Select Board Minutes 10.28.13



OCTOBER 28, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Cheryl Behr stated that Budget requests from VNA at $4,787.90, and CAP for $9,000.00 are in and they are the same as last year.

Shared Services:

Harry Wright, Chair stated that an e-mail has been received from David Karrick from Warner who is also a State Representative regarding shared services. Harry had talked with him a month ago at the joint Selectmen’s meeting, and Mr. Karrick had seen the article in the paper regarding Bradford’s interest in some shared services. Warner, Webster, Andover, and Salisbury have discussed shared services and formed a committee to look into group insurances, major purchases etc. Consensus was to attend their next meeting on November 21 for additional information would be helpful.

2014 Budget Reviews:

4550    Library

Bea Howe came before the Selectmen and presented a spread sheet to the Selectmen and explained their reasons for their needs, not wants. Asking for extra money for oil to cover increase in pre-buy and a 3% wage increase. Employees are all part time, consequently receive no benefits.

John Pfeifle advised any wage increase is being worked on to become effective April 1st as it has been prior to this past year.

4619    Conservation

Seth Benowich advised their budget request is the same as last year, and discussed the Land Protection Fund, as well as the N H Association Conservation Conference, and Main Trail Maps. He provided Open Space hand outs to the Selectmen and discussed the same.

4191    Planning and Zoning

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair presented a letter to the Selectmen regarding the Code Enforcement Officer be asked to check on some non-permitted activity at Map 7, Lot 29.

Marcia also stated she had asked if the Building Department could forward a monthly summary to the Planning Board. Cheryl Behr advised she had spoken with Walter Royal who is going to get in touch with the Planning Board Chair.

Marcia Keller, Chair presented a breakdown of the Planning Board anticipated 2014 Budget with an increase in secretarial hours as well as a wage increase to cover extended work. It was also pointed out again that the secretary has no office in which to do the required work, but does much out of her home, is part time and not eligible for any benefits the town offers. The Circuit Rider who will remain on call so they can still offer their service will be at $1,000. Costs and Income were identified by Marcia Keller and explained that there is more cost for sub-divisions today from years ago as there is more required, revised paper work in response to a question.

Brooks McCandlish, ZBA Chair advised the Zoning Board had reduced their operating expense requests last year but now there are more demands so more money will be needed, however, Brooks pointed out more money will also be coming into the town.

Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Mel Pfeifle handed a Standard form of Agreement to Harry Wright from Bruss Construction who is the named Construction Manager

Mel Pfeifle also explained that the committee plus some other interested observers met with two possible Financial Planners last week, and choose Mary Boswell to work with the Town Hall Restoration Committee. There will be a Sixteen hundred dollar payment due for work performed by Ms. Boswell by the 31st of December. This will be funded by a thousand fifty dollars in pledges with the balance of Five hundred fifty dollars from the Trust Fund from the Silent Auction. Mel advised the goal is to earn more money through future fund raising, pledges, businesses, in kind donations and come back to town meeting with a very solid plan. It was also stated that LCHIP will be doing a walk through of the Town Hall before long.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the recommendation of Mary Boswell as Professional Fund Raiser for the Town Hall Restoration project for a Sixteen hundred dollar fee. Motion seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion ensued regarding a contract between the THRC and Mary Boswell.

4220                Fire Department

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised their budget is staying the same as last year at $61,500, which has stayed fairly level for the past several years. A new tanker is on request for the 2014 budget per Mark Goldberg.

Mark advised the exercise done last Sunday with several other towns participating at West Meadow Farm went very well.

Cheryl Behr advised the Transfer Station is keeping everything the same with the one exception that Ken believes the repairs should come out of the Revolving Fund. Question if general maintenance should come out of that fund.

The Selectmen will do the Budget for Patriotic Purposes.

Boston Post Cane:

Mention was made that the Boston Post Cane will be given to a resident on Sunday, November 3rd at the Community Center.

Deed for property on Liberty Hill Road was signed.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Mention was made of a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Ritter regarding not re-opening the Route 114 Breezy Hill Bridge.

Cheryl Behr will follow up on information from Mary Manville, Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance. This is part of DOT.

Follow up on other topics:

It was questioned if the guide wires around the new trees set out from the new sidewalk project should be taken down in front of the Community Center as they appear to be pretty tight now. Consensus of the Selectmen is yes they should be removed.

On September 9th, it stated that Eastman Steere property would be followed up on and question is has there been any decision? Consensus of the Selectmen was to approve Perry Teele contacting the Town Attorney to assess this concern and forego any middle person.

The barn at French’s Park was going to be checked out by the Building Inspector, has there been any decision? The Building Inspector has been contacted by the owner, per Cheryl Behr.

Question regarding the bill from the Architect for the Town Hall Restoration project for $2,187.00 and where will the money come from was asked at the October 21st Selectmen’s meeting. This will be followed up at their next meeting per Harry Wright.

Cheryl will gather a review of the money to give to the Selectmen.

The October 21st Selectmen’s meeting stated that the Building Inspection Fee Schedule will be reviewed and approved, which still needs attention.

Sonny Harris advised he had spoken to the Road Agent and someone had killed a deer on the Naughton property, and now the road has been closed.

The 18 page form # A133-2009, standard agreement between owner and Construction Manager given to Harry Wright by Mel Pfeifle, Town Hall Restoration Committee from Bruss Construction will be forwarded to the Town Attorney for review. Also, the name needs to be changed on it as signer from Eileen Kelly to the Bradford Selectmen.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the standard agreement between owner and Construction Manager upon approval by the Town Attorney and after the signature line has been changed to the Selectmen Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the October 21, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl reminded the Selectmen there will be a consultation with the Attorney on Friday at 2:30pm

It was stated that the tax rate has not been set at this time.

Motion was made seconded and carried to adjourn at 7:15PM.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
