Select Board Minutes 08.08.08

AUGUST 8, 2008
9:00 AM

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 am with Andrew Pinard and Charles Meany present. Also present was Steve Lucier, Road Agent, Mike Sailer, Sailer Excavation and Marjorie Cilley, Secretary.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard, seconded by Charles Meany to send a back hoe down on Forest Street to clear out a culvert which would take about 2 hours of time per Steve Lucier, Road Agent. Also a letter needs to be written to the home owner to plant grass to keep sediment from crossing the street.

Motion carried 3-0.

Andrew Pinard gave a brief run down of the procedures leading up to this mornings meeting. The surveyor was given the undertaking of siting the new proposed highway garage, which was:

1. One was in compliance which was approved at the Special Town Meeting.

2. One was not in compliance.

Today, we are meeting to look at alternative sites.

At the August 5th, 2008 Selectmen’s meeting, there was a motion to order the building, and hold off on placement for two weeks. Andrew Pinard agreed with the ordering of the building.

Charles Meany advised concurring with the location that was approved at the Special Town Meeting.

Mike Sailer, Sailer Excavation advised it would be a lot of work to connect the new steel building to be erected to the existing wooden building.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised the State needs a 50 foot buffer in back of the building from Route 103 and there is 65 foot which would give the town 15 feet in the back they could use.

Andrew Pinard advised he is asking the other two Selectmen to take full responsibility of any and all problems with relocating the building.

At this time, everyone did a site walk

Motion was made by Charles Meany to Site the new proposed metal building to the left of the existing fuel tanks, parallel to the highway, Route 103. Peter Fenton seconded the motion. Andrew Pinard voted Nay. Motion carried 2-1.

Meeting Adjourned 9:15AM

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
