Select Board Minutes 11.22.11

NOVEMBER 22, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said:

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30 with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Tammy Croft, LGC to discuss Insurance options:

Harry Wright, Chair introduced Tammy Croft of LGC who gave a quick overview of who LGC is, and they are the home of the NH Municipal Association which was actually their founding organization, and was founded in the 40’s. Tammy advised they are a non profit organization, governed by a 31 member board of directors, which is made up of representatives from their membership. Tammy discussed Insurance Options at length with explanations of different plans including benefits and deductibles. Tammy Croft advised there are two pools, January and July, a self funded pool, and any group under 100 enrolled employees and retirees, would fall into the 100 pool, which is generally municipalities in January. The under 100 pool did have the highest increase of the January pool. December 2, 2011 is the deadline for the January 1, 2012 changes. Tammy advised that the first of any month can be done following a 30 day notice and the rates are good for one year. Tammy asked questions of the board. Tammy advised when the Selectmen were ready; she would be available to discuss the different plans with employees. Cheryl Behr, Administrator also has alternative plans that are offered. The board thanked Tammy for her input regarding the many different plans available.

Marlene Freyler, Town Office Relocation Committee (TORC):

Marlene Freyler presented a new TORC Mission Statement, which Cheryl Behr read.

The mission and purpose of the Town Office Relocation Committee (TORC) is to determine the most cost effective and least impactful way to relocate the town offices until a decision by the voters of Bradford is made regarding the future use of the Town Hall.


  1. Relocate the Town Administrator, Selectmen’s Secretary, Town Clerk and Tax Collector & her Deputy, their equipment and files along with files for the Planning and Zoning Boards utilizing the lower level of the BACC.
  2. Maintain specific existing activities in other rooms at the BACC, e.g. CAP, meeting space, etc which are an essential part of the building’s usage and potentially increase the number of activities offered due to the building being open set hours.
  3. Buy out the existing BACC Grant so that the entire lower level may be used for town offices and other configurations may also be considered.
  4. Raise funds so that a bathroom with OSHA required amenities can be installed in the lower level of the BACC for town employees; such action is also needed to allow the BACC to be eligible for use as an emergency shelter.
  5. Investigate, if requested by the Selectmen, future options for relocating the town offices which can include the Police Department, in preparation for a time when the economy has improved and the voters of Bradford are open to considering more costly options.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Freyler, Chair

Jane Johnsen

Laura Hallahan

David Camire, Jr.

Dawn Rich, Representative for the Friends of the BACC

Revised November 18, 2011

Harry Wright, Chair questioned Marlene if this was the completion of the committee’s work to which Marlene said yes. Marlene advised there are a lot of materials on studies that have been done since 1995, but does not believe more studies are necessary. The main objective now is to pay off the Grant here to be able to use down stairs to use as town offices. Funds would be needed to install a bathroom downstairs and Marlene advised this would be included in the amount to pay off the Grant. This could be presented as a Petition Warrant Article. Harry Wright, Chair suggested that the committee is not really done at this time.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned Bruce Edwards if he had ever filed for the CDBG Grant. Bruce replied that it is on hold and just sitting there and would be 2013 before it would come due. The Application has already been sent in. Bruce Edwards advised the men’s room upstairs has no ventilation.

Harry Wright, Chair advised they hold on this for consideration. Marlene Freyler advised the committee will get back to the Selectmen with the cost. The cost to buy back the Grant was quoted as $26,000.00.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had discussed the Town using space downstairs with the Grant people, and they stated there is no problem with that.

Marlene questioned if they should record their minutes and post their meeting notices to which Harry Wright, Chair said yes, as they are a Town Committee.

Marcia Keller re: Auto Craft:

Marcia Keller re-read a letter that she had written to the Selectmen on December 11, 2006 regarding the junk yard of Auto Craft on Route 114. This is located in the residential/business district, is illegal, creates an eye sore and is a potential for another hazardous waste site. Marcia allowed that she was told back when the letter was written, 5 years ago there was an agreement between the then board of selectmen and the property owner that gradually the vehicles would be moved. Marcia respectfully suggests that a firm date is set. It is a disgrace to the town, it is unsightly driving into town and is illegal, and five years is long enough. Harry Wright, Chair questioned Cheryl Behr, Administrator if any actions were taken to which Cheryl advised she did not recall at this time. Marcia Keller advised she would appreciate it if the Selectmen would let the Planning Board know what is being done. Bruce Edwards advised it was transferred to the Code Enforcement Officer, Charles Meany at the time and the owner did start removing vehicles and was supposed to put a fence up. He was supposed to be moving three vehicles a month which was done for a short time and nothing since.

Dick Keller questioned if the Selectmen have set any time to check the drainage situation at the Town Hall, and suggested that they do before there is frost on the ground. Harry Wright, Chair advised no action has been done, but no matter what else happens there, the drainage should be addressed now. Barry Wheeler advised just shoveling could change the direction of the water and would help right now. It was questioned if the Highway Dept. could take care of this problem.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Police Station which is now in a trailer does not have water or sewer and needs to have both. A variety of alternatives are being considered at this time. Someone dropped a notice to the Dept. of Labor, and the town has 30 days to come up with a plan for a solution to the Police Station issue.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to instruct the Highway Department to divert the water from going under the police station at the Town Hall. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.


Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

RFP’s wording to post a landscaping and cleaning contract discussed and it was decided applicants could contact the town hall if interested. This includes the town’s 17 Cemeteries, Town Hall, Community Center and LaFayette Square and Fire Station with a contract running from March 1, 2012 to November 30, 2012 with all equipment and materials to be provided by the bidder for the landscaping.

The Public Notice for Custodial services for the, Community Center, Highway Office area and Fire Station for January to December 2012, tasks to be included are general custodial services, in the common areas of the Community Center, and meeting rooms at the Fire Station. Each area would need attention twice a week, with carpets cleaned spring and fall, and tile floors at the Community Center waxed as needed. Cheryl Behr, Administrator was advised to send out these RFP’s.

Intents to cut were signed for Richard Messer, Map 5, Lot 114, and Charles Meany, Map 11, Lot 49.

Police Chief, Valiquet advised KAP has filed for a lease and discussion ensued regarding if the contract should be negotiated now with the question of the use of the building until after town meeting. Suggestion was made a lease could be done now with a contingency.

The Selectmen do have to negotiate the lease being property owners.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair that the Selectmen will handle the lease negotiations for the pre-school room in the Community Center. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Jack Meaney advised he will follow through on this.

Harry Wright, Chair advised he received a letter from UNH Technology and Transfer Center noting that Jack Meaney has achieved the status of Master Roads Scholar for achievement level which is the highest the program goes.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there will be another Public Forum on the sidewalks on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 4:00pm in the Community Center, upstairs.

The Town Offices will be closed on the 24th and 25th of Nov. for the Thanksgiving holiday.

There are budgets that need to go to the Budget Committee for their December 1, 2011 meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm to Non Public per RSA 91A3II d tax repurchase.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley