Select Board Minutes 08.26.13



AUGUST 26, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Question was asked of Mark Goldberg if any work had begun on the Cell Tower, to which Mark advised yes, there was activity today.

Deed’s to be signed:

Cheryl advised the deeds that were signed at last week’s Selectmen’s meeting needed some word changes, therefore they were signed tonight for Map 2, Lot 28-B

Map 5, Lot 25, Map 17, Lot 49 and Map 17, Lot 48. These were for the town owned properties that were sold at public auction, and have all been paid for.

John Pfeifle advised Sonny Harris, Jim Bibbo, Eileen Kelly, Dick Keller, Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction, and he met at North Branch in Concord last Wednesday, and felt it to be a rather hostile environment. There was considerable conversation and it was decided that further investigation regarding what the relationship/obligation is with North Branch.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to disassociate the Town Hall Restoration with North Branch Builders. Seconded by John Pfeifle. No vote was taken and decision was for it to be brought up again at the next Selectmen’s meeting and Jim Bruss and Eileen Kelly will be invited to attend to discuss this motion. Much conversation ensued.

Meeting with Town of Newbury:

Cheryl Behr, John Pfeifle and Will Hurley met with the Administrator and a Selectmen in Newbury to further discuss sharing some departments, and this will be followed up with further investigating to save money between the two towns.

Cheryl Behr advised she had been in contact with PSNH regarding the Worm Farm at the land fill, and they are interested in communicating and advised there are some Grants to apply for. John Pfeifle advised he is working on designs.

In reply to a question, the Tax Maps are still being worked on.

Howlett Road:

Cheryl Behr read a letter to be forwarded to the Duffy’s in regard to Howlett Road which was approved by the Selectmen.

Craig Road:

Communication was received from Edythe Craig who is requesting the gravel part of the road be left and replace the tar portion. John Pfeifle advised he will drive out there to see what is being discussed.


The summary of the property inventory valuation was received and signed by the Selectmen.

A letter to the Rural Heritage Commission was read by Cheryl in response to a letter received last June and was signed by the Selectmen.

Signs are in for French’s Park area this week.

A Sign for Town Office location:

Suggestion was made that a sign be purchased for out front of the Community Center with the word “Temporary” show on it. This will be followed up on.

Joint Board of Selectmen’s meeting:

The next joint Selectmen’s meeting is suggested to be held on Thursday, September 26, 2013 with time and place to be announced.

Bridge Plans for Signature:

The Shoreline Permits for Breezy Hill Bridge was signed by the Chair, Harry Wright.

Status of Economic Development committee:

A meeting will be set up for the Economic Development Committee.

CIP paperwork questioned. It was stated the CIP Committee is meeting Wednesday, September 4, 2013.

Tree on Tillie Wheeler Trail is no problem.

Safety Committee will be made up of office personnel.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Police will hire another employee to replace the person, hired through the Cop Grant, who has moved on.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the August 19, 2013 minutes. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Harry Wright, chair abstained. Motion carried 2-0.

No other business to come before the Board, adjourned 6:26pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley,
