Select Board Minutes 08.13.12

AUGUST 13, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of August 6, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the minutes. Seconded by Harry Wright.

Harry Wright, Chair advised the E-Mail last week from the Conservation Commission, which the board had not had a chance to look at, was in regard to ditching of the roads, and there is a State Training Session being offered on August 23, 2012 and one of the Highway Department employees will attend. Barry Wheeler will talk with the Conservation Commission

Motion carried 2-0. Sonny Harris refrained from voting as he was not in attendance last week.

Marge & George Cilley re: Sidewalks:

George Cilley questioned having an Ordinance regarding individuals cleaning up after their dogs that walk and use the sidewalk on a daily basis and do not clean up after them.

Discussion ensued. This will be checked on as to the way it should be handled.

Marge Cilley questioned what is being done regarding the discussion last week on “no through truck traffic” on Main Street. Harry Wright advised it was discussed. Marge questioned if the discussion could continue to perhaps get it accomplished at least by the time the new sidewalks have been completed. Harry advised they have not looked at the State requirements, and they are open for discussion at this time. Harry Wright, Chair advised this will be checked into further.

Chet Mitchell – Status: Planning Board Key to Public Records Turned Over to Town Administrator:

Mr. Mitchell advised on July 23, the Selectmen voted 3-0 to have the town Administrator get the key from the Planning Board to unlock those files so she can have access to public records, and was wondering why the key has not been turned over yet? Harry Wright, Chair explained that there were conflicting resolutions by both Planning Board and Selectmen, and a couple of legal reviews were done that the town office received and they were remiss in not forwarding it to the Planning Board earlier. We are at the point where the Planning Board has a meeting tomorrow night and Harry Wright, Chair and Barry Wheeler will be there to discuss it, and a resolution will be forthcoming. Harry also advised that anyone who would like to sit in on the Planning Board discussion tomorrow night is welcome.

Marlene Freyler – Right to Know:

Harry Wright, Chair advised the above touches on Marlene’s concern. Marlene handed out some information to the Selectmen. Mention was made of the signing out of tapes when requested, and Sonny Harris advised information at the State Archives must be signed out when questioned by Harry Wright, Chair. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief suggested a copy should be given to Marcia Keller, Chair of the Planning Board prior to the meeting tomorrow night, and one was left on the table for her.

Accounts Payable were reviewed and signed.

Valley Fire was thanked for the use of a discharge hose by the Highway Department, used to water some of the roads.

Harry Wright, Chair advised a Technology Committee has been suggested to help address some of the questions and concerns. Cheryl Behr advised she has questioned Bill Thompson and Andrew Pinard if they would be interested in helping along with some others to join in and upgrade the town technology. The Selectmen agree, and Jon Marden agreed to volunteer with this committee. Bill Thompson advised that one of the reasons the tapes are still being used is that the Secretary does not have a machine suitable for transcribing from the digital equipment.

Harry Wright, Chair suggested that in line with the thinking of scanning all our records beginning from current and going back chronologically he asked the Mitchell’s that since they had taken pictures of the Solitude Ridge Planning Board files would they be willing to share them. Mr. Mitchell stated that yes, he has about 200 images. The large maps are the one thing that would be difficult as he only got portions of them. Tax Maps are on digital formats per Cheryl Behr.

There are six weeks before the Budget sheets need to go out and employee reviews need to be done as well as changes to the employee benefit package. Sample personnel evaluation forms were discussed by Cheryl who stated they are more updated then previous ones. Harry Wright, Chair advised the rates for health insurance come out in November.

MS-1 was reviewed and signed.

Town Valuation on which tax rate for municipal, county and local education is computed which is three hundred ninety five million seven hundred thirty eight thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. ($395,738,390.) Without utilities it is one hundred ninety one million, six hundred ten thousand eight hundred ninety dollars ($191,610,890.) This is an increase over last year per Cheryl Behr.

Jon Marden requested the MS1 be forwarded to the Budget Committee Chair.

The Sidewalk Contract award was signed.

The Highway Department report that has been given weekly recently will not be included in the Agenda hereon per Cheryl Behr. It will continue to follow the minutes.

Edythe Craig has requested any meetings be scheduled prior to Wednesday so it can be put in the Bridge.

A revised abatement amendment was reviewed and signed.

It was stated that the town is bonded in regard to the sidewalk project. It was also stated by Cheryl Behr that an Engineer oversees the new sidewalk/bicycle installation contractor and by a Local Project Administrator (LPA) who will be herself who has been to a two day class.

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvement Project has a corrected math error, from the amount that was recorded July 31, 2012. It is now Four hundred eighty five thousand two hundred and five dollars. ($485,205.) . J. Parker and Daughters, successful bidder has Three hundred eighty six thousand eighty five dollars ($386,085.) as participating funds, and non participating funds at Ninety nine thousand one hundred twenty dollars ($99,120.). The non participating funds are for the paving and culverts etc.

There will be a Federal properly sized and defined trailer on site which will be located at the town property on the west side of the Blacksmith Shop. The debris from the torn up sidewalk and street will be taken to the dump and crushed at a later date. The bidder will take care of the debris.

George Cilley advised there is some wafer board leaning up against one of the dugouts at the ball field that needs to be taken care of. The town crew will put it away.

The Health Officer presented two letters for the Selectmen to sign.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to go into non public session per

RSA 91A-3:II, Personnel at 6:16pm. Seconded by Barry Wheeler.

Harry Wright – Yes Sonny Harris – Yes Barry Wheeler – Yes

Motion carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


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