Select Board Minutes 11.18.08

NOVEMBER 18, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the November 18, 2008 meeting to order with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of November 4, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the minutes of November 4, 2008, Seconded by Peter Fenton. Andrew Pinard advised spelling of name on Page three should be Shaughnessy: Peter Fenton, Chair advised wording should be changed on page two, 5th line up under Dave Currier should read: Dave Currier reported that information they received at a meeting: was that there had been no leeching etc. Motion carried with amendments 3-0.

Review and Consideration of November 4, 2008 Non Public minutes:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to accept the non public minutes as presented. Peter Fenton, Chair seconded. Motion carried 3-0.


Solid Waste Committee:

Marcia Keller came before the Selectmen to discuss the Solid Waste, and advised they have not yet received the language from the Co-op assuring the towns they could come in at a later date without any penalty. Marcia advised a decision should be made one way or another regarding joining Single Stream, but not before the language is received. It was reported by Marcia Keller that in 2006, 35% of Bradford’s tonnage came in through the transfer station, and in 2007 it was 34%. Andrew Pinard brought up other topics including streamlining the accounting facilities, and annual dump stickers. Marcia Keller suggested that a much better job could be done at the transfer station if the enforcement of the regulations that are on the books are paid attention to. This could be done by education and many other methods. Marcia Keller questioned an on going committee as advisory and review for present regulations. Andrew Pinard advised he would be in favor of an advisory capacity, for the committee to review the existing regulations, maybe simplify and make recommendations for new ones or ways to enforce those that are already on the books. Marcia Keller advised the regulation is the one that town meeting approved a year ago, and is very detailed. Charles Meany reiterated that he would appreciate any data with recommendations to go on for a more effective running of the dump.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for recycle committee to continue as an advisory committee with their progress and to further look at providing the Selectmen with recommendations for enforcement to the implementation of policies at the transfer station. Peter Fenton, Chair seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Marcia Keller, member of the Solid Waste Committee requested any Wheelabrator data the office has at the end of the year so a comparison can be made with the other two years. Marcia also stated that the language should come in, in December, and at that point, the Co-op would probably prefer something in writing advising whether the town is interested or not. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that will be looked into at a later date.

Rescue Squad:

Rich Branch came before the Selectmen and introduced Jennifer, as Finance Officer. A letter was received from LGC which Cheryl Behr, Administrator had forwarded via an e-mail to Rich Branch outlining some requirements for Rescue Volunteers. Rich Branch advised he had run through it with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief, and it was nothing pertinent to day to day operations. Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if the Rescue Squad currently need those qualifications or does the town need to allow for that in the upcoming budget? Rich Branch advised he did not feel they needed to allow for it. At this time Rescue Squad wages were discussed. At town meeting last year, it was voted for fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for nine months, and now they are looking for a full year. It was advised that there has been an increase of calls this year by 81%. 164 calls have been made through October of this year with 111 from Bradford, 30 from Newbury, and 13 from Warner. There are now between 15 and 18 members at this time. Payment for services were discussed. Andrew Pinard spoke with a person, Dennis Allen, who does the billing from Peterborough and he would be willing to come to Bradford and make some recommendations. Charles Meany suggested that if there is some method for billing, and there is money coming back in, that it would go into the general fund, not back to the rescue squad. Discussion ensued regarding whether this would be a line item, or on as a warrant article for town meeting. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there has not been any supply bills coming in for the last few months, to which Rich Branch advised their budget was getting tight and they have been paying them out of their association money.

Conversation ensued between Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief regarding the Fire Dept. roof which is not complete, but contractor has been paid. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised he is not going to contact the roofer, Rodney Sargent, Contractor. Charles Meany requested Mark Goldberg get in touch with him, and ask him to come back and rectify the problem that you have here, and if he doesn’t then the town will deal with it further. Mark agreed to this request.

Conservation Commission:

Brooks McCandlish came before the Selectmen regarding Conservation Funds that can be used to pay another organization for, say, a conservation easement and this would require a vote at Town Meeting which would have to be worded for a warrant article, RSA 36-A:4-a, to expend the funds. Two examples of these conservation easement holders were noted: 1. Society for the Protection of N H Forests 2. Ausbun Sargent Land Trusts. Andrew Pinard suggested this be reviewed by the Town Attorney, and provided they have no issues with it, then at the next meeting make a motion to accept this, and put it on the warrant. Charles Meany suggested having it reviewed by LGC first. Brooks McCandlish also brought up that the Conservation Commission has sent out a request for qualifications with the town office overseeing them for GIS work, to operate the National Resource Inventory. In reply to a question from Charles Meany, they do have the money for this. At this time, Andrew Pinard advised that they should be aware that the select board is working with the town administrator to try to make stricter performance requirements of outside organizations or separate contractors because of recent history. Brooks McCandlish brought up the conservation easement to protect the Bradford Bog. There had been a hitch with the language in the deed which has been taken care of, and there are no more hurdles.

Parks and Recreation and Community Center Budget:

4520    Parks and Recreation

Kate Dubrowski came before the Selectmen with the budget for Parks and Recreation which was gone over and amended.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the amended amount for the Parks and Recreation budget. Seconded by Peter Fenton, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Kate Dubrowski advised they would like a warrant article for the proposed skating rink at town meeting.

4589    Community Center

Mention was made that any gifts to the town have to go through the Selectmen. The copier was discussed, having been purchased by the Friends of BACC, used by all, and it is serviced through the business where the toner and supplies are purchased. The different groups alternate in purchasing necessary printer supplies, per Kate Dubrowski.

Andrew Pinard advised they are looking at putting out to bid, all landscaping for the whole town. Program Budgets were discussed included the Farmer’s Market and the Nature’s Circle Camp. The Friend’s of the BACC will sponsor the Farmer’s Market which runs for 19 weeks, by giving money, but it would be better if it were actually run by the town per Kate Dubrowski. Other concerns discussed were a licensed scale and insurance.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the amended budget for the Community Center. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0

Discussion continued regarding the Nature’s Circle Camp which is run through the Community Center. Parks and Recreation are not involved and does not support it. More information needs to be obtained regarding this and it will be reviewed again at the December 2nd Selectmen’s meeting. Someone will be contacted to check on the condition of the roof at the Community Center.

4191    Planning and Zoning:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair came before the Selectmen regarding pursuing enforcement and prosecuting applicants who do not comply with conditions of approval as presented to them through Notice of Decisions. Money has to be available for legal procedures to enforce prosecuting, and perhaps the planning board needs their own legal fees as a line item per Charles Meany.

Discussion ensued regarding the Secretary’s budget being split between the other departments she works for, not all being applied under the Planning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board budget is ready for the Budget Committee.

Account payable and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

Fire works contract was signed.

Accountant’s management representation letter signed.

Regular Business:

Change Orders for review and signature:

Change orders listed for Sailer Contracts for the Highway Garage requested by the Building Inspector are:

1. Saw cut joints added to the concrete plan. Floor cut in segments – $364.40

2. Additional meetings requested by Ed Fowler regarding: redesign of rebar – $588.00 is being questioned by Charles Meany.

3. Additional foundation prints requested: $63.00

Compaction tests on the back fill is requested, by the Building Inspector, and is authorized by Charles Meany. Request for second payment at completion of concrete portion – $82,397.25 from which the concrete slab was deducted which will not be done, and the insulation for the radiant piping of $15,000.00, so the total being billed for as a progress payment is for $ 42,397.45 which has been authorized by Charles Meany, Clerk of the Works.

Other policies brought up were the Smoking Policy and re-designed Personnel Manual.

Notice to proceed on the West Meadow Bridge was signed. Several Transfer Station personnel complaints were discussed as Trudy Willett advised she is receiving many irate calls from people using the land fill. A letter was read into the minutes by Cheryl Behr, Administrator outlining treatment they had received. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that all letters of complaints should be put into the personnel file.

