Select Board Minutes 10.11.11

OCTOBER 11, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Jack Meaney, Acting Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Harry Wright was absent.

Regular Business:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Accounts payable manifest were not available for tonight, so were not reviewed at this time.

Mold Issue:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that Representative Bass’ office returned her call, and they did not believe there would be much available in the way of funds.

Companies were contacted regarding pouring a full foundation under the Town Hall as well as people who can put a membrane down.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had received a return call from Weathercheck as Harry Wright had been trying to reach him regarding the contract for the Bement Bridge roof.

Another area Cheryl has been checking is in rentals with the help of Laura Hallahan where the town offices could be if need be. There are several in town that could be utilized. One is in the Post Office area, Stewart’s building on East Main Street and the Old Parsonage on East Main Street. It was stated that the offices do not have to be all in one place. Discussion continued.

It was reiterated that the Selectmen will make some decision at their November 1, 2011 meeting.

The following note was read in the minutes by Cheryl Behr, Administrator from Harry Wright.

October 8, 2011

Hello Cheryl-

As you know I won’t be at the select board meeting on 10/11. I have a commitment made before we decided to go to meetings every week. Following is my thinking re: town hall issues for input to the other selectmen. This is a list of events as I’d see it, with explanation of my thinking following the list:

  1. Complete the carpentry work in the PD, only to the extent of mold remediation. No new flooring, etc.
  2. One additional carpentry task: Install a trap door, if necessary for access by the vapor barrier installer.
  3. Hire the vapor barrier installer who has quoted the project for the entire first floor, for installation as soon as practical.
  4. Purchase HEPA/carbon air purifiers, one each for the Clerk’s office, PD and Selectman’s office now, to clear residual mold spores from the air.
  5. Schedule ductwork cleaning as soon as practical.
  6. Schedule another mold inspection/measurement for the entire first floor now, with another to be scheduled at a time as defined by the mold inspectors, considering the actions we’re taking.
  7. Install the drainage system from the PD to the back of the Town Hall as laid out by Jeff.
  8. Leave the PD in the trailer through step 4.
  9. Leave the remaining offices operating in the Town Hall, assuming that the mold measurement levels are acceptable (they were before), and that the vapor barrier can be installed promptly.
  10. Leave the heating system rework until next year (Jake Schock thinks his repairs from last spring will hold for another year, and Dave Pickman sees a simple reducting solution to use the other boiler if necessary).

I think this is safe, cost effective and less disruptive than any of the move options. Except for the PD, mold levels were within acceptable limits elsewhere in the building. The air purifiers (~$225 each for 400+sq.ft.) will improve the mental and physical comfort level of everyone in the offices.

There has been a lot of concern (good concern) raised about Atty. Whitelaw’s letter. I think we have been, and are, taking proactive steps to address and correct the issue.

Another reason for leaving the heating system untouched for now (10. above) is to incorporate it into a large building project. Thanks to Cheryl for her proactive research of bond cost vs. continued “patch job” repair.

A 15 year bond for $600,000 at interest rates currently available from Lake Sunapee Bank would cost ~the same per year that we are putting into spot repairs. The Town has repeatedly voted to maintain and use the Town Hall, most recently article 39 of the last warrant. The repairs defined above should leave the building functional through the winter. The bond could be in the warrant for next town meeting. Next spring a comprehensive overhaul could begin.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has been in contact with HUD and at the next round of funding, they will call her in regard to the old Marshall property to see about putting elderly housing there.

Barry Wheeler reiterated that there is a mold problem within the Town Hall and it does need to be addressed now.

General discussion continued regarding the town hall.

Bement Bridge:

The Bement Bridge is open again. Harry Wright is contacting Weathercheck to sign the contract for the roof.

The Tax Rate is still not set – still waiting for the school figures.

The Highway budget has been received along with employee reviews. Employee benefits are being worked on.


Jim Valiquet, came before the Selectmen regarding the BACC and advised the volunteers would like Liability Insurance coverage under the Town Umbrella under LGC. He stated that the BCC and Friends do have the coverage. Perhaps a mutual ground to move forward would be to make the Governance Board or whatever name they would be called a standing committee under the town umbrella, that way there would be no issue as far as liability goes.

Jack Meaney advised if there are people who are involved in that building, that would be a conflict of interest, of which there could be two such people now that are on the Governance Board. It could have an air of impropriety.

The BCC has faded away and their money which was held at the Lake Sunapee Bank is to be returned to the people who granted the Grant to be worked out per Jim Valiquet. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised this has been done, and is resolved. Jim Valiquet suggested the BACC become a committee of the town, not a commission.

Also, they would like to be able to request seed money from the Town to start up a program and the funds received from that program, off-setting revenue, would go back into the general fund.

Jack Meaney suggested they look for a line item in the budget to go to the town for a vote at town meeting. More discussion ensued. Jack Meaney suggested the BACC draft and bring to the next Selectmen’s meeting their procedures and rules and what the operating procedures will be. A vote could be done at that time.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to rescind the Recreation Commission under 35B. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-0.

Jack Meaney advised the Recreation Commission has been dissolved at this time.

Bruce Edwards advised the Community Center office is now being manned Thursday afternoons.

Also a lighted exit sign should be installed by the back door. Jack Meaney advised an electrician will be contacted.

Bruce Edwards requested to be put on the Selectmen’s Agenda at their October 18, 2011 meeting for the Mission Statement from the BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm to go into a non public meeting per RSA91A:3II (a) to discuss a welfare issue. The Secretary did not attend.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
