Select Board Minutes 12.14.10

DECEMBER 14, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair opened the meeting at 8:00am with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present

Peter Fenton, Chair advised the main reason for this meeting is to go over the budget.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Secretaries hours were reduced to 12 hours a week estimate rather than 14.

4130                            Executive                                              $121,400.00

Motion made by Jack Meaney to approve 4130. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Peter Fenton, Chair questioned having Holiday Banners to which Cheryl Behr advised she had spoken with Marlene Freyler who ordered them, but advised she will not get them in time.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney that all ordering needs to go through the Selectmen’s office for non-employees. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Conversation ensued regarding the Town Clock and the suggested semi annual maintenance. Peter Fenton, Chair suggested that they should present in writing some sort of proposal for the maintenance. Tom Marshall as Church Trustee, will be requested to come in and speak to the Selectmen regarding who owns the parking lot at the library and Church and present whatever paperwork they have.

4194                            General Govt Bldg.                               $ 50,400.00

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to approve #4194, Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

4225                            Rescue

The Rescue Squad will be talking with Henniker Rescue Squad regarding working together.

Hold this until next week.

4323                            Transfer Station Collection                    $ 47,850.00

It was stated that a Warrant Article for a Public Works person needs to include all job description for all departments included.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator was requested to put a letter in with the paycheck to advise the Transfer Station employees that the Selectmen have proposed a Warrant Article to create a Dept. of Public Works which will include the management of the Transfer Station.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to approve 4323, seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

4324                            Transfer Station disposal                                   $ 52,000.00

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair for #3915 be at $4500.00. Seconded by Harry Wright. Jack Meaney voted Nay, Motion Carried 2-1.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to approve 4324 at $52,000.00, Harry Wright Seconded. Jack Meaney voted Nay. Motion carried 2-1.

4441                            Welfare Administration                         $ 3,914.00

Motion was made by Peter Fenton for #1200 – wages to be set at $3,914.00. Harry Wright seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

4445                            Vendor Payments                                             $ 31,386.00

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair that commencing January 1, 2011, no bills will be paid until they are approved by the Selectmen. Jack Meaney seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to put #3900 at $18,000.00 Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney for the 4445 to be $31,386.00, seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

4520                            Parks and Rec                                                  $ 1,725.00

Discussion regarding swim program

Motion made by Peter Fenton, Chair for 4520 at $1725.00. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0

4583                            Patriotic Purposes                                             $ 14,500.00

Of the total, Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised $10,000-Fireworks, Toilets-$3500.00 and Parade, and $500.00 is for flag replacements.

Road Race numbers not reported as yet.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve Patriotic Purposes. Seconded by Peter Fenton, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

4589                            Community Center                                            $ 52,050.00

Summer Camp will be a Warrant Article. Maintenance was discussed as were landscaping, and propane. Other discussion ensued regarding bidding on landscaping, as well as maintenance.

A letter was read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator to BACC and each Selectman received a copy to peruse prior to the next Selectmen’s meeting on December 21, 2010.

Acct. #7300 generator reduced to $250.00.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to tentatively approve 4589. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion ensued regarding a RFP to go out to existing pre-schools in the area as well as being posted in the Bridge, Intertown Record and areas in town.

4619                            Other Conservation                                          $ 740.00

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve #4619, Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

4711                            Long Term Notes                                             $ 35,000.00

Unanimously approved.

4150                            Finance                                                            $ 90,262.00

Susan Pehrson presented an explanation sheet to each Selectman.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to approve 4150, seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0.

Other topics of conversation ensued including Highway budget, Capital Reserve, Furnace problems. The Rescue Dept. has a $138,000 increase or 7.3%.

Discussion ensued regarding a balance in the Police Budget and whether to persue obtaining a new Police Cruiser now or next year as is in the CIP. Also discussed was to lease/purchase.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30AM

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley