ZBA Minutes 11.02.11

NOVEMBER 2, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05pm with Nancy McEachren, Andrew Pinard and Bill Glennie present. Richard Dionne and Marge Cilley, Secretary were absent.

Review and Consideration of October 5th minutes:

Since no one had their copy to peruse, Andrew Pinard recommended tabling the review of the minutes until a later meeting. Board agreed unanimously.

Amending Minutes:

Andrew Pinard questioned the process of amending minutes prior to the next meeting, and recommended any corrections be made at the next meeting to be approved or amended at that time. Comments were made that the minutes that went to the Bridge were very garbled, to which Andrew suggested that it should be made clear that these are unapproved preliminary draft minutes. Andrew Pinard further suggested if the Chair of a Board would prefer, they could add on as an addendum to the Bridge or Town Web Site, but because they are one person, they do not have the voice of the Board, and they will be edited at the next scheduled meeting.

Andrew Pinard advised that what gets posted to the website is what the Secretary sends out as Unapproved Minutes. What happens with the Secretary when they do the minutes, is when the minutes are corrected, they go in at the beginning of the next minutes, so if you want to see if there were any corrections, rather than producing two sets of documents, ( because the statutes requires that whatever minutes that are produced within that 5 business day window), those are the official minutes, not the amended minutes.

Nancy McEachern suggested taking the time to write down all the motions, even though it takes time, and hand the clerk the proposals as written.

Andrew Pinard advised if the Chair desires to review the minutes prior to the Secretary forwarding them to the Board, which has to be done within five days, he has no problem with that.

Brooks McCandlish, Chair stated that it is important to accurately state the decisions and actions that the Board takes.

Andrew Pinard recommends that the Secretary forward the minutes to the Chair so they can be reviewed and make any recommended changes at that time, incorporate them and send them out as the minutes. The Board concurred.

Rules of Procedure:

Andrew Pinard is working on the Rules of Procedures to update them, beginning with the change of meeting dates from the first Tuesday of each month to the first Wednesday of each month. Also the place needs to be changed to say a Public Building. Further discussion ensued regarding changes with suggestion being made by the Board members.

Andrew will do the recommended changes and follow up on the December 7, 2011 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting.

Andrew questioned if he could recommend when he reviews the Rules of Procedure with LGC that they change the language to refer to amended after the Public Hearing? Board concurs.

Andrew Pinard advised he will prepare a new document incorporating all the changes and have ready for the next meeting on December 7, 2011. Andrew requested any other changes the members may come up with to let him know prior to the next meeting.

Special Exceptions were discussed and worked on for updating.

Andrew Pinard will work on this updating prior to the next meeting,

Nancy McEachren questioned if there is there anything put into the approval for the Corsair Realty Application that requires the Board to do a follow up at this meeting or the next meeting? Brooks McCandlish, Chair advised before the next meeting, the Board needs to receive a Certification from the Engineer that they are following The Best Management Practices.

Andrew Pinard questioned if this meeting and Agenda was posted? Andrew suggested that perhaps a calendar for the upcoming meetings could be posted, as well as put in the Bridge.

Meeting Adjourned.