band, not the town.

John Mock sold hot dogs and things, I had a man come in and told him there would not be any others. Marlene stated it needs to be coordinated, and she needs to know.

There is a tree in the way that needs to be trimmed or cut down in order to see the fireworks.

John Pfeifle stated they appreciated the comments, and everything needs to be reviewed from timing and placement. It was suggested a coordination meeting be held in September.

Hire Perry Teele to mark the Properties for Sale:

The suggestion was made to Perry Teele, and he agreed to do this. Sonny Harris pointed out that that the people will still be responsible for the boundaries.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris and Seconded by John Pfeifle to hire Perry Teele as witnesses to boundaries for town owned property to be auctioned on July 27, 2013. Motion carried 3-0.


Stephen Heavener-Modify the TIF Plan:


Cheryl Behr gave a brief overview of the TIF District which was implemented back in 2009, and at that time the market was better but has gone down hill as it was at $19,000,000 then and is currently $17,000,000.


Stephen Heavener stated he has a couple of housekeeping questions: the guidelines require every January that the names of the five members of the Revolving Loan Committee, with staggered terms be forwarded to them, and this has not been done, consequently they do not know who is on the committee at this time. Mr. Heavener advised when the Revolving Loan Fund was implemented in 2009, the amount per borrower was set at $150,000.00 and has been increased to $200,000.00, and the way the guidelines are written, the Selectmen would have to approve the change.


Motion was made by John Pfeifle to increase the Revolving Loan Fund amount to be received per borrower from One hundred fifty thousand ($150,000.00) to Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.


Cheryl Behr stated that shortly after the rate was set, the town was reassessed and the assessment dropped by Two Million Dollars, consequently, we have no money set aside.


Mr. Heavener gave a quick overview of the TIF Plan. Mr. Heavener suggested the Plan be read and make any amendments where necessary, and he would return after the Selectmen have familiarized themselves with the TIF Plan. There were several inquiries and answers. Mr. Heavener reminded Cheryl that they do need the list of the members with the staggered terms. Mr. Heavener was thanked for coming and explaining the TIF Plan.

Planning Board notices to Selectmen:

Cheryl Behr read the notices for information for what the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment has been doing, those being:

Ayer and Goss, Martyn Chivers, Bruce Edwards, Federico Montinari, Jim Bibbo and Robert Messer.

Refund for Signature:

The Selectmen signed a refund form for the Town Clerk to return an overpayment to a resident.

Newbury Selectmen’s Meeting:

Harry Wright suggested they wait until the group of Selectmen hold their combined meetings to be held in September to pursue the recycling subject.

After some discussion, the consensus is that John Pfeifle will attend the July 15, 2013 at 6:15pm Newbury Selectmen’s meeting and inquire as an individual regarding recycling.

Letter to CRSW:

Cheryl Behr had composed a letter to Jim Presher, Co-Op Director as requested at the July 1, 2013 Selectmen’s Meeting explaining Bradford’s concerns for not signing up for the future. The Selectmen signed the letter.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Rob Messer, West Meadow Stables:

Rob Messer came before the Selectmen as he has been approved by the Planning Board as well as the Zoning Board of Adjustment regarding building an indoor riding arena at his already outdoor arena, and has been made aware the Fire Department is unhappy with the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment who has been working with him to get his permits together. He has been made to understand that potentially letters have been drafted against West Meadow Stables getting insurance for the new structure. It was brought up at the meetings that the on site water storage was a concern of the Fire Department, and at that point was already brought to their attention that the new hydrant on the new Fairgrounds Bridge has failed, which was news to him as he does have a large investment in his property there.

He stated that he owns property on both sides of the WestMeadowBridge. There is a hydrant there, however, it has not worked since the new bridge was installed. Rob stated he would fix the hydrant so that it would operate as soon as the water level went down which would benefit all the residents in that area. Mr. Messer went on to say the only other options would be a cistern which he does not have property enough to put one on, or a fire pond where one location would be available which would take at least a year to get the permits as it is in a flood plain. Rob also reiterated that he has a horse facility and is concerned with the threat of West Nile virus and Triple E in stagnant ponds is huge, not only for the horses, but for all the children that are up and down the road.

Sonny Harris questioned if the hydrant can be fixed to which Rob advised yes. Rob stated that Hoyt Brook always has 4 feet of water in it even when it is not running,.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief stated that the barn would be 19,000 square feet. Concern is for fire safety and control, hydrant with no water has to meet 50 year low levels.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised this issue has nothing to do with the Messer’s but has two issues: State regulations, his charge as Fire Chief is responsible to the Town and Planning Board. This is a 19,000 square foot building. The Planning Board proposed a commercial operation which puts it into a whole different class. Mark Goldberg advised the Fire Department had two meetings where they discussed an indoor riding arena and the notes that Chris Frey put on the Department Head Notices that they received from the Planning Board were voted unanimously. This was looked at from Fire Dept. safety, Public Safety and Town safety.

Mark picked out and read several sheets of rules and regulations.

Rob stated that he already has a 30 foot x 90 foot barn there already, and the fire department has not been there. You are talking about the indoor riding facility, where the square footage comes from, not the horse stalls, and not the hay storage unit. The square footage is a metal building with a dirt floor, there is no combustible materials there with the exception of the pressure treated lumber.

John Pfeifle questioned who is the problem of the proceedings with, the Applicant or the Planning Board approving the facility.

Rob Messer advised that he is attending this meeting tonight instead of waiting for the business meeting at the Fire Department as if he runs into an insurance problem due to this issue it would set him back and if he does not have this building up and functioning by September 1, 2013, he is all done, and he reiterated he means all done.

Sonny Harris advised the U S Government has a Flow Rate station, just this side of Hoyt’s corner and records go back 50 or 60 years. Point being if anything, we are getting more precipitation and this can be brought up with facts. If the flow rate shows from Government records, the water is there and the hydrant can be fixed. Sonny also advised each case is individual, no two being exact. The hydrant once fixed would then be inspected and maintained by the fire department annually.

John Pfeifle stated that what he gets as a Select person from people who are outside people and want to become inside people of Bradford, we are not a very cooperative town. The Planning Board has had issues with not doing things as efficiently as they could. The Fire Department is somewhat famous for saying do it my way or the highway. John went on to state that his point is that we come across as not wanting to help anybody, we want to make sure we build as many bridges and as many road blocks and as many dams. By the way, this will bring in over $350,000.00 assessment, lets make sure he fails. John stated that the rules are there, but can’t we cooperate. You (Fire Chief) are going to the Fire Marshall tomorrow, and you threatened to go to the Attorney General. Can’t this be worked out without going to the Attorney General’s office. Harry Wright interjected that we have an approved plan, construction in process, we’ve got a question that may be easily answered with out this hassle by sitting down and talking about it.

Rob Messer advised he did not come here (speaking directly to the Selectmen) to argue with Mark Goldberg about the inaccuracies or the ridiculousness of the building. I came because of the insurance issue, which is a big one. Last week I paid $7,500 for construction insurance and $3,600.00 for flood insurance for a piece of property that doesn’t flood. This train needs to keep rolling as this has to be done by September 1.

Mark Goldberg stated they filled out a comment and that was all they were supposed to do. The Fire Department comment was: Availability of On Site Water Source? and that was spoken by Al Brown.

Al Brown responded to a comment made by George Cilley about the hydrant being inoperable at the Hoyt Brook hydrant and advised that the hose could go over the railing at the bridge and the fire department could still get water from that location.

After much more controversy, Mark Goldberg agreed to meet at the hydrant and bridge as requested by Rick Messer at 7:45pm this evening.

French’s Park:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to hire someone with a task list for six hours a weekend on Saturday and Sunday to patrol French’s park for four weeks and report back to the Chief of Police. Sonny Harris seconded and motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr handed out information for the Selectmen to look over prior to the Budget Committee’s meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2013 regarding wage/ salary step scale.

John Pfeifle advised Doug Jackson will sit down with Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair and John Pfeifle to complete and finalize his Site Plan Application.

John Pfeifle will follow up on correct steps to be taken prior to the scheduled town property auction to be held on July 27th.

Sonny Harris wrote a letter of appreciation regarding the Conservation Commission’s work which was signed to be forwarded to them.

Next week the Selectmen will address the placing of funding received from silent auctions, flea market etc. for the Town Hall Restoration projects.

July 1, 2013 Minutes were not looked at to be approved tonight.

Meeting Adjourned 7:20pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