Barbara French dropped off legislation regarding an “act allowing municipalities to establish local community services and care planning boards” which she would like to come before the Selectmen to talk to them about.

The Town of Bradford newsletter was briefly discussed with a few edits prior to publishing.

Budget matters, benefits and wage issues were discussed, including the part time secretary’s hours being re-distributed between planning board, selectmen and budget committee.

4130    Executive

Motion was made, seconded and carried to forward the Executive budget to the Budget committee with the changes discussed regarding part time wages to increase by four thousand dollars in account #1400 making it $6,000.00. Motion carried 3-0

4150    Financial Administration:

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Financial Administration and forward to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0

4152    Revaluation:

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Revaluation budget with the Amendment of reducing account # 3902 to $1500.00 and forward to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0

4155    Employee Benefits:

Motion was made to approve Employee Benefits and forward to the Budget Committee with no revisions, seconded and carried. Motion carried 3-0.

4191    Planning and Zoning:

Motion was made, and seconded to approve the Planning and Zoning budget and forward to the Budget Committee with revision of reducing Acct. #2400, Seminars to $600.00. Zoning will be checked out by Cheryl Behr, Administrator. Motion carried 3-0

4194    General Government Buildings :

Motion was made and seconded to approve the General Government Building and pass to the Budget Committee with the revision to reduce Heating Oil to $20,000.00 and add Web Site at $250.00 and to hold money in inventory tag system over $3500.00, making a total budget of $49,802.00 Motion carried 3-0.

4195    Cemetery

Motion was made to approve the Cemetery Budget with the reduction of #9312 to $100.00 seconded and pass on to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0.

4196    Insurances

Motion was made to approve the Insurances budget, and to pass on to the Budget Committee, seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4199    Other General Government:

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Other General Government budget to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0.

4210    Police Department:

Motion was made to approve the Police budget, and to pass on to the Budget Committee, seconded. Discussion and wage amendments were considered. Motion carried with amendments 3-0.

4225    Rescue Squad:

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Rescue Squad budget and forward to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0.

4240    Building Department:

Motion was made to approve the Building Department budget and forward to the Budget Committee. Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4312    Highway Department:

Motion was made to approve the Highway Department budget with some amendments and forward to the Budget Committee. Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair that the town does not hire part time employees to plow snow this winter. Discussion ensued. Andrew Pinard recommended that the highway crew’s hours be changed to conventional snow removal hours which are evenings. This will be brought up at a later date.

Charles Meany advised he has sent an e-mail to the Department of Labor requesting what the requirements are for safety in town garages, such as eye wash stations etc., which may increase dollar amount needed.

4323    Solid Waste Collection:

Motion was made to approve the Solid Waste Collection and to forward to the Budget Committee. Seconded. Decision to hold until next meeting.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that the Selectmen meet on a weekly basis. No second. No vote.

4324    Solid Waste Disposal:

Motion was made to approve the Solid Waste Disposal budget with adjustments and forward to the Budget Committee. Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4445    Welfare Payments:

Motion was made to approve the Welfare Payments budget, and forward to the Budget Committee. Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4520    Parks and Recreation:

Motion was made to approve the Parks and Recreation budget and to pass to the Budget Committee. Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4589    Community Center Budget:

Motion was made to approve the Community Center Budget to include the Farmer’s Market, and forward to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0.

4619    Other Conservation:

Motion was made to approve the Other Conservation budget and forward to the Budget Committee. Peter Fenton, Chair moved to not put in Land Protection, reducing Acct. (no #) by $1000.00. Charles Meany seconded. Andrew Pinard voted no. Motion Carried 2-1.

4915    Capital Projects:

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Capital Projects budget, and forward to the Budget Committee. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go into No-Public session under RSA 91A3II at 10:45pm. Out of Non-Public session at 11:00pm

Motion to adjourn made seconded and carried at 11:05pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley