Select Board Minutes 12.06.11

DECEMBER 6, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair opened the meeting at 5:37pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary.


Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she inadvertently left two people off the Agenda.

  1. Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk/Tax Collector

2        Town Hall Restoration Committee

Budget Committee – Dick Keller:

Dick Keller gave the Selectmen an update of the Budget Committee, and what is being dealt with at the present time. The Executive Budget is up 3.5% from last year. Revaluation of Property Tax Maps $25,500.00. Dick questioned if this is a situation that does have to be updated each year? Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she will get the RSA on that. Cheryl advised she has something to bring to the Selectmen’s attention tonight that is a little more expensive, but it will provide not only updated tax maps, but it will give the general public a lot more access to them.

The Police Department Budget is down .8% but over 8% over 2010. Dick also noted that there has been no Warrant Articles received as yet.

Dick advised the Highway Budget is up 28% over last year even after the Select Board had voted to reduce it by $43,000.00.

Dick Keller advised even the 3.6% across the board pay increase in this economy may very well be a problem at Town Meeting.

Dick Keller advised at a previous Budget Committee meeting, they voted to try limiting the tax impact to Zero, by maintaining the operating budget and Warrant Articles to a level no higher than last year. As of this date, there have been No Warrant Articles, and time is getting short. A Budget Cap was also brought up.

Harry Wright, Chair questioned, do we want to fix roads, do things cost more this year than last? Health Insurance without any revisions is up 13.8%. Gasoline and oil is whatever. Harry also suggested that picking a number to match last year or the year before is wonderful, but when you get down to it it is extremely difficult. Dick Keller agreed, but when we get into Town Meeting, and have happen what happened last year, the CIP gets set back a year with the result from the voters reducing the operating budget, and knocking out the Warrant Articles for Capital Reserves.

It was suggested it is a balancing act with the economy not being very good per Dick Keller.

Mark Goldberg questioned if maybe the taxpayers should be advised what the price for the minimum services that needs to be done. Jon Marden advised there are no metrics to gauge what is actually being done, which should be available to help educate the town each year by showing accomplishments. Harry Wright, Chair advised there is something in the works to help with these records, through CNHRPC Road Management Service software at no cost to the town. This can not only include the logging of past information, but do an appraisal of the roads and devise a plan for funds going forward.

Laurie Brown – Rescue Squad:

Laurie Brown came before the Selectmen and advised the Rescue Squad has lost two members, eight new members have joined and two of them are fully trained and licensed. Two have dropped out. Henniker Rescue Squad has helped out a few day times, which has been greatly appreciated. The Budget for next year was discussed with what will or can happen to the per diem. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check this out. The rest of the Budget is roughly the same as last year and it will be ready for the next weeks Selectmen’s meeting. Laurie did state it could be around a 4% increase over last year.

Town Hall Restoration Committee – Eileen Kelly:

Eileen Kelly handed out an Update of the Town Hall Restoration Committee, dated December 6, 2011 (Attached to minutes) which Harry Wright, Chair read into the minutes.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair that the Selectmen support a Public Forum on Saturday, January 14, 2012, from 10:00am – 12:00 noon, sponsored by the Town Hall Restoration Committee at the Elementary School. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Jack Meaney questioned if the contractors would be submitting proposals to which John Greenwood advised they are checking on a conceptual plan going in phases which would be more cost effective to the town as well as allow the use of the building and it will be submitted that way.

They will know what will be presented at Town Meeting after the Town Forum, per Eileen Kelly. John Greenwood advised if the lower level is available, it would allow an extra 5000 Square Feet of usage for the town.

Harry Wright, Chair advised Barry Wheeler personally did the drainage work in the back of the Town Hall that was needed. Barry received a round of applause.

It was suggested that a Warrant Article should be forthcoming to move ahead as the Community Center is not a good fit for the town offices.

Sue Pehrson – Town Clerk Budget:

Sue Pehrson came before the Selectmen with her Budget. The increase is due to four elections this year as well as an Actuary being required. Postage is going up in January and one computer is in need of replacement. Also noted is that Conferences have gone up.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to accept the Town Clerk’s Budget as presented, seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Open RFP for Griggs/Sanborn house on East Main Street:

The following six RFP’s were opened at this time for the demolition of the house that burned on the south side of East Main Street.

1. Justin Hammond                               $22,951.00                  Including Asbestos removal

2. Naughton & Son                              $24,500.00                  No Spec on Asbestos

3. Hopkinton Forestry              $20,300.00                  Including Asbestos removal

4. N. H. Demolition                              $20,100.00                  Including Asbestos removal

5. Merzi Excavation                              $19,200.00                  Question on Asbestos

6. Concord Building Services    $22,550.00                  + $3500.00 Asbestos added

The Selectmen will go over the bids for particulars.

Accounts Payable were reviewed and signed.

Warrants were signed by the Selectmen

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Tax Maps will go on the Web Site and will include layers for Planning and Zoning, Wetlands, Sales for an additional $300.00 annually, and can be up and running in February.

The Selectmen agreed unanimously to purchase this service with Cartographics Assoc. Inc., and signed the contract.

The Website for the public to go to is:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator is going to check with PSNH regarding the street lights being on a timer.

Lake Massasecum Associates is looking for a Budget of $5,000.00 for the Boat Launch and $2,000.00 for the Milfoil project. They indicated that they would like to continue the procedure for Milfoil as they did in 2009. They may not be able to use the State again this coming year.

The Retirement Party for Dick Moore was noted for Saturday, December 10, 2011 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Appleseed Restaurant.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the town has spent the following this week:

County             $600,000

School                                      $250,000.

TAN                                        $100,000.

Replaced in Savings                  $125,000.

Solid Waste Budget is the same as last year plus the 3.6% for wage increase.

The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the Solid Waste Budget.

Welfare –Salary the same plus the 3.6% increase.

Welfare payments is up to $22,000. for this years budget, and since this is an obligation the Selectmen decided to leave as requested.

Patriotic Purposes remain the same as last year. The Selectmen approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm to go into non-public per RSA 91-A:3IIa – to discuss personnel reviews.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
